Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 732

Ye Fei can't help looking at Zhao Gushen.

As far as Zhao Gushen's temperament is concerned, ye Fei knows very well.

You can do anything for your brother at the critical moment.

But when it's OK, you can cut in two brothers.

Therefore, Zhao Gushen's good brother and ye Fei are not convinced. How could Zhao Gushen be so considerate of Wei Zhiqian at this time.

Sure enough, Zhao Gushen explained: "there are so many people hula, and old lady Wei can't care about it. How could she see so many children? "

"What's more, you've been married many years earlier. It's not surprising that Mrs. Wei has been watching these children for so many years. The old lady has been able to peacefully accept your marriage and birth, even without any inner disturbance. " Zhao Gushen said.

Qi Chengzhi

Qi Chenglin

They seem to understand what Zhao Gushen means.

Listen to Zhao Gushen continue to say: "unlike Xiaofei and Xiaomo, old lady Wei contact is not much."

"Once upon a time, old ladies took old Chu as the bottom line." Zhao Gushen said.

Old Chu, naturally speaking, is Chu Zhaoyang.

Chu Zhaoyang suffered from depression because of his childhood experience.

Although he got better later, Chu still didn't like to talk because of his bad memory and experience.

You can say a word without saying two.

If you can say two words, you don't have to say three.

I never say what I think.

Every day with a face, like facial paralysis, no expression.

It's not easy to be close to someone, let alone make a girlfriend or something.

Although the old ladies love Chu Zhaoyang, they all have a tacit understanding that Chu Zhaoyang's temperament is probably the last of them to take off the list.

Not to mention the last off single, can find a girlfriend, it must be a good thank God.

Who knows, Chu Zhaoyang married earlier than Han Zhuoli.

Who can think of that.

At the beginning, Mrs. Han was greatly stimulated and beat Han Zhuoli.

Without the bottom line of Chu Zhaoyang.

It's hard to say who will take off the order in the end.

At present, Wei Zhiqian is more likely to get rid of the bill in the end.

"Then you all got married one by one." Zhao gu deep hook hook lips, "old lady Wei's final bottom line has become me and old Qin."

"Now that I'm married, old lady Wei can't even kill QIANZI?" Zhao Gushen said with a smile, "after all, there is not much time left for QIANZI."

"Because I just got married. Although I'm so old, I've just met each other. They're still fresh." Zhao Gushen said.

Small Mo covers his face to squeeze.

These days eat a little more, small Mo feel his face seems to be a lot more round than before.

Two small hands in two gills squeeze, feel softer than before.

I heard what Zhao Gushen said again.

Little mo suddenly felt that he was like a piggy ready to be slaughtered.

"A lot of people don't show our family." Zhao Gushen said, "there are fewer people, showing Xiaofei and Xiaomo. Remind old lady Wei that even I am married."

Zhao Gushen laughed unkindly: "Qian Zi can't be killed?"

Don't know how, hear this, small Mo subconsciously covered his fart.

I began to think about whether I had offended Zhao Gushen recently.

Otherwise, Zhao Gushen's revenge can't be regarded as good, and he can't be regarded as good without revenge.

If you're not careful, he'll have to be whipped!

Think so, small Mo is about to cry out.

It seems that he has been pushing backwards since this morning. He has been trying to be on the verge of death.

All of them had already quietly ordered a wax for Wei Zhiqian.

It's a big new year's day. Who's the trouble.

So they set out together to go to Wei's old house.

When I arrived at Wei's old house, I saw that Wei wucai and Yan Zhiqing were also there.

After Yan Zhiqing married Wei wucai, she naturally spent new year's Eve with the Wei family.

Today, I am also in the old house.

Fortunately, there are Yanbei city and Lin Chu accompanying the second elder of Yan Family for the Spring Festival, and there are children making a lot of noise in the old house, so it is still lively.

When waiting for the second day of junior high school, Yan Zhiqing will take Wei wucai back to Yan's old house for the new year.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Mrs. Wei sitting on the sofa, with Yan Zhiqing on the left and Wei wucai on the right.

Mrs. Wei's face was full of laughter.

Mr. Wei is sitting on the sofa.

He is not as close to Yan Zhiqing as old lady Wei.

And he a big man son, even if is to Wei wucai, also can't do so intimate meat hemp appearance.So he sat on the single sofa, no such trouble.

Wei Zhiqian's parents and Wei wucai's parents occupy a long sofa opposite.

Four people are chatting.

Poor Wei Zhiqian, as if he had been pushed out, dragged a chair and sat on one side.

In this regard, even Wei Zhiqian's mother, Mrs. Wei, did not feel distressed.

According to Mrs. Wei's words, he is the only single dog in the room. What's the qualification to sit on the sofa?

Just stay away!

How can a single dog be equal to a man.

Mrs. Wei also thinks it makes sense.

Now she envies Wei Hezhang and Dong Muping.

I feel that they have really made it. Their sons are married. Are their grandchildren and daughters far away?

Before, Wei wucai had no choice in Lanshan courtyard.

One is far away, Wei and Zhang and Dong Muping can not reach.

Another is really because of the heavy task of Lanshan courtyard. How can Wei wucai have time to fall in love?

I don't even have time for a blind date.

Even if we do, it's useless to have no time to get along with each other.

When Wei wucai retreats from Lanshan courtyard, it's better to go on a blind date or fall in love naturally.

It's going to take years to get married?

In particular, Wei wucai's mouth is very poisonous, and his mouth is to note the rhythm of solitary life.

I don't know how many girls he took away.

Mrs. Wei felt that although Wei Zhiqian's EQ was poor, at least his mouth was not poisonous.

It's no more difficult to find than Wei wucai.

Unfortunately, when Wei wucai was in Lanshan courtyard, Wei Zhiqian had a lot of opportunities to find a girlfriend. He had more time than Wei wucai.

Just wait until Wei wucai has retired, but he hasn't found it yet.

The speed of Wei wucai is much faster.

When he was about to retire, he caught up with Yan Zhiqing.

At the beginning, Wei wucai and Yan Zhiqing were still a pair of enemies. They didn't see each other right.

People like Wei wucai can catch up with people and get married. It's very fast.

Look at Wei Zhiqian again. He has so much spare time and opportunity to catch up with Wei wucai.

So it's a waste!

Therefore, compared with Wei wucai, even his mother, he didn't like to see Wei Zhiqian very much.

Now, Zhao Gushen is coming to pay New Year's greetings.