Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 139

I don't eat much steamed buns. I'm tired of eating too much, so I have to prepare a few dishes.

I thought that xiaolongbao was mainly made of meat stuffing, so I didn't make meat with a strong sense of satiety.

In addition to boiled bullfrogs, we also prepared refreshing mung bean jelly.

Even the jelly is Ye Fei's own hand-made, and did not buy ready-made outside.

In fact, the practice is also very simple, that is, adding water to mung bean starch to make starch paste.

And then slowly add boiling water, and then add the process, constantly stirring.

Know how to stir into a sticky solid.

And then put it into the oil smeared box. In fact, containers such as fresh-keeping boxes and bowls can be used.

But ye Fei thinks the shape of the square box is better.

Pour it into the safe box, smooth the top layer, refrigerate it in the refrigerator for a while, then you can add your favorite seasoning.

Looking at the time, ye Fei put the steamed buns into the pot.

When the steamed buns are ready, the porridge is ready.

Then they put all these on the table.

Taro porridge, soup dumplings, boiled bullfrog, mung bean jelly, and a dish of Yefei pickled are specially prepared for summer.

The little guy can't wait to clip a small cage bag.

Ye Xiaomo was shocked when he saw that the skin of the steamed bun seemed to be filled with soup, and the small cage bag "Duang Duang" was so elastic.

"I've rearranged the proportion of the dough. It should taste better than in the afternoon." Ye Fei said, "when you eat, be careful to scald it."

Ye Xiaomo is careful, put in small dish.

Zhao Gushen gently poked with chopsticks. Unexpectedly, the dough, which was elastic and could be wrapped in soup, broke.

"The face of the soup bag should be light and thin, and it can be broken by blowing." Ye Fei said, "I still want to hold this point. I can't throw away the feature of filling soup bags. So if you don't touch it, it will wrap the soup and stuffing well, but if you poke it, it will break

Zhao Gushen's tasting method is the same as that of the judges. We can see that he is a person who is also very experienced in this aspect.

After he tasted it, he poured a little vinegar into the punctured hole in the front skin.

Then he put some shredded ginger on it and took a bite.

At this time, xiaolongbao was still a little hot, but it was no longer hot.

Small Mo looking at, then also learn Zhao Gushen steps to eat.

But Zhao Gushen is fine with one bite.

The little guy is very small. This whole one will fill his mouth immediately.

The little guy bit his mouth and suddenly covered his mouth in shock.

Two white little fat hands covered their puffy mouths and chewed for a long time. After swallowing all the steamed stuffed buns, they asked Ye Fei, "the soup just came out. Why do I still have it when I eat it?"

Obviously, Zhao Gushen also encountered this problem, looking at Ye Fei.

Obviously is quite normal vision, but ye Fei is still blushed by him.

Ye Fei thinks that he is in front of him, how all wrong.

"I add shrimp and crab roe to the meat stuffing, so I can still get a small amount of soup when I eat it." Ye Fei explains.

"The taste is very layered." Gu Yan said that the judges must have thought of him.

"Xiao Fei, when will it come out?" Ye Xiaomo sandwiched a cucumber and ate it crunchily.