Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 742

Ye Ning even took out a picture from her dinner bag.

Just because of Zhao Gushen's words just now, she has become nervous again.

When you speak, your voice trembles uncontrollably.

She held up a picture, holding back her shaking hand.

It's not big, it's just the usual size.

That is, people in the neighborhood can see better.

I can't see from a distance.

Ye Ningzhen hopes that there will be a big screen on the scene to deliver this photo to the big screen in real time, so that everyone can see clearly how bad the image of boss Liu is.

However, it's good to let Zhao Gushen see it.

"This is the man." Ye Ning said.

She is not afraid of boss Liu's revenge.

Because this is in city B and boss Liu is far away in Yecheng, what can you know about the situation here?

When boss Liu finds out, it's hard to protect himself.

He exposed Ye Fei.

Zhao Gushen will no longer protect Ye Fei, but he will not spare boss Liu lightly.

Although it's before marriage, it's not a green hat for Zhao Gushen.

But ye Fei had served this kind of man before, which was enough to make Zhao Gushen shameless.

Can Zhao Gushen let boss Liu go?

At that time, boss Liu can't protect himself. He can't afford to trouble her.

Besides, she's all in city B.

If you want to meet more difficult people, you need to enter more difficult circles.

It's not the person who can let boss Liu handle it at the beginning.

It's not easy for boss Liu to move her.

Ye Ning doesn't feel guilty about taking boss Liu as an example.

"Shen Shao, you can see clearly." Ye Ning said aloud, "Ye Fei has a son for such a man."

"She's not clean. She's insulting to the Zhao family." Ye Ning raised her voice and said, "if you are with her, she will only lose your face and the face of the Zhao family!"

"Take a good look at this man." Ye Ning said urgently.

"There must be something similar to this man in that child's face." Ye Ning said.

"Previously, I thought Ye Fei had secretly hidden the child and married you to conceal the birth of the child." Ye Ning said.

"But just now I heard you say that you and ye Fei's child are just four years old, more than five years old. When we calculate the time, we should be the same age as that child." Ye Ning said.

She said with a smile, "how can we have two children at the same time?"

"So I judge that the child you mentioned is the one ye Fei gave birth to for boss Liu."

Ye Ning took a deep breath and said, "Shen Shao, ye Fei's courage is very big! She gives other people's children, but she dares to fall on you and say it's your child. "

"In the future, that child will inherit you and the Zhao family. It's someone else's blood, but it's someone else's

Ye Ning talks more and more vigorously.

Zhao Gushen didn't say a word, but his expression was a little cold.

Only when he is said by himself, angry, now not in the mood to speak, has been holding the gas.

Ye Ning is more confident: "you might as well go back and have a look, that child and this boss Liu's facial features, can have similarities."

Ye Ning's words shocked everyone.

Although the banquet hall is big, no one dares to discuss it here.

For fear of being heard.

Even if he is not heard by Zhao Gushen or by others, it will be bad luck to spread it to Zhao Gushen.

It's not all friends here.

Some do not know, some know but are not familiar with, and some are enemies.

But no matter who it is, it's all through the belly.

No one can be credulous.

Out of caution, no one dares to speak out.

Only dare to think silently in my heart.

When I get home, I'll talk to my family.

At this time, they all thought, Zhao Gushen, this is the rhythm of being a father.

To raise children for others, we should also inherit our own property to other people's children.

Although it's not infidelity.

But they still think Zhao Gushen's head is green.

Can Zhao Gushen tolerate this?

If Zhao Gushen knew in advance, how much did he like Ye Fei?

Zhao Gushen can't find anything. He just likes Ye Fei so much. He can't bear too many things. It's a son of a bitch for thousands of years.

But if Zhao Gushen didn't know, it would be even worse.

Unconsciously, the top of my head is green.

They can no longer look at Zhao Gushen in awe!

"Bah! Like your sister When they were thinking about it in their hearts, they suddenly burst out to drink.

See a person's figure to rush up in a rage to come over.Waiting for people to stop, people recognize that it's Zhuang Zhongyue!

This boy is a famous dandy!

What kind of trouble is this?

Zhuang Wenhua and Mrs. Zhuang are confused.

They didn't stand together with Zhuang Zhongyue.

As soon as Zhuang Zhongyue came, he was dragged away by several friends.

Just chatting with his friends there.

Anyway, Zhuang Wenhua and Mrs. Zhuang didn't care.

I think young people have a lot to talk about together.

On this occasion, he is not bound.

In particular, Zhuang Zhongyue has not been very involved in the family business.

Even if we chat with the elders of these shopping malls at the banquet, I'm afraid Zhuang Zhongyue is not interested and can't get into the topic.

If this is asked some professional questions, Zhuang Zhong is more and more afraid of revealing the truth.

Therefore, Zhuang Wenhua and Mrs. Zhuang simply did not take him to those people.

More importantly, of course.

Zhuang Zhongyue has the ability to have a good relationship with Zhao Gushen.

Zhuang Wenhua felt that this is really 360 lines, line out of the champion.

Zhuang Zhongyue also has the ability, is displays the ability the place is not quite the same.

But it's all good skills.

Therefore, Zhuang Wenhua decided to treat Zhuang Zhong better.

Zhuang Zhongyue is also a person with a lot of knowledge.

Did Liu sixu offend Zhao Gushen?

Zhuang Zhongyue not only didn't offend, but also called brother Shen with Zhao Gushen!

Zhuang Wenhua felt that Zhuang Zhong was more and more appropriate.

Children are so old, so don't be too restrained at the party.

Who knows, so did not pay attention to the Kung Fu, unexpectedly called Zhuang Zhongyue jump out!

He's really faster than a dog!

Zhuang Wenhua was sweating all over.

Are you free to take part in this?

This is Zhao Gushen's family!

And maybe it's a family clown!

The one named Ye Ning deliberately chose to say it on this occasion.

Is to let Zhao Gushen and ye Fei make a fool of themselves!

This kind of thing, who participates in who dies!

Today, they all see it here. They may be hated by Zhao Gushen.

It's too late to reduce your sense of existence. How dare you stand out at this time?

Not to mention Zhuang Wenhua and Mrs. Zhuang, even Zhuang Zhongyue's friends are confused.

Some of them held out their hands and kept trying to pull Zhuang Zhongyue back.

It's a pity that Zhong Zhuang didn't take precautions at all.