Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 504

"What's more, fans don't know whether it's delicious or not across the screen. If you look good, you can make the food a little better, take pictures with a camera, and add some filters or something. In fact, it's so easy to be a food blogger. " Shi Jiumei bewitches the way.

"Still, fans don't know what it looks like across the screen. You can even show your face without having to do it yourself. It's OK to ask someone to do it for you without patting your face in the process of shooting. "

"If ye Fei could contact you earlier and tell you about her. Ye Fei, as such a famous blogger, takes you for a while, and you will soon get angry. Why do you have to deal with so many different kinds of people when opening a restaurant like this

"And, to be honest, when the net is popular, there are many opportunities to play with those rich CHILDES." Shi Jiumei slightly lowered her voice, "in particular, the rich CHILDES in B city are not in the same level as those in Yecheng."

Ye Ning's eyes are slightly cantilevered.

Just listen to Shi Jiumei whispered: "if you want me to say, even if you don't rush to ask Ye Fei for a crime, just rush to the development of B city, you should go."

"Elder sister Ye Ning, you are a person with great ability. It's a pity that you live in this small industrial city." Shi Jiumei bewitches the way.

To tell you the truth, ye Ning is good, but there are so many beauties in B city.

It's a place where stars, artists, models and netizens all gather.

Not to mention there are still a large number of people who want to join the industry or just join the industry, but are struggling to get ahead.

They look much better than ye Ning.

Even so, there is still no chance to come out.

Even if ye Ning goes, she is really not competitive.

However, ye Ning feels very good about herself.

I deeply feel that what Shi Jiumei said is very reasonable.

"Yes! I'm going Xu Huizhen said excitedly.

Xu Huizhen heard Shi Jiumei's words clearly.

"Anyway, we are going to open a restaurant in B city. If we go ahead of time, we will step on B city." Xu Huizhen said.

She's been thinking about it just now.

Since ye Fei is making so much money now, how can she not shoulder the responsibility of supporting her family?

Ye Fei grew up, and her family didn't pay less to support her.

And she went to school.

Ye Fei has the ability now. Do you have to give feedback?

Don't try to get rid of them, just enjoy yourself in B city!

What's more, Shi Jiumei is right. There are more rich men in B city!

It's the capital. It's different from a small place like Yecheng.

Ye Ning has gone. She must be able to show her strength.

Get to know a few rich second generation and choose a rich young man to get married.

Xu Huizhen has confidence in Ye Ning.

Ye Ning is capable. Ye Fei can do well in B city alone.

That ye Ning certainly has no problem.

"Let's go in a minute." Xu Huizhen can't wait.

Ye Fei has money. She thinks that the money YE Fei earns will be in Ye Fei's hands one more day. It's all her loss.

I wanted to see ye Fei win the championship.

Get the one million dollar prize and they'll come back.

Now we can't.

Ye Fei's income is no less than that of his family now.

Even if you go to find Ye Fei now, you don't have to worry about her taking advantage of the family.

On the contrary, in the past 19 years when she was 19 years old, plus five years, she never gave her family any living expenses.

It's 24 years in total. I have to settle with her.

She has money to buy a house. Can't she give it to her family?

"In such a hurry?" Ye tezhang was very surprised. "We have to prepare for it, right? What's more, when you go to city B, do you want to stay in a hotel or rent a house? "

"We arrived so early than we had planned. We haven't opened our restaurant in city B. We haven't even decided on the address. We haven't signed the contract. " Ye said.

Now, ye Ning is still in the stage of selecting people.

From the chef to the management staff, they have not yet been determined, they are still choosing.

At that time, all kinds of certificates in city B can only be opened after they are completed.

But also decoration, publicity and so on.

Looking at Ye Ning's busy work before, ye tuzhang also has some general concepts.

"It will take at least half a year to get all this done." Ye said, "when we get to city B so early, we spend so much money for nothing. The restaurant here has to be managed by someone."

"We don't have to stay in a hotel or find a house when we go to B city. Didn't you hear that? Ye Fei bought a house in B city. " Xu Huizhen said, "why don't we just go to Ye Fei's house? Didn't she buy a house just to live in? "

"Besides, it's enough for her to live alone, plus the three of us." Xu Huizhen said."You don't know how big Ye Fei's house is in B city. Moreover, the house price in B city is so expensive, even if she bought a house, it is estimated that it is not too big. " Ye said.

"By the way, do you know how big Ye Fei's house is?" Xu Huizhen asked Shi Jiumei again.

"I don't know." Shi Jiumei said.

Xin said that he was right.

Xu Huizhen's mother and daughter are really more excellent than she thought.

This just know ye Fei make money, want to find Ye Fei to live together.

They make so much money in the restaurant, but they don't want to spend it at all. They are going to squeeze some money out of Ye Fei.

Just like Xu Huizhen, ye Fei can stand it.

Shi Jiumei didn't tell Xu Huizhen about Zhao Gushen.

She is not sure where Xu Huizhen's courage is.

What if you know Zhao Gushen's strength and dare not provoke Ye Fei?

It's better to let them go and find out for themselves.

Little by little, ye Fei has more money than they think.

After seeing those colorful things, I raised my courage and greed.

Even if originally did not dare, had seen those, greedy heart, also reluctant to leave, decided to fight.

It's good to make trouble for ye Fei.

With Xu Huizhen and ye Ning here, ye Fei doesn't want to live in peace.

It's better to let Zhao Gushen know that ye Fei's mother's family is miserable.

I find that ye Fei really doesn't deserve him.

Even the Zhao family disliked Ye Fei and wanted to die.

Beat Ye Fei down from the clouds.

That's good!

Originally, ye Fei has achieved what she has achieved by herself, which is not bad.

But people are afraid to live a better life.

Ye Fei has experienced the time when she was with Zhao Gushen, such as after her life in the cloud.

Suddenly lost, how can you stand the sudden change?

At that time, she will suffer to death!

Xu Huizhen doesn't care about the size of Ye Fei's house.

She waved her hand and said, "even if it's just a set, it's enough. Think about our old house, our family of four do not still live in it? Why can't we squeeze any more? "

"Besides, since Ye Fei has money, let her go out and rent a house, and let us have the place." Xu Huizhen said.