Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 651

Ye Fei doesn't mind being a person who plays a big name depending on her background. Her relationship with Zhao Gushen is no secret, and she doesn't hide it.

Even to the people of Changping college, I feel sorry for them and say to them, "I didn't expect this to happen tonight, so we have to go first."

Flower words month they pour is very understand, Tian Peng breaks to nod: "it doesn't matter, anyway we also plan to receive the prize to leave."

Yu Yingyan, team ang and Xu aoliang have already received the prize. Xu aoliang said, "we are still here just to wait for them to go back to school together."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "OK, then I won't wait for you

"No problem." Huo Jiarong said frankly.

So I said goodbye to them, and ye Fei and Zhao Gushen went out.

No more words with Liu sixu and ye Ning.

I didn't even give them eyes.

Ye Ning sees this, hurriedly chases out.

"Ye Fei!" Ye Ning shouts and grabs Ye Fei's arm.

With Zhao Gushen, how can she meet Ye Fei.

Zhao Gushen directly pulls Ye Fei to the other side and lets Ye Ning pull a void.

Ye Ning's mind turns and plans to seize Zhao Gushen's arm.

But how could Zhao Gushen let her hold on to him? He dodged her hand.

He looked down in disgust at the place that she almost touched just now. Fortunately, she didn't touch it.

It's not dirty.

Ye ningdun next, and called: "Ye Fei, my parents and I have come to B city, you have time to see parents."

Ye Fei just nodded and didn't promise anything.

Seeing this, ye Ning said, "Ye Fei, I want to talk to you alone."

Ye Fei picked her eyebrows and said, "but I have nothing to tell you."

Ye Ning takes a deep breath. There is Zhao Gushen here. It's not convenient for her to say a lot.

But anyway, Liu sixu has found out Ye Fei's mobile phone number to her, and then she can send a message to Ye Fei alone, but she is not in a hurry, so as not to say anything here and make Zhao Gushen angry. Unfortunately, it's her.

Ye Ning thought about it and said, "when did you get married?"

"It's early." Ye Fei returns a way, is should and go up Zhao Gu Shen to announce to the outside world before that period concealed marriage of excuse.

"It's early. When is it?" Ye Ning asked.

"Let's go." Zhao Gushen urged on one side.

When Zhao Gushen opens his mouth, ye Ning does not dare to say anything.

Seeing Zhao Gushen and ye Fei turn around, she is still unwilling to ask: "Ye Fei, you should say something to your family when you get married! As members of your mother's family, we know nothing about your marriage until today. Isn't that right? "

She wants to see how ye Fei answers this.

Can't you just cut off contact with their family here?

"I won't let her say it." But did not expect, ye Fei did not answer, Zhao Gushen first mouth.

Ye Ning looks at Zhao Gushen in surprise.

Ye Fei didn't expect that Zhao Gushen would say that, but she still held back the surprise on her face as if she had known for a long time.

At this time, only she could feel that when Zhao Gushen said this, he squeezed her hand and gave Ye Fei a hint.

Therefore, ye Fei pays more attention to control her expression.

Zhao Gushen continued: "what's the situation in your family? I think you know very well that in your ordinary family, her parents are not on the stage. It's her blessing that ye Fei can marry into the Zhao family. "

"Our family has made the biggest concession to accept her. It's impossible to have anything to do with her mother's family any more. My family doesn't want to be stuck by ordinary people like you. I don't want to give you any benefits."

"So after ye Fei married in, she was taken care of by the Zhao family. She can't get in touch with her mother's family any more. It's just a coincidence today, but it doesn't mean that you can have anything to do with our family. Our Zhao family can't be as high as you and other people's families. If you go out later, don't pretend to be Zhao's in laws, because we are ashamed. "

"If I heard that someone who claimed to be the Ye family claimed to be the in laws of the Zhao family, don't blame me for being rude."

Zhao Gushen said ruthlessly, but ye Ning felt that it was just a little bit normal.

It's a very abnormal thing for ye Fei to marry into the Zhao family. Now ye Fei's mother's family is rejected by the Zhao family, which is in line with the common sense.

Although this mother's family is Ye Ning's, that is to say, all her family members, including herself, are despised by the Zhao family.

But ye Ning still feels more balanced, because if you look at it like this, ye Fei's status in the Zhao family is not very good.

Should not be very popular, not as good as ordinary people think.

Ye Ning turns to ask Ye Fei: "Ye Fei, in order to marry into the Zhao family and enjoy your own prosperity, don't you even recognize your family? Not even my parents and sister? "Ye Fei seems to be afraid of Zhao Gushen. She shrinks to look at Zhao Gushen, and then shakes her head weakly: "I don't know if it will be like this. Zhao Gushen doesn't say anything any more and pulls Ye Fei away."

Ye Ning thought for a while, did not catch up with, also did not stop her.

At this time, I just watched Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen get into the car and watch them drive away.

Ye Ning droops her eyes and doesn't know what she is thinking. She is too focused on her own affairs and doesn't find that Liu sixu has come out.

Liu sixu has just come to her.

"Is it a shame for me to be in front of Zhao Gushen tonight?" Liu sixu suddenly asked in a cold voice.

Ye Ning suddenly returns to his senses, startled for a while, and then turns to see Liu sixu.

Ye Ning thinks that no matter how shameful Liu sixu is in front of Zhao Gushen, ye Ning still can't provoke him.

Liu sixu turned his head, his eyes were sinister, his face was black and cold, and suddenly he said, "you can see my disgraceful appearance tonight."

Ye Ning felt cold in her heart, suddenly trembled and said, "Liu Shao, how can you think so?"

Rao is Ye Ning at this time can not think of any good excuse to let Liu sixu rest assured.

She has come back to her taste now. This evening, she saw the disgraceful side of Liu sixu. How could Liu sixu still like her?

Who would like to be with a woman who has no face at all when she is ashamed.

As long as you are with Ye Ning, Liu sixu will think about how ye Ning witnessed her humiliating moment.

For example, Liu sixu is used to the worship and flattery of his female companion. How can he endure such humiliation.

Ye Ning never thought that she had failed to hook up Liu's thoughts before.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of this evening's opportunity to meet Ye Fei. By the way, I created a little pressure on her to make ye Fei nervous.

If you can, you can still threaten her, but I didn't expect that ye Fei didn't do anything about it tonight. On the contrary, she suffered a lot.