Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 868

On the day ye Fei and zhao gu sent the official video announcement, Tian Pengpo and several of them from Changping college also forwarded their blessings for the first time.

The top 10 players, including mi Ruoyun, who regretted to be 11th and stopped in the top 10, publicly forwarded and commented on ye feifa's microblog.

They didn't forward Zhao Gu's one.

After all, they are really not familiar with Zhao Gushen.

It's forwarded, and it has to be said that it's deliberately flattering.

Anyway, with strength, Changping will not give them shoes just because of this.

Thanks to their forwarding comments.

Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen things, with a supportive attitude, without a trace of mustard.

So there is less doubt.

I believe other players really don't mind Ye Fei's relationship with Zhao Gushen, and don't worry about ye Fei's achievements.

Tian Pengpo and others are proving to you with practical actions.

They believe in Ye Fei.

What outsiders question and care about.

They don't care.

The other contestants don't care. What's the strength of those outsiders?

Therefore, even if some people want to make trouble, they don't make it.

"Come on, Xiao Fei After the elders and ye Fei cheer up, they won't hinder the players backstage.

At the end of the day, we will stay with our elders.

Ye Fei then sent Zhao Gushen to the backstage door.

Zhao Gushen said: "don't put pressure on yourself."

The harder the game gets to the back.

Especially now.

The people of Changping college also need to show their real skills.

Zhao Gushen has confidence in Ye Fei.

But I don't want Ye Fei to play abnormally because of the pressure.

This is more regrettable than the failure of being inferior to others.

"I know." Ye Fei said, "in fact, the original competition, I did not think I can get the first."

"It's beyond my expectation to be able to go so far." Ye Fei said, "I didn't forget that at first I decided to compete just to make Shi Jiumei speechless."

"In order to prove to passers-by netizens and fans who support me that Shi Jiumei is smearing me, my cooking is all real material, I didn't find someone to do it for me, I made it myself, and there is no fake."

"In fact, at the beginning of the competition, I eliminated Shi Jiumei. With the promotion of the competition, I proved my cooking skills. My original goal has been achieved." Ye Fei said with a smile.

"For me, it's extra to have good results later." Ye Fei said.

"When I was in Yecheng, I used to help in the small restaurants at home, and occasionally I could go into the kitchen to cook a few dishes. At that time, my wish was to be a real cook in the future and have a restaurant of my own. "

As for the small restaurant at home, she never expected it.

Even if the restaurant is very small, ye Ning didn't pay attention to it, she didn't expect to give it to her.

Ye Ning doesn't want it and won't give it to her.

Therefore, ye Fei only wants to leave when she has finished college.

Even if there is no original with Zhao Gushen that thing, she also wants to leave the industry city.

Just because of being calculated, ye Fei can only advance the time of leaving Yecheng.

Because ye Fei knows that if she stays in Yecheng, she can't do all the things she wants to do.

Xu Huizhen and ye Ning will not allow her to pursue her dream, but will only hit her and suppress her.

I want her to continue to work for the family.

Keep her in a small restaurant or in the kitchen.

In the future, the restaurant will be handed over to Ye Ning.

It's just that ye Ning doesn't like the restaurant, so she lets Ye Fei manage it, but all the achievements are ye Ning's.

Even if ye Fei loves cooking, she has never thought of using love to generate electricity.

And the electricity is also contributed to Ye Ning.

Let yourself be under Ye Ning's control for a lifetime.

She also wants to have her own life and love.

So, a long time ago, ye Fei decided to leave Yecheng secretly when she graduated from university.

She wants to make good use of her four years in college to save money.

At least, we should be able to live in other places.

It's just that plans don't keep up with changes.

Because ye Ning and Xu Huizhen set up, she ran ahead of time.

Not enough money.

I had a very hard time in B city.

"Now come to the competition, to this step, I already feel that I am very close to my dream." Ye Fei said.

"Before I met you, when I signed up for the competition, I thought that after I had proved myself, I could start preparing for the restaurant." Ye Fei said.

"Over the years, my income as a food blogger is very high. I also pay attention to financial management and savings. I always want to use my savings to open a restaurant when my life is stable.""I've already done it. In my opinion, the budget is enough. I didn't want to open a large-scale restaurant as soon as I came. No matter what, it's accumulated step by step. "

Just like when she first came to B city, she didn't expect to become a famous food blogger later.

Even when I was just a food blogger, I didn't think I could do it.

In fact, ye Fei's cooking skills, in addition to the small restaurants in Yecheng, have ye tezhang to lay the foundation.

Also thanks to later, when I just came to B city, I worked in the back kitchen of the restaurant.

Ye Fei has learned a lot.

No matter how ye tezhang teaches, he only teaches the dishes in small restaurants.

In Yecheng small city, it's enough.

It's not a high-end restaurant.

The benchmarking is the snack bar, the big stalls.

But in this way, there is no improvement in cooking.

Ye tezhang's cooking skill is just better than that of ordinary people.

But I can't compare with a professional chef.

When ye Fei came to B city and worked in the kitchen, she learned many things that she had never touched before.

No matter from the cooking method, or knife, have made considerable progress.

At that time, the chef of the restaurant saw that she was a girl who could endure hardships more than his own apprentice.

And I really love cooking.

The chef of the restaurant took her as an apprentice.

It's a pity that ye Fei got pregnant later and couldn't continue.

Even the chef was rather sorry.

But later, the chef learned that ye Fei had become a food blogger and contacted her.

I learned that Xiaomo was a little bigger.

Ye Fei has more money than before. She can ask Yuesao to take care of Xiaomo.

The chef saw that she really loved cooking as much as she did at the beginning.

Not because of becoming a food blogger, after earning money, you don't want to research out a new product, just want to enjoy happiness.

She was introduced to a famous chef.

Of course, the chef himself can not directly let the teacher's father accept Ye Fei as an apprentice.

It still depends on Ye Fei's own efforts.