Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 734

Old lady Wei continued to stare.

What are you looking at!

And face!

She now hopes that Wei Zhiqian will also be in debt when he was young.

Hurry to find it back, maybe you can also find a fat son with Zhao Gushen.

Coincidentally, after sitting for a while, the Han family also came.

Han Zhuoli comes with Lu man and the children.

Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya also came.

Shi Xiaoya has been out of confinement, but her daughter is too young to go out in this weather.

So I didn't bring the kids.

This greatly relieved Wei Zhiqian.

This kind of milk ball is the most lethal.

I told their old lady to look at it, but she couldn't be greedy.

Han Zhuoli's two twins are now able to walk steadily.

I'm wearing thick clothes now. I'll take off my coat when I come in.

But sweaters and pants are thick, too.

Therefore, the twins walk a little like little penguins.

Dragon and Phoenix have a tacit understanding of all toward the old lady Wei.

One side of the son's hand on the old lady Wei's knee.


Two little balls raised their heads at the same time and cried out.

It's too lethal.

Mrs. Wei's envious eyes were green.

Quickly to the arms of the two small Tuanzi, a person stuffed a red envelope.

While holding the red envelope, the two little Tuanzi kept trying to climb on Mrs. Wei's legs.

As soon as Mrs. Wei saw it, she hugged the two little balls one by one.

One person on one leg.

The two little balls have a lot of weight.

It's really heavy.

Although the meat on the body is very soft, it is actually very solid.

Two small groups sat on the old lady's legs, and the body would lean on the old lady's arms.

All of a sudden, the milk fragrance of the two also came.

Old lady Wei likes it badly.

Just want to let Wei wucai and Yan Zhiqing also hasten to give birth to a Tuanzi.

But I think Yan Zhiqing is an actor.

To have a baby, you have to be out of work for a long time.

Moreover, Yan Zhiqing is still so young, only 25 years old.

It's too early to ask her to have a baby now.

Besides, the couple just got married, so they must not be intimate enough.

So Mrs. Wei put down the idea again.

"Little mo." Cried old lady Wei suddenly.

"Granny?" The little guy looked up at Mrs. Wei.

Mrs. Wei's legs and arms are now occupied by the twins of the Han family. She has to lean down slightly and say to Xiaomo, "Granny, please do me a favor."

The little guy blinked and immediately said, "grandma, just say it!"

The little guy patted his chest very simply.

Old lady Wei said: "you go to your uncle qian'er to rub, let him touch your happiness."

Why does an old lady blink so suddenly.

However, it's not difficult to rub it.

Mentioning happiness, the little guy said that Mrs. Wei was looking for the right person.

"Granny, to tell you the truth, I'm very happy!" Said the little fellow.

"Oh?" Old lady Wei said with her heart, does she have a heart to heart with the little guy?

Listen to the little guy happy said: "our family new year's dumplings inside, a total of 8 coins, so a lot of dumplings inside, a total of 8!"

"I ate two by myself!" The little guy reached out and made a "2". "I don't have any luck."

"Good luck Wei old lady with praise, "that's more appropriate."

"In fact, it's mainly because I want your uncle Qian Er to be blessed with you." Said Mrs. Wei.

"It's like when you get married, don't you always find boys to roll out of bed?" Old lady Wei said, "you, just go to your uncle qian'er and rub it. Maybe he can have such a lovely son as you

Little guy is a bit out of line with old lady Wei's logic.

"If you want to have a lovely son like me, don't you have to get married first?" The little guy looked back and sat on the stool. Poor Wei Zhiqian asked his soul, "but Uncle qian'er doesn't even have a girlfriend."

"Don't talk about girlfriends. There's not even a single girl who can talk." Said the little fellow.

How did he know?Zhao Gushen is Wei Zhiqian's good brother!

Can we not be clear about the dynamic of Wei Zhiqian?

Moreover, he and Qi Youxuan have their own wechat group called 8 to the nth power.

Children can also exchange information with each other, can't they?

At home, I heard from my dads about Wei Zhiqian's emotional problems.

All in the group exchange, exchange information.

Little guy knows a lot.

Old lady: "I'm not sure."

Small Mo this words can tie a heart.

There are children playing and adults chatting in the room, which is quite noisy.

So Wei Zhiqian did not hear Xiaomo's words.

Just in old lady Wei again denounced and despised stare over, innocent look back.

What happened to him?

Wei Zhiqian thinks that it's too hard to pass this year.

"It's not..." The old lady thought hard and decided to tell the truth, "it's not thinking that if you are lucky, maybe you can meet someone like your father and have a lovely child?"

It dawned on the little guy.

But he thought, not everyone can have his father's good luck.

I can meet such a good wife as Xiao Fei and such a smart and lovely child.

The most important thing is that the meeting between Dad and Xiao Fei depends on his cleverness and loveliness.

My parents didn't have a chance. It's all up to him!

Not to mention whether uncle qian'er has the ability to find a girl to get pregnant before she gets married.

What if the kid isn't as smart as he is?

However, the little guy was very kind and didn't break old lady Wei's slim hope.

Nodding to Mrs. Wei, "OK, I'll go now to rub uncle qian'er."

Finish saying, neat turn round, ran toward Wei Zhiqian past.

Wei Zhiqian

This little guy looks like he's in trouble. He's running towards him. What do you mean?

"Uncle qianer." The little guy ran over and directly climbed to Wei Zhiqian's lap and sat down.

"What's the matter?" Wei Zhiqian asked with a confused face.

"I'll rub it for you." Little guy said, cerebellum bag melon on top of Wei Zhiqian's chest, rub to rub.

“……” Wei Zhiqian was flustered by the little guy, "what are you rubbing?"

"Granny said, just like getting married and looking for children to get out of bed, I rub against you. I hope you can find a lovely child like me earlier." Said the little fellow.