Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 850

For example, housekeeper Hong and aunt Lin can buy two houses in B city, which is much better than those who struggle in B city.

And usually to the old house sent a lot of supplements and so on.

There are only two of them, and they can't eat that much.

Food is also waiting for expiration.

The second elder will not be stingy, and will naturally give it to the people who work in the old house.

Aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong never lack these.

You don't even have to pay for it yourself.

It's enough for them to eat just from the elder.

This is also the case with the three masters.

But even so, it depends on whether the people who work here are satisfied.

Some people are greedy, even if they get a lot, they are still unsatisfied.

I want more.

If you can't use it, you can give it to your family, resell it and earn some money.

Of course, of course, it's impossible for everyone to be like this.

However, in order to avoid possible troubles, the Zhao family directly assigned people to take care of the three elders.

They're all credible people in the family.

A lot less worry.

"Fourth uncle, like us, usually lives close to the company for the convenience of work." Zhao Gushen said.

The old house can be in the urban area of B city because of the house left from ancient times.

At that time, the house was at the root of the imperial city.

Houses like old houses are cultural and cannot be demolished for the sake of modern construction.

And this house happens to belong to the Zhao family for generations.

Therefore, the location of the old house is a special case.

But now the big villa, is impossible to build in the urban area.

It's a little bit far away.

But fortunately, it covers a large area and has a good environment.

For example, although it's a little far away, the greening in the area is particularly good.

Looking around, the grass is green.

Living here is like living in a big garden.

It's convenient for the old man to get out in the sun.

Don't need to go far, just walk in the community, also convenient.

But just because the place is a little far away, it is very inconvenient for Zhao to go to work.

While talking, the three men had come to the gate of the old man's courtyard.

Zhao Gushen pressed the doorbell.

Yefei was very nervous yesterday, mainly because she didn't know Zhao Dingye.

So before entering the old house, I was so worried.

Earlier, she followed Zhao Gushen to the old house for the first time, although it was not her first time.

The first time she went to the old house, she was still a cook.

But that time, she went as Zhao Gushen's girlfriend.

At that time, I was also very nervous.

Even later, no matter what happened, it was not as nervous as that time.

After meeting Zhao Dingye's family yesterday, I know what kind of person Zhao Dingye and Zhao GuQing are.

After ye Fei understands them, she will not have any respect or scruples for Zhao Dingye and Zhao GuQing.

It's a different mood to come here today.

Zhao Gushen has said that the three masters and Zhao theorem are very good people.

Ye Fei naturally doesn't worry.

Don't ask them to like her the first time.

Ye Fei thinks that it's not a sweet cake. Everyone has to like it.

As long as you don't hate her.

When Zhao Gushen rings the doorbell, ye Fei is not nervous.

The little guy is looking at the gate in front of him curiously.

The gate of the villa is not very high.

The security here is very good, the villas are mainly beautiful, and no deep wall courtyard is built.

In addition, the three masters have bodyguards here, so they are not afraid of thieves.

Zhao Gushen and ye Fei's height, and even directly over the door and wall, see some of the scenery in the courtyard.

That is, the little guy is small and short, so he can't see it.

After a while, a young man came over.

It's one of the bodyguards in charge of security here.

"Shen Shao, madam." Cried the young bodyguard at once.

Little guy, he's too small.

Through the door, the young bodyguard could not see the little guy.

Until I opened the door, I saw the little guy standing on the other side of Zhao Gushen.

As soon as the young bodyguard saw the little guy's appearance, he knew why he had not seen him just now.

Busy endure to smile, again call a way: "little young master is good."

"Hello, uncle." The little guy cried softly.

The voice softened the young bodyguard's heart.

I almost want the following offenders to lift the little guy up and give him a good squeeze.Zhao Gushen takes Ye Fei and the little guy through the yard and finally comes to the door.

I haven't waited for him to ring the doorbell.

The door has been opened.

What is striking is a very tall and handsome man.

Looking at him in his thirties, he was not much older than Zhao Gushen.

Ye Fei was stunned.

This man is somewhat similar to zhao gu.

It's the Zhao family.

"Fast forward, fast forward." As soon as they met, they said enthusiastically.

"Fourth uncle, how can I let you open the door in person?" Zhao Gushen said with a smile.

Ye Fei knew that the man in front of her was Zhao.

It's much younger than she thought.

Zhao Dinghuan is 55 years old, but he looks like he is in his early 40s. He is well maintained.

However, Zhao Dinghuan is also forced helpless.

Who let Chi Jingsi keep himself so tender.

Zhao Dinghuan doesn't want to go out with Chi Jingsi. When he goes out, he is mistaken for his father and daughter or uncle and nephew.

Then we have to work hard to maintain it.

Besides, I don't want Chi Jingsi to dislike him!

His wife is still pretty, so young, as a result, he became a stinky old man, how can we do that?

Because there is Chi Jingsi on the side.

Zhao Dinghuan is very diligent in maintaining himself and exercising.

Keep your body in good shape and have a handsome face.

Go out to meet don't know him, still think he is which star lad!

The fourth uncle in front of Ye Fei's eyes looks like he's only in his thirties, but he doesn't know how old he is.

If I meet Ye Fei on the road, I don't know who he is. I must think he is a star.

"This is the first time you've brought Ye Fei and Xiao Mo here." Zhao said with a smile.

Let people see that he attaches great importance to today's meeting.

It is totally different from Zhao Dingye.

If we say that Zhao Dingye has the genes of the Zhao family, we can't find out where he looks.

But it may be that Zhao Dingye has been working hard all day, concentrating on how to fight for power and profit.

Live too tired, naturally, there is no mind to maintain their appearance.

On the contrary, he was much older than Zhao Dinghuan.

The wrinkles on the face are more and deeper.

Zhao's eyes are gentle, and the eyes on Ye Fei and Xiao Mo are all kind.

Zhao Gushen takes Ye Fei and Xiao Mo to come first.

When I came in, I found that the third old man also came to the door.

It's just on the porch.

In order to make room for them to change shoes, they did not stand by the door like Zhao theorem.