Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 657

"And the source of their supply is very high quality. Take beef and mutton for example, the beef and mutton produced in that small area of grassland is the most delicious, and that small area is specially supplied to the restaurants of Changping group." Ye Ning said.

"There are also various kinds of fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, Hami melon, grapes and so on. Each kind of fruit is divided into many varieties, and each variety has its own origin. However, the place of origin only refers to that large area in general, and only that small piece is really delicious. "

"Another example is Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs. The really delicious Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs are only in that small area. However, there are few takeaway products in that small area because the production is limited. After each supply, there is not much left to sell. "

"Why are the high-end restaurants of Changping group so famous? In addition to Michelin star chef, in addition to the novelty of the dishes, delicacy and delicious dishes, it is impossible for other families to copy, but also because the taste of the food itself can make the dishes more excellent and make the dishes more beautiful. "

"I haven't eaten those dishes in Changping's restaurants either. I'm going to try them some time. Where do they come from and how far behind us. Even if it's just their publicity stunt, in order to attract customers, as long as we can use the same source of food materials with Changping group, our restaurant doesn't need to spend any publicity expenses at all. This is the biggest selling point of our restaurant. "

"If there are some gossipers, how can they not know the relationship between our family and the Zhao family? In this way, plus our side intentionally or unintentionally revealed some things, looking at city B, who dares to trouble our restaurant? "

Xu Huizhen said excitedly: "not only don't dare to trouble us, they have to flatter our family!"

Ye Ning nodded and said: "at that time, our family will not be the little Ye family in Yecheng. Our family can be ranked in Yecheng, but it's really fame. Those old tycoons in Yecheng don't like us at all. In Yecheng, they don't take us seriously, but they didn't expect that when we arrived in city B, our family would surpass the dragon's gate directly. Even the rich and big men in city B would treat us differently and be polite to us. "

"We are the in laws of the Zhao family. In our opinion, the rich in Yecheng are just like the upstarts in the country. They are not in the same rank with us. They are not worthy to talk to us!"

Xu Huizhen was impressed by Ye Ning's depiction of this scene. Even though her family was rich, many people in the upper class of Yecheng didn't look up to her.

After all, Yecheng is not big. In such a small place, there are only a few local rich people. The citizens of Yecheng can bring over the rich people of Yecheng.

However, because their family was an ordinary family before, and Xu Huizhen and ye tuzhang had never seen the world before, they suddenly became rich, which made ye tuzhang very uncomfortable, and he was still a little unsure when meeting people.

Xu Huizhen, on the other hand, has the feeling that the poor are getting rich, the villains are getting rich and the dogs are rising to the sky. When she meets anyone, she has to show off.

It's really a shame for ye Ning.

So later Ye Ning would not let them wander in the rich circle of Ye Cheng.

But even so, their reputation has fallen, which makes people look down on them.

Yecheng's political and business tycoons usually gossip about the Ye family behind their backs and laugh at them.

Ye Ning knows all this, and so do Xu Huizhen and ye tezhang.

Now in B city, they have become the in laws of the Zhao family. In the future, it's not that those people don't look up to them, but that they don't look up to them!

Xu Huizhen nodded her head hard and was smiling at the beautiful scene she had imagined. The folds in the corners of her eyes piled up one layer after another.

"What we're going to do next is up to you!" Xu Huizhen said immediately.

When she finished, she looked back at ye tuzhang: "what do you say? Do you agree to that? "

Ye tuzhang nodded: "I want to confirm Ye Fei's attitude. I also want to see what kind of situation she is in her mother-in-law's house. If she is so unpopular with her mother-in-law, why should she suffer such humiliation in her mother-in-law's house and come back to our house? "

Just for that little money, I'm not a person in my mother-in-law's family.

What's more, it also affects their mother's family and makes the Zhao family look down on them. How can we do that?

If that's true, he will bring ye Fei back.

We can't let her live in such a low voice in the Zhao family.

See ye tezhang also do not object, do not need to waste words to persuade him.

Xu Huizhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Ning said to Xu Huizhen, "I'll go back and check the location of the old house of the Zhao family. The second elder of the Zhao family is still here, and the right to speak at home must still be with the old men and the old women. At that time, we'll go directly to the two old men and old women who are the most trustworthy members of the Zhao family. "

"Even if we talk to Zhao Gushen's parents, don't they have to go back to discuss with their elders? Let's go straight to the biggest one. "

"To marry a daughter-in-law is to give a bride price. It's a matter of course. When we come here, the Zhao family will have to give it if they don't want to lose face." Ye Ning said, "otherwise we'll tell you about it. His Zhao family won't even give the bride price when they marry their daughter-in-law!""Don't they think our family is a disgrace?" Ye Ning sneered, "then we don't have any scruples. Let's spread it to them. Even if we are instructed by some people that we have no quality or education, it doesn't matter! Anyway, it's not only us who will be humiliated at that time, so will the Zhao family! "

"Who let him have our family? They should have thought of this when they married Ye Fei. Since they didn't look up to our family at the beginning and thought our family didn't deserve them, they should have thought that our family would do these things. Don't blame us then. Blame them for marrying Ye Fei."

Xu Huizhen didn't care for ye Fei at all. She immediately nodded: "OK, that's it!"

"You're right. If you want to find one, you can find the most effective one!" Xu Huizhen doesn't think about it at all. Once they make such a fuss, how can ye Fei deal with herself and face the people of the Zhao family?

Especially that's her husband's family. They have to get along with each other for a lifetime. They are not afraid that ye Fei is hard to do in her husband's family.

"Then check it out quickly." Xu Huizhen not only did not worry, but also urged, "find out, let's hurry."

She also hastened to get the bride price. Only when she got the money could she feel at ease.

Ye Ning nodded and went back to her room.