Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 750

"Just pinch it casually. It's ok if someone hurts anyway." Said the third.

Zhuang Zhongyue stayed for a while before he recovered from the shock.

He immediately said, "thank you, brother Shen, thank you, sister-in-law!"

Zhuang Zhongyue is not stupid either. He doesn't believe the idiots of the Liu family.

What if I offend Zhao Gushen later?

Therefore, Zhuang Zhongyue quickly said: "brother Shen, I promise, there will be no next time."

"If my aunt and her family make mistakes again, you don't have to look at my face. You can do whatever you want!" Zhuang Zhongyue said very frankly.

He is so cheerful that Liu's face is green.

What Zhuang Zhongyue said is too righteous.

Everyone can't help but feel that Zhuang Zhongyue is a talent!

Zhao Gushen also nodded his head and said, "I remember that."

Zhuang Zhongyue said happily, "then I won't disturb you. Sister in law, I'll go to my nephew when I'm free. "

Ye Fei nodded with a smile: "OK, I'll wait for you."

Then Zhuang Zhongyue waves back to find Zhuang Wenhua and Mrs. Zhuang.

Just now, seeing Zhuang Zhongyue rush past suddenly, Zhuang Wenhua's heart all mentioned his throat.

After the matter was settled, Zhao Gushen had a good attitude towards Zhuang Zhongyue, and Zhuang Wenhua was relieved.

After the mood relaxed, Zhuang Wenhua couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth. He wanted to laugh, but also looked at his image. He was embarrassed to laugh too obviously.

But still couldn't help patting Zhuang Zhongyue on the shoulder: "you boy, OK!"

"I said that earlier. It's my brother Shen. You don't believe it all the time." Zhuang Zhongyue raised his chin and said with pride.

"Believe, we believe." Zhuang Wenhua is happy with something.

Don't look at the way Zhuang Zhongyue treated Zhao Gushen.

But his son is dogleg, there is a response!

If you don't believe it, try it!

Do you think Zhao Gushen will take care of you?

This is the skill of Zhuang Zhongyue!

After dealing with Ye Ning, Mrs. Liu and boss Liu left consciously.

I didn't say hello to anyone.

Anyway, boss Liu once had the idea of Ye Fei.

Even if it doesn't work, it's a fight.

For fear that Zhao Gushen would think of geying, Mrs. Liu was very clever and didn't give herself a sense of existence.

Ye Fei also met boss Liu for the first time.

I'm more and more glad that something went wrong.

After these people left, the party seemed to return to normal.

But everyone knows that everyone is digesting what happened just now.

The party, it's just the surface is back to normal.

Everyone maintained the appearance, and his heart had already spread.

The three of the Liu family went to compensate Zhao Gushen first.

After a good apology and guarantee, I came to the dealer again.

Mrs. Liu's heart is very complicated.

Zhuang Zhongyue, who has always looked down on him, is actually a brother to Zhao Gushen.

Today, the Liu family is able to go through this dilemma because of Zhuang Zhongyue's face.

Zhao Gushen is also willing to praise Zhuang Zhongyue.

I didn't expect that the two people who used to look at each other had already separated.

Liu sixu made trouble for his family and nearly finished it.

But Zhuang Zhongyue hugs Zhao Gushen's thigh.

Even if the look of holding the thigh is not so good-looking, but people at least hold it.

If this opportunity is given to anyone present, ask them if they like it or not.

The answer has to be yes.

"Zhong Yue, this time, thanks to you." Mrs. Liu came and said.

Zhuang Zhongyue repeatedly waved his hand: "it's also a coincidence."