Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 709

"Even if the program was cut off when it was broadcast, when it was recorded, the audience saw and heard it."

"You don't have to wait until the show is on the air. On the spot, the audience will spread the news. Someone will take a video, record it and send it to the Internet. "

"Now the Internet is so developed that something can spread immediately when it is sent to the Internet. So I'm not afraid that ye Fei's story can't be spread. " Ye Ning looks very smart.

"With the spread of so many audience, ye Fei's scandal will soon be known by the whole network." Ye Ning said, "so I think the recording day was a good opportunity."

"I've always wanted to find a suitable public place with a large number of people, wide spread and great influence." Ye Ning said, "thinking about it, I think it's a good day to record the program."

At this time, Liu sixu's wechat rang.

When I see the notice on the screen, it's a message from Liu Pingyuan.

Because Liu Pingyuan and Mrs. Liu are behind him to listen to his conversation with Ye Ning.

In order to make it convenient for Liu Pingyuan and Mrs. Liu to listen to their conversation clearly, Liu sixu did not deliberately lower his voice.

Of course, I didn't raise the volume on purpose.

In fact, as long as the normal voice, Liu Pingyuan and Mrs. Liu can hear clearly.

And now in the hall of the teahouse, there is no one but the waiter.

So they don't have any scruples about speaking.

Influenced by Liu's thoughts, ye Ning did not lower her voice.

"Just a moment." Liu sixu said something to Ye Ning.

I picked up my mobile phone to see the message from Liu Pingyuan.

After watching it, Liu sixu put down his mobile phone and said to Ye Ning, "I know a better chance than the day when the program was recorded."

This is the message Liu Pingyuan just sent to him.

After hearing Ye Ning's words, Liu Pingyuan also thought of going with Liu sixu.

Instead of threatening Ye Fei, let her come forward to make peace with Zhao Gushen and let Zhao Gushen stop retaliating against the Liu family.

It's better to destroy Ye Fei and let her lose the protection of the Zhao family.

If it's true as ye Ning said, the handle can really step Ye Fei directly into the ground.

At that time, Zhao's face will be damaged, and it's impossible to do anything for ye Fei.

Moreover, even if Zhao Gushen still does not let them go, because ye Fei continues to deal with their Liu family.

The elders of the Zhao family will not agree to let Zhao Gushen do harm to the interests of the Zhao family for the sake of a woman who has lost face in the Zhao family.

Therefore, Liu Pingyuan was thinking about the suitable occasion recently.

Ye Ning's vision is not good.

I think it's a good chance to record that program.

But Liu Pingyuan felt that it was not a particularly suitable occasion.

He has a better proposal.

So he quickly sent a wechat to Liu sixu.

"On the program, the audience spread it in private, which is only known by ordinary netizens. Of course, the major families will also surf the Internet, but it's not the same to know from the Internet as to hear it face to face. "

"It's hard to tell the truth through the Internet, and the Zhao family may refute it by refuting rumors. It's not that they protect Ye Fei more, but for their own face

"In this way, it's like helping Ye Fei. If the handle is made public, it is not called the handle. If her black history is made public, the Zhao family will try to clarify it for her. She doesn't have to be afraid any more, and some people will talk about this black history in the future. "

"Even if it is turned out again in the future, just take the original rumor to refute it." Liu sixu analyzed.

"What occasion do you say is appropriate?" Ye Ning said, "I can't wait too long."

"I said, I want Ye Fei to be ruined. I want her to regret it." Ye Ning said, "what I say must be done. The procrastination time is long, isn't call ye Fei joke

Let Ye Fei feel that she is just a verbal threat, can't do anything at all, more and more don't take her seriously.

Ye Ning can't stand it.

She can't stand ye Fei's contempt.

She wants to make ye Fei afraid, to make ye Fei afraid of her, pay attention to her, see her nervous!

Ye Ning is to brush Ye Fei with a sense of existence.

See Liu sixu smile, said: "there is a very suitable occasion."

"On the evening of the first day of the new year, city B will hold a dinner party. The eight families will also participate. " Liu sixu said, "usually those dinners are rarely attended by the eight families."

"Even if the participants are not important members of the eight families, they should send a representative to show their face in the name of the eight families. But in fact, those people don't have a high position in the family, and they don't have much say. "

It's no use making friends.

It's not sure who's making friends with whom.

So on that occasion, even if there are people from eight families, it's useless.No one is stupid enough to make friends.

"But only the dinner on the first night of junior high school is different." Liu sixu said, "because it is officially run, the eight families will give some face."

What the eight families have done is really hard to say.

Even if the status of the eight families, there is no need to worry about this many.

However, people will give them all the face they deserve, and they will be arrogant without relying on their own power.

This is probably the reason why the eight families are still standing, still able to maintain their own strength, but no one moves them.

They are able to judge the situation, have a sense of propriety, and do not make enemies for themselves.

"So every year on the first day of the new year, people from eight families will attend the dinner. Of course, not everyone in the family will be there If that's true, there won't be such a big venue for the dinner.

Moreover, the old men and women in the eight families will not go either.

They are old, and their seniority is there.

How can you show up easily?

And even if they don't show up, no one will think they are arrogant or anything.

It's a great honor for the eight families to attend.

Besides, even if they were the same age, their status was not as good as that of the old men and women.

Moreover, when people are older, they still ask them to attend. That's what makes it hard for them.

"Generally, they are the legitimate members of the eight families, and the heirs of this or the next one will attend. For example, Zhao Gushen, a young man with a high status in the family. " Liu said.

"This year, I heard that Zhao Gushen, Han Zhuoli and others will go. And when they go to B city, the families, big and small, have to get an invitation to attend

Zhao Gushen, Han Zhuoli and others are not insignificant young people in the eight families.

Therefore, these families outside the eight families, of course, are able to use all the opportunities, and want to get a qualification.