Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 712

Although Zhao Gushen is not in Changping now, many employees are still working overtime in the company.

If it seems to be insincere, what should the staff do when they pass it back to Zhao Gushen?

In dealing with Zhao Gushen, Zhuang Zhongyue thinks that he can't be too careful.

"Well, I'm going to Changping to get the invitation." Zhuang Zhongyue said as he went to the door to change his shoes.

But his mouth is not idle: "Dad, Dad, you see, you see, now what things have to rely on my son."

Zhuang Wenhua

"Go away!" Zhuang Wenhua can't see Zhuang Zhongyue.

Zhuang Zhongyue rushed out of the house in the roar of Zhuang Wenhua.

Zhuang Wenhua was puzzled.

Zhao Gushen thought Zhuang Zhongyue was very good.

Is this the legendary love?

Zhuang Zhongyue did not know that he was also classified as a dog by his own father.

Happy to Changping.

Xiao ruofeng is also working overtime today.

I got Zhao Gushen's letter and prepared the invitation letter early.

After receiving Zhuang Zhongyue's call, Xiao ruofeng personally sent it down.

"Oh, I'm sorry to ask you to send it down in person." Zhuang Zhongyue is very polite, "delayed your work."

Xiao ruofeng was surprised when Zhuang Zhongyue became so polite.

Zhuang Zhongyue didn't participate in the business of the company, so Xiao ruofeng didn't have much chance to contact Zhuang Zhongyue in the workplace.

However, from what he heard about Zhuang Zhongyue, it is really not up to the present.

What Xiao ruofeng heard about Zhuang Zhongyue was not spread by false or hearsay.

After all, although he had no contact with Zhuang Zhongyue, there were many people he knew.

Many of them have been in contact with Zhuang Zhongyue personally.

Just the virtue of Zhuang Zhongyue.

Xiao ruofeng's friends really didn't lie.

But after Zhuang Zhongyue was educated by Zhao Gushen, he couldn't be honest.

Although it's still fun to play, I'm more cautious.

Therefore, when Xiao ruofeng saw it, he thought it was different from what he had heard.

Xiao ruofeng thought, hearing is false, seeing is true. This is true.

The ancients did not deceive me.

"Where." Xiao ruofeng said politely, "it's not a big deal. You're too polite."

Seeing that Zhuang Zhongyue accepted the invitation, he said, "I'm sorry to trouble you with empty hands. I ordered some milk tea and cakes for you. You worked overtime."

"You wait." Without waiting for Xiao ruofeng to say anything, Zhuang Zhongyue ran to the door again and waved, "come on, send them in."

Just finished, saw a small van slowly stopped at the door of the company.

When the door opened, three people came down, and boxes of milk tea and cakes came down from the car.

"I don't call many people. I'm afraid Hula will call a group of people, which will disturb the order of the company and cause you trouble." Zhuang Zhongyue said.

"That's very kind of you." Xiao ruofeng said.

"Ah Zhuang Zhongyue waved, "Why are you polite to me! You're welcome

"Thank you very much." Xiao ruofeng said with a smile, "I'll have people move it up."

"No, don't worry. I'll send them batch by batch. It's easy." Zhuang Zhongyue said.

"No, no, No Xiao ruofeng's heart says how Zhuang Zhongyue became so polite and considerate, which makes Xiao ruofeng a little uneasy.

But in the end, Xiao ruofeng didn't fight for Zhuang Zhongyue, and let Zhuang Zhongyue ask people to send everything up.

Zhuang Zhongyue went away with the invitation after being polite again.

Xiao ruofeng's question has been kept in his heart.

If asked, Zhuang Zhongyue would tell him: "you don't know what I've been through."


when Zhuang Zhong became more and more Changping, the three members of the Liu family happened to go to the Zhuang.

And Zhuang Zhongyue just missed it.

When the three of the Liu family came in, Mrs. Liu said politely with a smile, "elder sister, the more absent is the clock?"

"He just went out. Didn't you meet him?" Mrs. Zhuang had tea served.

I didn't expect that the three members of the Liu family would come to the door for no reason, and they were so complete.

During the festival, there are two families walking around, but Mrs. Liu comes more often.

Occasionally, Liu Pingyuan will follow, but Liu's thoughts are unknown.

Liu didn't even think of today.

Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zhuang had a good relationship before they got married.

There must be a lot of quarrels between the two sisters, but even if they are sisters, they can't stop the natural affection.Like Ye Fei and ye Ning, they are in the minority.

But after getting married and having their own family, they think more about their own small family.

They all put the interests of their own small family first.

Don't even mention your own little sisters.

Especially after the two sisters get married, it is inevitable that they will keep up with each other.

When I was young, I compared the strength of the people I married and the enterprises in my family.

After giving birth to a child, they compare their children's performance and ability all the way.

If the child's gender is different, it's OK. If the child's gender is the same, there are too many to compare.

Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zhuang are no less than each other.

Although Zhuang Zhongyue and Liu sixu are not so good.

But at least Liu sixu's education is higher than Zhuang Zhong's.

The usual words of "dandy" are more used in Zhuang Zhongyue.

Like this invitation letter, the Liu family has it, but the banker doesn't.

Mrs. Liu showed off to Mrs. Zhuang early.

Inside and outside, it's Zhuang Wenhua and Zhuang Zhongyue who don't have the ability to get an invitation.

But zhuangfu was very popular.

Seeing all three of them coming tonight, Mrs. Zhuang thought it was a group of three to show off.

Mrs. Liu hesitated about the difficulties encountered by the Liu family.

Mrs. Zhuang knew that the family was not here to show off.

It's just that it's hard.

Zhao Gushen wants to deal with it. How dare they help him?

"This..." In a dilemma, Mrs. Liu turned to look at Zhuang Wenhua.

"By the way, don't you have an invitation to the dinner on the first day of junior high school?" Mrs. Liu said, "Lao Liu is going to get another one for you. It's very simple about an invitation letter."

Mrs. Zhuang looks light.

When I showed off to her before, why didn't I mention that it was just an invitation letter and didn't say that I wanted to get one for them?

Now I need his family's help, so I put it forward?

Originally, they would not care if there was something wrong with the Liu family.

But now, it's not ordinary people that the Liu family is getting into trouble.

That's Zhao Gushen.

"Don't talk about the invitation," said Mrs. Zhuang. "It seems that we help because of the invitation."

"In fact, you have an invitation, and Zhao Gushen will go that day. You might as well take this opportunity to reconcile with Zhao Gushen." Mrs. Zhuang advised.