Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 865

"If there's anything I can help, just tell me." Zhuang Mingyan said with a sweet smile.

Zhao Gu Shen nodded his head at will and said, "Miss Zhuang, I don't want to see you off."

Zhuang Mingyan

Is that driving her away?

Just because she is helpful to Zhao Gushen in his career, Zhao Gushen is not polite to her. He even wants to drive her away!

Does Zhao Gushen really not care about the development of Changping at all?

Seeing that Zhao Gushen had said that, he ignored her.

Take ye Fei's hand and go.

I didn't even say goodbye to her.

There are so many Changping staff coming and going around here.

She will come often in the future!

She can't lose face here.

Let Changping staff see the joke.

Otherwise, how can she come to Changping in the future?

If you don't have to come here once, let the people of Changping laugh once?

Zhuang Mingyan can only respect herself.

She said with a smile, "I'll go first. I'll see you next time."

Finish saying, Zhuang Mingyan even if again reluctant, also can turn round to walk.

But when she came to the door, she was going to the parking lot to find her car.

Just at the door, I heard Changping staff coming out in front of her chatting.

I was just in the hall on the first floor because Zhao Gushen and ye Fei were there.

The staff are afraid to tell their gossip.

If one is not careful, it will be bad if it gets into the ears of the president of the dog.

So now that they're out of the company's door, they're going to have a bold discussion.

"The one who just came down with the President..."

"I just heard it. It's like Zhuang."

"It's Zhuang, but it doesn't look dignified at all."

"It could be pretentious."

Zhuang Mingyan

These people's mouth, how so bad!

How can she pretend!

Why isn't she dignified!

"Originally, I thought she was a client and came to talk to the president about her work."

"I noticed that she had just come to the hall with the president, and she looked very proud. It's just like she has something to do with the president. "

"Ah? I didn't notice at that time. I just thought she was a client. "

"I just thought it was a customer. When I saw the president coming down, I took a subconscious look and didn't think of anything else."

"We can't think of other possibilities. Even if I want to go elsewhere, I can't think of her relationship with the president. "

"That's to say, our president, Xiu en'ai, has never been tired of seeing him until now. He's busy enough to scatter dog food every day, and he's provoking other women? "

"You can keep your voice down. Although it's true, it's the president's temper when he hears you..." The man did not go on, just "ha ha" a smile.

Hehe what?

I feel it.

Zhuang Mingyan heard the staff from all sides discussing the matter just now.

"Harm! So we don't have to wait to get out of the door to say that? "

"Miss Zhuang doesn't know. Our president is devoted to his wife. No matter how beautiful a girl he is with, whether she is a star or a model, we don't think about it

Think about the picture of President Gou betraying Ye Fei?

And they shook their heads.

I can't think of it.

Zhuang Mingyan is more and more angry.

She went straight over the crowd to find her car.

Changping's colleagues found out that Zhuang Mingyan had been working all the time.

And I heard them all.

But they were not worried at all.

Let Zhuang Mingyan hear it.

What are you afraid of!

How can the president of the dog fail to get rid of Zhuang Mingyan?

So, people began to discuss what to eat at noon heartlessly: "I'll order a pot of pork from his family later. I've been thinking about that for a long time

This colleague's hometown is in the northeast. Every once in a while, he will miss his hometown food.

"Speaking of it, how does his family compare with your local ones?"

"It's still close, but it's close."

"I want to eat snail powder, I also deliberately brought out a small bottle of perfume, and I intend to spray it after eating." My hometown is Liuzhou.

I love snail powder very much. I want to panic if I don't eat it for a few days.

"It's a pity that there's no authentic snail powder shop in B city. It's always a little bad." The colleague said, "the soup is not fresh enough, and the spicy food here is not so strong, so the taste is always a little less."

"Ah, I really want to go to Liuzhou to taste the authentic snail powder." The colleague beside said, "I have eaten several common brands of snail powder on the market. Do you have a recommended brand? Closest to your local. ""Well..." As like as two peas, the colleague thought, "to say that the real orthodox school is exactly the same as ours, it is definitely not. After all, vegetarianism is not as good as the taste in the shop. "

"Let's say we are local. There are several famous shops, and the taste of each one is a little different. It all depends on which one you like to eat." Said the colleague.

"But according to my own taste, I prefer the conch. The soup is fresh enough and thick enough. I think it's too clear for anything else. Good huanluo. If you can't eat spicy food and don't put spicy oil, it's delicious just by its soup bag. "

"For other brands, the soup bag is transparent white soup, but the one with good huanluo is thick red soup, which is very tasty."

"Oh, yes, I'll try it."

The chatting voice of colleagues is gradually fading away.

At this time, ye Fei and Zhao Gushen walk into the elevator.

Zhao Gushen's elevator is only for him and ye Fei. No one bothers him.

The lunch Ye Fei is carrying in her hand has long been carried by Zhao Gushen.

Anyway, there was no one in the elevator. Ye Fei asked, "how did Zhuang Mingyan come down with you just now?"

"She came here today as the representative of the organizer of the international culinary competition in China, but she didn't make an appointment. Xiao ruofeng thought there might be something important, so he asked me if I could see him. I learned it was her, so I refused. "

"I thought she would leave, but I didn't expect to wait outside all the time. When I come out, she'll follow Zhao Gushen raised it and pursed his lips tightly. He was very unhappy.

"I heard what she said just now." Ye Fei said, "can she really help Changping?"

Zhao Gushen sneered: "Changping such a big group, relying on her to fly alone?"

"I advised her to dream. There was everything in the dream." Zhao Gushen said impolitely, "she is also self righteous enough."

"I don't have much insight, but I'm still conceited. I think I'm right in my analysis, and I think I'm very important in the International Association of chefs and the organizers of the international culinary competition. " Zhao Gushen said with disdain.

"But Changping doesn't care about her little rights at all."