Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1296

The old man asked, "if you don't have a good rest, how did you come back?"

The little guy immediately raised his head and asked, "do you miss me?"

"Don't worry about it. I have a good time in my old house." The little guy said happily.

But mom and dad can still think of him on such an important day today, he is still very moved!

Zhao Gushen

Ye Fei draws the corners of her mouth and feels guilty.

She really didn't think about little guy today

The wedding was too busy to dream.

Wait for the time to come down, and then come ye Ning's business.

I still don't care about the little guy.

If it wasn't for the little guy who just said it, ye Fei would I forgot.

However, how could ye Fei let the little guy down? She nodded quickly: "yes, I didn't care to be with you today, so I miss you very much."

"If you miss me, don't try yourself." The little guy is very sensible. He says to Ye Fei heartily.

Now, ye Fei feels more guilty.

She came and rubbed the little guy's soft hair: "not tired, after coming back, it will be more comfortable."

But the second elder saw Ye Fei's reaction and knew that they didn't come back for Xiaomo.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Dinghuan asked Zhao Gushen.

Zhao Gushen directly gives the evidence from ye Ning to the old man.

"This is the evidence from ye Ning. She keeps a record of her cooperation with Zhao GuQing, just to prevent Zhao GuQing from pitching her one day." Zhao Gushen said.

"Before ye Ning sent someone to hurt Xiaofei and Xiaomo, only Ye Ning was found, but Zhao GuQing's evidence was not found. Now it's all done. " Zhao Gu said in a deep voice.

On hearing this, the old man immediately lowered his face: "Xiao Hong, bring me my reading glasses."

"Yes." Housekeeper Hong also heard Zhao Gushen's words.

I know that Zhao GuQing has gone too far.

No matter how he fights, if he only targets Zhao Gushen.

Zhao Gushen, for the sake of Zhao GuQing's younger brother, doesn't know what to do with Zhao GuQing.

Just play with Zhao GuQing slowly.

Zhao GuQing can't turn over the flowers, nor can he take Zhao Gushen.

Zhao Gushen is playing with his younger brother.

But Zhao GuQing has to hurt Ye Fei and Xiaomo to achieve his goal.

That's beyond the line.

It's not just in Zhao Gushen's place.

The elders of the Zhao family have crossed the line.

This also shows that Zhao GuQing's ability is really not good.

It's already on this.

On the other hand, the practice of involving other people's wives and children is really despised.

I'm not really a man.

Housekeeper Hong despises Zhao GuQing and brings the old man's reading glasses.

The old man put on his reading glasses and began to see the evidence in his hand.

After reading one page, he handed it to the old lady.

The old lady continued to look.

The old lady finished watching it, and then passed it on to Zhao Dinghuan.

After reading it, Zhao Dinghuan gave it to Chi Jingsi.

Usually Chi Jingsi is not interested in this kind of business.

But now that ye Fei and Xiao Mo are involved, even Chi Jingsi hardly starts to look at them seriously.

After reading it, Chi Jingsi passed it on to Zhao Dinglian.

Zhao Dinglian and his wife finished watching it.

Although the third old man was there, he was not in a hurry.

When everyone finished watching, he took all of them and watched them together.

Three old men don't like to watch in batches.

So just now the old man didn't give it to him directly.

With a calm face, master Zhao said to Zhao Gushen, "it's up to you to decide what to do with Zhao GuQing. If they have any opinions, let them come to me. That's what I mean

The old man made his own decision. I'm afraid he can't master it well.

If he handles it, what will Zhao Gushen do if he doesn't think it's enough?

Therefore, the old man simply let Zhao Gushen deal with it by himself.

The client is his wife and children, and the evidence is found by himself.

And between Zhao Gushen and Zhao GuQing, the old man naturally chose Zhao Gushen.

I don't even need to think about it.

His own grandson, the injured is also his granddaughter-in-law and great grandson.

Besides, this is Zhao GuQing's misdemeanor.

The old man has long wanted to kick Zhao GuQing away.

If you don't have the ability, you'll always know how to force.

Let zhao gu deal with it deeply and let him vent his anger.

Zhao Gushen nodded: "thank you, grandfather."

Zhao Gushen also knows the intention of handing it over to him.

The old man was at ease.Look, that's the advantage of talking to smart grandchildren.

Without explaining anything, Zhao Gushen knew what he thought and was grateful.

Although the family, do not have to be so polite.

But it's better to be read by others than to face those people who take it for granted no matter how good they are to them, and who don't have any feelings at all. Isn't it?

The old man couldn't help thinking, this is Zhao GuQing.