Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 655

"Lao ye, we gave birth to her and raised her for 19 years. Instead of giving us money, she asked us for money. I'm afraid we'll take advantage of her. Is there such a daughter?"

"I said she was a white eyed wolf, don't you believe it! Look at what she's doing now! You've been hurting her for nothing all these years! "

"You don't feel at ease when Ning Ning goes to find her. You also tell Ning Ning not to be hard on her. Oh, I don't think it's hard for her. We're good! " Xu Huizhen said, "Ning Ning has been making money to support her family all these years and never treated us badly, but what about ye Fei? She has no money. She's a rich young lady now. As a result, the richer she is, the less willing she is to deal with us. "

"We are not others. We are the parents who gave birth to her and raised her!" Xu Huizhen said more and more aggrieved, and fell into tears.

While wiping her tears, she said, "now she wants to break up with us. Is she afraid that others will know that we are his parents? "

"This white eyed wolf, we gave birth to her in vain and raised her for so many years! Lao ye, you don't care for her! "

Ye tezhang doesn't speak because he can't refute a word now.

What Xu Huizhen and ye Ning said is true.

"More than that." Ye Ning said, "Ye Fei's courage is really big."

"Why?" As soon as Xu Huizhen heard Ye Fei's two words, she was as excited as if she had beaten chicken blood.

Ye Ning said: "I think she married Zhao Gushen with her children. After all, ye Fei's children are so old that she couldn't have known Zhao Gushen as early as five years ago."

If ye Fei had known Zhao Gushen five years ago, they would not have planned to run to B city.

In other words, she must have married into the Zhao family with her children.

That child can't be Zhao Gushen's child.

Xu Huizhen thinks that ye Ning's analysis is very reasonable. As ye Ning said, ye Fei's children are all four years old. She can't have known Zhao Gushen five years ago, let alone conceived Zhao Gushen's child five years ago.

Therefore, ye Fei's child can't be Zhao Gushen's.

Xu Huizhen did not understand: "what did Zhao Gushen think? At least, he is the heir of such a big family. I haven't seen him before? How happened to take a fancy to Ye Fei, and even ye Fei has a son he doesn't mind, it doesn't matter if he likes to be a father? Is Zhao Gushen's taste so unique? "

Ye Ning hasn't figured it out yet.

She is no worse than ye Fei, and no matter what, she has no children.

It's better than ye Fei's marriage. Now I haven't even seen the shadow of a rich family.

Under the same conditions, where is she inferior to Ye Fei? Why is the difference so big?

Ye Ning first looked at ye tezhang, and then said to Xu Huizhen, "who knows what kind of ecstasy Ye Fei gave her? There are not many rumors about Zhao Gushen, but no one has ever heard of him as stupid. "

"Not only Zhao Gushen, but even the Zhao family agreed that such a woman with children would marry their Zhao family's heirs and become their next mother."

"I really doubt how long the brain circuits of the Zhao family are. They can agree to this." Xu Huizhen thought about it and asked, "do you think ye Fei is hiding something about herself?"

"The Zhao family must know our situation, because Zhao Gushen warned me this evening that we Ye family should not regard ourselves as Zhao family's in laws. The Zhao family despises our family very much. It seems that it's a great concession to promise Ye Fei to marry in. They don't intend to admit her mother's family." Ye Ning said.

"So ye Fei agrees?" Xu Huizhen asked immediately.

"There's something she can't say yes to. Anyway, it's enough for her to think only of herself. She married into the Zhao family to enjoy the splendor and wealth. She broke up with us and never admitted that we were her family. She became a person without her mother's family. But she got more from the Zhao family. What if she didn't recognize us? "

Ye tuzhang finally said, "in order to marry into the Zhao family and enjoy her wealth, she doesn't even recognize our family and her parents?"

Ye tezhang was very sad.

"How did ye Fei become like this? I really don't know her anymore. " Ye tezhang murmured.

Xu Huizhen said coldly, "maybe she has always been like this, but she had to rely on us to support her at home before, so she had to hurt herself."

"In B city, her wings are too hard to use us. Naturally, I don't want to recognize us. "

Instead, Xu Huizhen asked, "since Zhao Gushen knows about our family, is it possible that Zhao Gushen doesn't know that ye Fei has children?"

Ye Ning shook her head: "I don't think it's possible. Can't we find out with Zhao Gushen and Zhao family's skills? Ye Fei has a child so big that we all know. That child appeared in her video and hasn't been deleted. How can Zhao Gushen not know? "

"What's more, ye Fei doesn't want to hide from others. Today, at the dinner party, she said that she was married and had a son. That son could not have been born to Zhao Gushen by her. ""Not necessarily." Xu Huizhen said, "maybe the child she gave birth to was hidden. After she married Zhao Gushen, she gave birth to a son for Zhao Gushen."

"Don't think about it. No matter what, it's all speculation. If you want to confirm it, you have to wait. Now it's not interesting to speculate about it." Ye Ning some fidgety of say.

When discussing things with Xu Huizhen, Xu Huizhen always digs away from the topic, and the analysis is not on the point.

Xu Huizhen was not angry either. Instead, she said, "what are we going to do next?"

"Ye Fei married into the Zhao family, with the support of the Zhao family, if she wants to bully us, don't we have no resistance at all? Don't you want to admit that they bullied you in the future! She's married and she's going to bully her mother's family! " The more Xu Huizhen said, the more aggrieved she was.

Turning back, he went to shake Ye's arm: "Lao ye, you say it's noisy. How can ye Fei bully people like that? He bullied his mother's family. Anyway, I tell you, I can't swallow this breath! "

Ye tuzhang sighed: "I don't care if money is not enough. We live a good life and have enough money. It's just a matter of more money and less money for any rich family or ordinary family."

"But we can't afford to spend so much money. Now they have made a lot of money. Those rich families make a lot of money, but they usually can't spend so much. Our life now is beyond the reach of ordinary people, so I have no other requirements in this respect. "