Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 728

"How did you wake up?" Ye Fei asked in a low voice.

Instead of answering, Zhao Gu Shen asked, "why did you wake up so early?"

He has a little guy on him, so he can't turn around.

I can only turn my head and see the time on the wall.

"It's only seven o'clock." Zhao Gushen said.

His voice was still hoarse.

Listen, it's not a state of waking up naturally and going back to sleep at any time.

"I got up to prepare breakfast." Ye Fei said, "it's too early now. Aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong may not be able to come back."

"Then order a takeout. You can sleep a little longer." Zhao Gushen said.

I didn't really lie in bed until 2:30 in the middle of the night. Now I've only slept for more than four hours.

"In the early morning of the first day of the new year, which take out shop is open?" Ye Fei said with a smile.

Even businesses open on the first day of junior high school, but because it's holiday time, it will start business later than usual.

Few stores open so early.

There are also very few.

When ordering takeout, it depends on the distance and whether it exceeds the delivery distance.

Even if it's too far away, it's still a small matter when the food is cold, and it's not delicious.

"I'm awake anyway." Ye Fei said with a smile.

At this time, Xiaomo was awakened by their rustling voice.

The little guy rubbed his eyes and found that he didn't know when to lean on Ye Fei.

The little guy was so surprised that he met such a good thing as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Xiao Fei!" The little guy immediately released the hand hanging on Zhao Gushen's body and turned to throw it into Ye Fei's arms.

Hold Ye Fei tightly.

Ye Fei then bowed her head and gave him a kiss on the face: "you continue to sleep. When breakfast is ready, I'll call you again."

Little mo pouts her lips and kisses Ye Fei on the cheek, which releases her.

Ye Fei gets up and goes to change.

All the new clothes for the new year are in her room with Zhao Gushen.

So ye Fei went to the next room first. She and Zhao Gushen's room changed into the new clothes she bought a year ago, from the beginning to the end, from the inside to the outside.

And took Zhao Gushen's clothes to Xiaomo.

I went to the main hall.

"Aunt Lin, housekeeper Hong!" What a coincidence.

As soon as I got to the main hall, I met aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong.

They are also wearing thick coats, which can be seen as new clothes for the new year.

Looking at it is a feeling of joy and a new look.

Add a lot of joy to the Spring Festival.

Looking at Aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong's present dress, I know that they have just come back.

Ye Fei then surprised a way: "how did you come so early?"

"We have nothing to do, just want to come back early." Aunt Lin explained with a smile as she walked in, "and the workers in the old house are all on holiday. There is no one. We can help if we come back early."

"Also prepare breakfast for the old house."

Aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong have been in the old house for decades.

From Zhao Gushen's memory, aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong have been in the old house.

Naturally, the relationship with the old house can't be compared with that of other ordinary workers in the old house.

"I have breakfast. It's good for you to have a rest at home." Ye Fei said.

"We are used to getting up early. When we are old, we don't get enough sleep. When we wake up early, we can't sleep any more. We also remember the old house." Aunt Lin explained.

There are still some things hard to say.

When my son gets married, it's also their small family.

It's enough to have a reunion on New Year's day.

Stay for a long time, but also boring.

Over time, there will always be various kinds of friction due to different living habits.

Therefore, aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong came back early.

It's better to leave a thought for each other than to be annoying.

"You're new here. Don't worry." Ye Fei said, "you have a rest first."

"Breakfast is very simple. I can make dumplings by myself." Ye Fei said.

"It's not going to work." Aunt Lin said immediately.

"That's my job. It's not good for you to do it there and I'll be idle here myself." Aunt Lin shook her head vigorously.

"You just came in. It's cold outside. You haven't warmed up yet." Ye Fei said as she went to pick up two cups of warm water for them, "at least warm them first."

Aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong are very embarrassed, but as ye Fei said, sit down and warm up first.

He held the warm water cup in his hand and covered it for a while.

Ye Fei went to the kitchen.

After a while, the second elder also came.Seeing aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong, she was surprised and said, "why did you come back so early again?"

In previous years, they always came back so early.

Every time before they left, the old lady would persuade them to stay at home for two days.

Even if you come back on the first day of junior high school, you don't have to worry.

Whether it's in the morning or in the afternoon, you don't have to catch an early morning.

It's hard to get back to new year's day, but you still have to spend more time with your son, daughter-in-law, and your little grandson?

"Isn't there nothing at home? We'll be back early. Otherwise, it's hard to stay at home and have nothing to do. " Aunt Lin explained.

It's better to stay at the old house.

Aunt Lin was almost warm, so she went to the kitchen to help.

Housekeeper Hong also tidied up and returned to his position.

The old lady followed her to the kitchen.

Ye Fei and aunt Lin naturally can't let the old lady do anything.

The old lady just came in to talk.

"How about your son and daughter-in-law?" The old lady grabbed a handful of melon seeds and sat on one side, knocking and asking.

"Very good." Aunt Lin said with a smile, "my little grandson is now one and a half years old. I'll show you the video later."

"Why don't you spend more time with your grandson? It's rare to have such a funny little guy." Said the old lady.

Aunt Lin sighed and said, "I don't want to hide it from you. My boy has lived in the old house since he was a child."

Because Aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong have been working in the old house, there is a special courtyard in the old house.

Their son, Hong Tianxiang, naturally lived with them in the old house since childhood.

Until I went to university, lived in school, and then graduated and rented a house.

Aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong have a good income in the old house.

Besides, they live and eat in the old houses. The usual expenses are very small and they have saved a lot of money.

He simply bought a house for Hong Tianxiang.

He lives outside by himself and can be used as a bridal chamber when he gets married.

"But it's not the same when the child is old and has a family, and he has a small family. There are differences in their living habits. " Aunt Lin said.

"We are not familiar with our daughter-in-law again. After staying for a long time, our daughter-in-law should have some opinions. Anyway, we don't have no place to go. " Aunt Lin said with a smile.