Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 663

Originally, when ye Fei was alone with Xiaomo, Li Xiaoyun would help to meet her when she couldn't leave.

But now Li Xiaoyun said that she didn't dare to pick up Xiaomo alone. She was afraid that Xiaomo might encounter some accidents on the way and she couldn't protect her well.

Li Xiaoyun was the first person who had made a conspiracy theory about the gangsters who had not yet appeared.

Ye Fei nodded: "this is good."

So the next day, they sent Xiaomo to kindergarten.

So I told the principal and Mr. Lin about it.

The headmaster and Mr. Lin immediately promised to pay attention and do it.

In fact, there is no need for Zhao Gushen and ye Fei to tell them that Zhao's golden grandson is in their kindergarten. The headmaster is really careful.

I have told you that the whole kindergarten, from teachers to security guards to cleaning aunts, must be careful.

Don't believe any stranger who claims to have anything to do with Xiaomo. Tell him for the first time that he will verify with Zhao Gushen and ye Fei.

Don't worry, let Xiaomo be picked up.

The headmaster also truthfully told Zhao Gushen and ye Fei about his previous report to the whole garden.

The headmaster has done so long ago.

Zhao Gushen was very satisfied with the president's cautious attitude.

The headmaster also seized the opportunity to let Zhao Gushen know that he really attached great importance to Xiaomo and did not dare to neglect him.

This time do not hurry to show loyalty, let Zhao Gushen know his ability and the importance of small Mo, when to wait?

Only in this way can Zhao Gushen continue to keep Xiaomo!

The headmaster doesn't know that Zhao Gushen and ye Fei have planned to let Xiaomo finish kindergarten here.

I entered Jixia university when I was in primary school.

The headmaster has always been very worried, and his heart is full of ups and downs. He has not been able to rest assured.

I'm afraid that Zhao Gushen won't be able to transfer Xiaomo to another school.

So although the Zhao family's Jin sun sun sun is really stressful in their kindergarten, the headmaster has specially strengthened the security work to avoid any harm to Xiaomo during the kindergarten.

But compared with Zhao Gushen's benefits to kindergartens, these are really nothing.

Zhao Gushen didn't bully others in the kindergarten like Wang zishuai's family. He bullied others at will by investing in the kindergarten.

Zhao Gushen's request is very simple. Let Xiaomo play happily in the kindergarten like other children.

It doesn't matter if you have a little quarrel. You don't need to be partial to strangers all the time.

Who is right is who is right, who is wrong is who is wrong.

If Xiaomo is wrong, he still criticizes him. He should find his parents. He will educate Xiaomo when he goes back.

Zhao Gushen has only one requirement to invest in the kindergarten, to ensure the safety of Xiaomo and to protect Xiaomo's childhood.

The small Mo teach good, cheerful character, distinguish right from wrong, learn all that should learn, this can.

Children of this age have spent most of their time in kindergarten.

Children at home, in front of their parents clever, but not necessarily outside.

Therefore, a large part of such education problems depend on teachers. In addition, Zhao Gushen also invested in the construction of hardware and software facilities for kindergartens.

Also for the kindergarten to lead a variety of exchange activities.

It can be said that the kindergarten Department of Jixia university can participate in any kind of exchange activities, so can their kindergarten.

They can even communicate with the kindergarten Department of Jixia University.

These resources can't be exchanged for any money, and only Zhao Gushen has such connections can he provide them with such assistance.

Compared with Zhao Gushen, the financial aid Wang zishuai's family invested in the kindergarten was really not enough. I'm very proud of it.

The headmaster knew that when Xiaomo graduated from the kindergarten, Zhao Gushen's subsidies would stop, but he still thought it would be good to keep Xiaomo until he graduated smoothly.

At least two years later, their kindergarten will be able to establish its own network in various activities and projects. Even if it is not as effective as Zhao Gushen's words, it is more likely to continue to cooperate with others in the future.

At least I have the qualification to talk about it. Unlike before, people didn't talk about it with you.

So any headmaster has to let Xiaomo be happy and comfortable in the kindergarten.

Zhao gu must be satisfied with their kindergarten.

The headmaster has worked very hard to think of danger in times of peace.

When Zhao Gushen saw that the principal was more reliable than he thought, he was relieved.

Looking at the headmaster and the teacher accompanying Xiaomo into the kindergarten, Zhao Gushen just left with Ye Fei.

Ye Ning gives Ye Fei three days to think about, and in these three days, she is not idle, running around the location of the restaurant.

After looking at several locations and the size of the restaurant, we finally selected four addresses.We have to make a decision from these four addresses and choose the one that is most satisfactory and suitable for her.

In fact, one of her favorite places is the prosperous area with large passenger flow, and there are many wanghong restaurants around.

Although many famous restaurants around will divert many guests, there must be a lot of customers queuing up in famous restaurants. There are many customers who are shopping or who happen to be looking for a restaurant nearby. They don't go to those restaurants specially. Seeing such a long line, they are not willing to wait, so they will naturally choose their restaurant.

As long as they eat well and have a good impression, the reputation of their restaurant will gradually rise.

It's just that the location is so good that there are lots of office buildings, big companies and department stores around, so the price is naturally high.

Ye Ning also has to consider the initial cost. She doesn't make money in the early stage, so she can only invest money in the restaurant all the time.

Ye Ning also has to calculate whether he can bear the investment for such a long time.

So unconsciously, it's time for her to make an appointment with Ye Fei.

In these three days, ye Ning has not selected her most satisfactory Restaurant Address.

He plans to solve Ye Fei's problem first. Until 11:30 noon, ye Ning doesn't get a call from ye Fei.

Ye Ning sneered: "it seems that you really think you're good at hiding. You have no fear."

Ye Ning turned off the screen of her mobile phone and said to herself, "Ye Fei, I gave you a chance. If you don't want to, don't blame me."

After that, ye Ning takes her mobile phone and goes to find Xu Huizhen and ye Zezhang.

Ye tuzhang and Xu Huizhen are drinking tea in their own room.

They have also played the trip to B city before, so now they have no interest in going out and shopping.

Ye Ning came in and said, "I've found a house. The house price in city B is expensive. Let's rent a house for the time being. After all, if you want to buy a decent house in B city, it will cost a lot of money. It's better to put that money into the operation of the restaurant. "