Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 718

The two dishes came out and were sent to the old house for them to taste.

And "xianzhai" has launched a special hot pot gift box of sheep and scorpion, which is also sold after freezing.

"There are so many dishes, I just need to add a few hot dishes." Ye Fei said with a smile, "I'm a cook. I'm very fast. You can go back with housekeeper Hong for the new year."

At last, it was hard to persuade aunt Lin and housekeeper Hong to leave.

Besides, aunt Lin has dealt with all the ingredients. Ye Fei really doesn't need to deal with anything.

Just start cooking.

Just as they were getting ready, Zhao Gushen and Zhao Dinghuan came back.

Because of the Spring Festival, many employees from other places ask for leave to go home a few days in advance to avoid the Spring Festival.

Home in B city, the local staff stay today.

But because it's new year's Eve, the company also leaves work early today, letting the employees go first.

Therefore, it was only half past four when Zhao Gushen and Zhao Dinghuan entered.

When they came in, they saw that the little guy was tired on the sofa.

Before playing switch, I did a lot of sports and even sweated.

The little guy's physical strength is limited, so he has no spirit now.

"Grandpa, Dad." Seeing the two people coming in, the little guy was too lazy to get up and cried weakly.

"What's the matter with you?" asked Zhao Gushen

The old lady said with a smile, "he's tired of playing now."

I didn't feel much when I was playing. Now I listen to the old lady.

He was surprised to find that he did so much exercise in the afternoon.

Although active, but do not like to do sports little guy, suddenly collapsed on the sofa.

This time, it's more exaggerated. I also stick out my tongue, like a tired dog.

Zhao Gushen

Zhao Dinghuan looked at it and couldn't smile: "you little guy, you really can make trouble."

Come over, see the little guy tired, did not hold up toss.

Instead, he bent down and rubbed the little guy's face.

"Oh, grandfather, your beard is so hard!" The little guy was rubbed by Zhao Dinghuan, pricked and itched.

The old lady saw that the young man's face was red by Zhao Dinghuan's beard.

The old lady quickly asked Zhao Dinghuan to get up: "after kissing Xiaomo, shave your beard first!"

Zhao Dinghuan felt his chin and thought it was quite clean: "I shave every morning."

"A day, also can grow a lot, don't shave the chin slippery, you are not allowed to touch the small Mo!" Said the old lady.

This time, it's rare that the old man was on the side of the old lady and said, "yes! You. Mom's right! You have to listen

Zhao Dinghuan

The old man came over again and stretched out his chin: "look at me, after shaving this morning, I shaved again at noon, and now my chin is still slippery. You can kiss me as much as you like! "

Zhao Dinghuan

Small Mo surprise of hold own small face son: "no wonder today too grandfather kisses me of time, I feel good smooth!"

"I didn't expect my grandfather to do so much for me." The little guy shook his head and boasted, "my grandfather is so sweet!"

The old man was praised by the old man and immediately shook up.

"Xiaomo is such a sweet child." The old man was very moved.

Zhao Dinghuan

What did the little guy do to be sweet?

Don't you just praise the old man?

"He can feel my chin slippery. How delicate." The old man continued to boast.

Zhao Dinghuan

Xiaomo is so beautiful that she thinks she is the favorite of Zhao family.

Looking at his reaction, how can Zhao Gu Shen not know what the boy is in the United States?

Zhao Gushen sneered and hit Xiaomo mercilessly: "you can take advantage of now to have a beauty. When you grow up, you will not be lovely, but you will not be beautiful. "

Especially when he and ye Fei give the little stranger another sister.

Who doesn't like soft little girls then!

I don't remember Xiaomo.

At that time, Xiaomo is yesterday's old dish helper.

"Xiaomo".... "

"How lovely I am now." The little guy suddenly had a sense of crisis.

He immediately extended his hand to Zhao Dinghuan: "grandfather, hug!"

"I've just come in from the outside and I'm cold." Zhao Dinghuan said, "wait for me for a moment."

Zhao Dinghuan said as he took off his coat.

I felt that the sweater in my coat was not so cold, so I quickly picked up Xiaomo.

"I don't want to hold you." Zhao Dinghuan quickly explained.After such a long time together, Zhao Dinghuan knows that this little guy is also very vindictive.

He has to explain.

Otherwise, when the little guy remembers his revenge, he won't be held.

"I'm just waiting for my clothes to warm up, or it's not good for you to cool down." Zhao Dinghuan said.

"I know!" The little guy said happily, "grandfather is considerate too!"

Zhao Dinghuan was so happy that he picked his eyebrows at the old man.

Look, the old man is not alone.

He is also considerate!

Old man: "I'm not sure."

Here, the lawsuit is like a sword.

Ye Fei decides not to get involved and goes back to the kitchen in silence.

Or kitchen safety.

Zhao Gushen thinks his son has no wife.

So he took off his coat and went to the kitchen.

Ye Fei is cutting the beef. Zhao Gushen asks, "what are you going to do tonight?"

Ye Fei smiles at him and says, "there are potted vegetables and Buddha jumping over the wall at home. Just heat them up. In addition, aunt Lin cooked a lot of bittern. "

"I'll just add a few more hot dishes. Just make tin foil beef, Dongpo meat, honey Apple roast chicken, shrimp, bean curd and steamed egg. Aunt Lin also bought emperor crab and Australian dragon. "

"The emperor crab is the freshest when it is steamed. Because the emperor crab is steamed, I'll make it sour, sweet and spicy." Ye Fei said, "another oil splashed fish."

The new year's Eve dinner also bodes well.

There are chickens and fish, more than one year after another.

It's not a rare dish, but these two dishes are indispensable to every family's table. They are auspicious and have a good meaning.

"That's all." Ye Fei said.

"Then I'll help." Zhao Gu Shen rolled a few shirt sleeves, then said.

"No need." Ye Fei says quickly, this man doesn't know these.

Does she know Zhao Gushen?

I don't know anything about the kitchen.

Although Changping is a dieter, he can't even fry an egg himself.

If you really want him to help you, you don't have to help me more.

"There are a lot of these dishes, but they are very simple. They will be ready soon. What's more, aunt Lin has dealt with all the ingredients for me. I just need to cook. "

"Then I'll be here. Say what you want me to do." Zhao Gushen does not give up said.