Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 668

"Let them in." The old man said, "to tell you the truth, I really want to meet these three people."

This family is shameless. The old man really wants to scold them face to face.

The old lady also wanted to see them.

These three people have treated Ye Fei's family badly.

"You don't have to meet them yourself." Said the old lady.

Housekeeper Hong didn't come in personally.

In addition to Ye Fei's first visit, housekeeper Hong went to meet her in person.

It completely represents the attitude of Er Lao, who is very welcome to Ye Fei.

And then, during the Spring Festival, people from eight families come to pay New Year's greetings.

Housekeeper Hong will go out in person.

As for the usual, Wei Zhiqian, if they find Zhao Gushen, they will not come to the old house.

Housekeeper Hong went out to meet the guests in person, which is the importance he attached to the guests.

After all, in the old house, in addition to the people who perform their duties, it is the second elder.

Can't you ask the elder to go out to meet him?

Housekeeper Hong is the most senior and senior person in the old house besides the second elder.

Housekeeper Hong thinks the same.

He doesn't want to pick up those shameless three.

Give them faces!

Housekeeper Hong first opened the intercom: "who is it, please?"

Xu Huizhen and ye Zezhang are nervous and speechless.

I don't know if it's their own psychological function. They both feel very impressive when they listen to housekeeper Hong's voice.

It sounds like a great housekeeper in a famous family.

Xu Huizhen tugs Ye Ning's arm, and ye Ning says, "we are ye Fei's family. I'm her sister."

Ye Ning gives way to Xu Huizhen and ye tuzhang again. "This is my parents."

Xu Huizhen quickly said: "Ye Fei's parents, too."

Housekeeper Hong's face doesn't change. Of course, ye Ning can't see housekeeper Hong's face either.

"At the door." Ye Ning said, "it's just because ye Fei and Mr. Zhao are married. We, as relatives, come to see the elder."

In the intercom, housekeeper Hong was silent for a while.

This short silence, but let Ye Ning three people are nervous.

Three people dare not out of anger, can not help but nervous.

After a while, I heard housekeeper Hong's voice: "please wait a moment."

After that, there was no reply.

Three people waiting at the door of the emergency, Xu Huizhen see interphone no sound, the other party should have been turned off.

This just whispered to Ye Ning: "is the rules of the Zhao family so big?"

Ye Ning shakes his head and doesn't reply.

Xu Huizhen said, "anyway, it's too impolite. He said, "wait a moment, but there's no reply. Leave the guests at the door."

"Even if you have money, you can't be so arrogant!" Xu Huizhen is not happy to say.

How can you hang people like this!

As a result, shortly after that, the vermilion door in front of him slowly opened.

Out came a young man.

Xu Huizhen can't help thinking, is this housekeeper Hong?

It doesn't sound so young.

"Hello, three. Please follow me." Said the young man.

Still polite to them, but not warm, a little cold.

Xu Huizhen asked curiously, "are you housekeeper Hong?"

"I'm not." The young man replied.

They can't work. They don't have that big face.

"I'm on duty at the door." Said the young man.

It's the security room staff.

It's not the bodyguard of the old house. It's responsible for watching the door.

Although it is not as outstanding as the bodyguards of the old house, it is enough to be responsible for staring at the three members of the Ye family.

Along the way, Xu Huizhen entered the Grand View Garden like granny Liu.

Everything is fresh and shocking.

The landscape of the old house's garden is really original, as if it was just like the famous family in ancient times, the family of princes and nobles.

Along the way, Xu Huizhen looked straight.

Heart said, not to mention how much money to spend when building, daily care up, spend money that is not a small amount.

In her heart, Xu Huizhen said.

It happened that there was a snow last night. The white snow spread on the rockery, which added a different kind of scenery.

Walking, Xu Huizhen suddenly saw the rockery in the atrium.

A middle-aged man is happily holding a clean shovel to make snow beside the rockery, making the snow high.

Next to the middle-aged man was a little boy.

He was wearing a wool hat, a thick down jacket and snow boots.

He was wearing little leather gloves.The little face was red with cold.

Because the skin is white, the color of frozen red is more and more obvious.

Let his small face appear crystal clear, powder carved jade general.

While the middle-aged man shoveled snow on the rockery, the little boy piled it up.

It looks like a snowman.

And that little boy, he's a little stranger.

There was a heavy snow last night, and Xiaomo was thinking about the snow in the old house.

So early in the morning, I asked Zhao Gushen to bring me the old house to play.

Zhao Gushen is also happy that this little guy has a place to go and doesn't have to pester them.

It's just that he can enjoy the world with Ye Fei.

So the couple didn't stay in the old house today. They left the little street and went out to play.

It's the gardener of the old house who shovels snow for Xiaomo. He's here to play with Xiaomo.

Xu Huizhen pulled Ye Ning and said in a low voice, "is that child the child of an old housemaid?"

Not to mention that the old house is well paid, even the servants can bring their children in.

When Xu Huizhen thought about it, she immediately felt that her family was not as good as their servants.

At least the children of domestic servants can come at will.

But what about them?

"But the child is very good-looking." Xu Huizhen whispered again.

She thought that she pulled Ye Ning behind a little bit and spoke in a low voice, so that the young man in the old house could not hear her.

But in fact, the young man could hear it clearly.

Young people walk in front, ye Ning three people can't see his expression.

The young man turned his mouth coldly.

Even their young master has not seen, do not know, still under the banner of Ye Fei Niang's family.

What a face.

The small Mo sees them to come, suddenly did not move, hides behind the gardener, observes quietly.

In order to be on guard, Zhao Gushen specially showed Xiaomo the photos of the three members of the Ye family.

Let Xiaomo see them and know who they are.

Don't go with them.

Therefore, it was not strange for Xiaomo to see them at this time.

I recognized it at a glance.

Unexpectedly, they came to the old house!

Small Mo see Xu Huizhen see come over, hurriedly to the gardener behind hide for a while.

Wait for them to walk far, small Mo hurriedly went to the phone for Zhao Gu Shen.

Zhao Gushen and ye Fei are at the cinema.

They haven't been on a real date yet.

Even before marriage, there was no serious date.