Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 502

Xu Huizhen didn't hold back and said, "what's a gourmet blogger?"

"It's on the Internet that I send food videos." Ye Ning simply explained, "is she publishing the video of food making course on the Internet?"

"I'm very busy. I don't have much time to pay attention to these things." Ye Ning explained for a while, express to see their this kind of net red.

After the last game, she did search Fei Xiaomo.

But ye Ning doesn't know where ye Fei's starting platform is.

So it's Baidu.

Many pages were found.

Many websites are reprinted.

Ye Ning also searched the microblog and found Fei Xiaomo's microblog.

After watching a few videos of Ye feifa's food tutorial, I didn't see anything brilliant.

It's a simple way of doing things at home, but there are a lot of fans.

However, she did not see the micro blog about Xiaomo.

One is that it's been a long time, and the microblog that confronted Wang zishuai's mother last time has been deleted by Ye Fei.

Now that it's settled, there's no need to leave all this information on Weibo.

Therefore, ye Ning did not see it.

"She is a very famous food blogger. Unless you are so busy with your work, ordinary netizens have heard her name, even if they don't pay attention to food videos." Shi Jiumei doesn't recognize Ye Ning's disdain.

She curled her lips and said reluctantly: "although she is not willing to admit it, she is indeed the blogger with the most fans and traffic in our circle."

"Needless to say, it's in the food circle. It's in the online red circle of various industries, such as beauty bloggers, fashion bloggers, tourism bloggers and so on. In terms of fans and traffic, she can also rank in the top ten of the big circle of netizens. "

"I say that if you don't understand the industry, you may not have an intuitive and specific understanding." Shi Jiumei said.

"Well, now I've been harmed by her, and the accounts of all platforms have been blocked. All the trumpets, I opened one and was sealed one. The previous advertising promotion has been removed. There is no brand to promote. I can say that I have no income now. "

"But at least I was a well-known blogger before, and I knew all this very well." Shi Jiumei said, "because ye Fei is the number one blogger in our food circle and the top ten Internet red blogger in the whole network. She took on an ad promotion. Guess how much is it? "

As soon as Xu Huizhen heard the word money, the whole person came to the spirit.

The action of carrying rice also stopped, the right hand holding chopsticks also have no action consciousness.

The whole person involuntarily leans toward Shi Jiumei and anxiously asks: "how much is it?"

Shi Jiumei stretched out her hand and spread out her five fingers.

Xu Huizhen: fifty thousand

It's not that she said that now 50000 is not in her eyes.

She wanted to say 5000, but she thought that since Shi Jiumei had said so, she could not say 5000.

Even if it's 50000, it's a lot.

It's a little easy to make 50000 yuan for one advertisement.

Xu Huizhen felt in her heart that she could not let go of the 50000 yuan.

Shi Jiumei turned her eyes in her heart. Xu Huizhen's knowledge is really a laughing matter.

Shi Jiumei said with a smile: "it's 500000."

"What?" Xu Huizhen exclaimed.

Even ye tuzhang's chopsticks fell to the table with a clang sound.

"Half a million?" Ye tezhang cried out.

Ye Fei makes so much money in B city!

"What do you mean? How does she make half a million? " Xu Huizhen asked quickly.

She really has a black eye and doesn't know anything.

Shi Jiumei said: "for example, a brand has launched a new model of oven, and wants to promote it. He will give ye Fei the oven directly, and then give her 500000 advertising expenses, as long as she advertises the oven in the video. "

"It's not about how good the oven is. It's a gourmet cooking tutorial, but it's done in an oven. In the process, she demonstrated how to use the oven, highlighting the different functions of the oven from other models. "

"There are also range hoods, steamers, and all kinds of small household appliances, all in this form." Seeing that Xu Huizhen likes to take advantage, Shi Jiumei said, "that is to say, ye Fei can not only get advertising expenses, but also get these products for nothing. She doesn't have to buy her own things. It's all from the brand side, as long as you can show your face in her video. "

"Take the oven, for example. It's a new model. There are tens of thousands of them." Shi Jiumei said, "it's all for nothing."

"My God, is she so powerful now? An advertisement, according to what you said, takes a video, there are 500000? Plus the free product! "

"If she takes one picture a day and 30 days a month, won't she get 15 million yuan?" Xu Huizhen is counting with her fingers.Of course, it is impossible to follow Xu Huizhen's algorithm.

How can there be advertisements every day?

If you want to say that, you can count it in terms of every hour, every minute.

But Shi Jiumei did not correct her.

Anyway, they think that the richer Ye Fei is, the better. In this way, the more trouble ye Fei has to face.

But anyway, ye Fei will only have more money than Xu Huizhen thinks.

It's not just Ye Fei's income as a gourmet blogger.

Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen are together. There is no way to calculate the money in figures.

There are countless benefits.

What she says now is still polite.

"It's just a special advertisement." Shi Jiumei said, "specifically for a certain brand of a certain product, take out a video duration to promote. There are also many collections of small products. "

"For example, wall breaker, cooking machine, egg beater and other small appliances, even audio, headphones, intelligent control system of household appliances, condiments used in cooking, and so on. Only you can't imagine that many small things are often promoted in one episode, which is wasteful. Just put a few products in one episode."

"This is not a special promotion. The price will be lower and more affordable. Many brands will also choose this way. The quotation is different. But ye Fei's price will be more than 200000 yuan, as long as you can show your face in the video. "

"For promotion like this, she has several more in one video, which is more than her special promotion." Shi Jiumei said.


Ye Ning can't help it. She pats the chopsticks on the table with a gloomy face.

She thought that ye Fei was in B city to fight.

Even if you watch it on TV, you can actually know what it's like with many North drifters.

Although she and Xu Huizhen told ye tezhang that ye Fei didn't suffer, she looked better.