Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 659

Ye Ning clenched her teeth and said in a cold voice, "I said last night that I had something to say to you. Unfortunately, you left without listening. Today I'm here to contact you. Don't you wonder how I know your contact information? If I remember correctly, you didn't tell your parents your mobile phone number. "

Ye Fei picks eyebrows: "I'm not curious at all. It's not hard to find a mobile phone number. When you open a restaurant in Yecheng, you have some strength and know Liu sixu. Is it difficult to find a telephone number? "

Ye Ning wanted to scare Ye Fei and let her know that if she can find Ye Fei's mobile phone number, she can find out more about ye Fei.

But I didn't expect that ye Fei was not afraid at all, and even had expected it for a long time.

Is Ye Fei so confident now?

"I'll give you a minute." Ye Fei said impatiently, "a minute later, I don't care if you don't finish this, I'll hang up and pull you black."

Ye Fei looked at the time on a beautiful hour clock at the head of the bed and said, "now it's 10 seconds."

Ye Ningzhen is not sure if ye Fei is serious.

Do you dare to make her black?

But she still did not dare to gamble, had to quickly say: "I know you have a son."

Ye Fei chuckled and said sarcastically, "yes, many people know."

"Don't hold on!" Ye Ning sneered, "I mean, your son is not Zhao Gushen's, does the Zhao family know?"

Ye Ning pause, and proud analysis: "Zhao Gushen should know, after all, when he met you, when he slept with you, he knows very well. Naturally, your son is so old now, it won't be his. "

"I just don't know if Zhao Jiazhi knows." Ye Ning said, "or maybe Zhao Gushen really likes you so much, for you are willing to lie to the Zhao family."

"Let me guess what he said to the family? He said that the son belonged to you two. He said that you two knew each other early and had been together for a long time. However, there was some misunderstanding and separation. Now we meet again and find that you gave birth to such a big son to him. Am I right? "

Ye Fei picks eyebrows and thinks that ye Ning's brain is very good.

In addition to the small Mo life experience, she guessed wrong, the overall general idea is really quite right.

Of course, she and Zhao Gushen did not separate because of any misunderstanding, but after meeting again, she found that she gave birth to a son for Zhao Gushen, which is quite right.

Ye Fei sincerely said to Ye Ning, "my son is really Zhao Gushen and I, Zhao Gushen's own son. Zhao Gushen didn't lie to his family."

As for the specific Ye Fei, there's no need to explain to Ye Ning.

"Bah! I guess what's right! " Ye Ning said, "these are all the excuses Zhao Gushen said to his family. You can really climb up the pole and recognize my guess of Zhao Gushen's excuses!"

"These are not excuses. They are facts." Ye Fei said.

But ye Ning didn't believe it: "if you knew Zhao Gushen earlier, even if you were separated by misunderstanding later, you didn't misunderstand when you were together, did you? With Zhao Gushen at that time, can you still be calculated by me? Can I have no status at home, and I can't fight back even if I bully you? "

"Ye Fei, do you really think that I'm a fool, or do you think that now that you're married into the Zhao family, you can call a deer a horse and underestimate my IQ at will?"

Ye Fei turns her eyes. She hasn't underestimated Ye Ning's intelligence just now, but now she wants to underestimate it.

Tell ye Ning the truth. Ye Ning doesn't believe it.

"It's impossible that your child belongs to you and Zhao Gushen." Ye Ning said again.

Ye Fei sneered: "Oh? Who do you think I gave birth to my baby for? "

"Boss Liu." Ye Ning said firmly.

Ye Fei seems to have heard a joke, and can't believe it: "what? Can you say that again? "

Ye Fei even pinched her ears, for fear that she was listening in a hallucination, or that she couldn't hear clearly, or that she was wrong.

"I said your child belongs to boss Liu, and you gave birth to your son to boss Liu. Am I clear enough?" Ye Ning has slowed down the speed of speech, so that ye Fei can hear more clearly.

Ye Fei asked: "who is boss Liu?"

"You don't know who boss Liu is?" Ye Ning sneered, "don't be silly!"

"Before, you didn't tell Dad that five years ago, my mother and I planned you to accompany boss Liu and have a baby for him? How can you forget so soon? "Ye Ning said in a shrill voice," or are you afraid to tell Zhao Gushen to know now? "

Ye ningdun, suddenly thought: "Zhao Gushen won't be right next to you now?"

"If Zhao Gushen is next to me and hears what you say, are you afraid?" Ye Fei immediately asked.

Ye Ning's heart was cold.

If Zhao Gushen really listens to clearly, dislike Ye Fei at the same time, also can't spare her!After all, this is a shame for Zhao Gushen. How can Zhao Gushen be willing to let others know!

I'm sure I can't spare her!

"Scared?" Ye Fei said with a smile.

Although Ye Ning can't see it, she seems to be able to imagine Ye Fei's proud smile at this time.

"Don't cheat me!" Ye Ning immediately said, "with Zhao Gushen, where can you have such an attitude?"