Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1284

Xu Huizhen and ye Ning are not shocked, but they are also very suspicious.

Zhao Gushen let ye tuzhang go back by himself?

Can we go back without them?

Agree to stay in B city?

But they still have a little self-knowledge.

Knowing that Zhao Gushen left them here, he certainly didn't mean to let bygones be bygones.

If it is, it will not just let Ye Tui Chang go.

Moreover, besides speaking and doing things, ye tezhang doesn't directly trouble ye Fei like the two of them.

In the past, Xu Huizhen was always in front of what she said and did, while ye Ning was a military adviser.

This is a particularly obvious thing that Zhao Gushen can't see.

Ye is just in a dilemma.

Think of here, Xu Huizhen suddenly stunned, ye tezhang is not playing pig eat tiger, deliberately?

With this doubt, Xu Huizhen looks at ye tuzhang.

If so, ye Zuo is actually the most insidious and shameless one.

He had a big man hiding behind him, letting the two women in the family fight.

But seeing ye's equally confused appearance, Xu Huizhen put down her doubts again.

Ye Ning now particularly wants to ask Zhao Gushen, he let ye tezhang himself go back to Yecheng, what about them?

As long as it's not really stupid, you can think of Zhao Gushen's intention to let him go.

What does Zhao Gushen plan to do to leave them?

At this time, if ye leaves alone, he will leave them alone.

Xu Huizhen believes that ye tezhang will not fail to understand.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about going back. There is no source of income." Zhao Gushen said, "you said Ye Fei is not filial."

"After you go back to Yecheng, we'll give you the living expenses every month." Zhao Gushen takes out his mobile phone, uses a calculator to input a series of numbers, and shows ye tuzhang, "this number."

At this angle, only Yeh teh Chang can see it.

Ye Ning and Xu Huizhen are invisible.

None of the three were close to each other.

Even if Xu Huizhen stretched her neck to see it, she couldn't see it.

This can make Xu Huizhen anxious. How much did Zhao Gushen promise ye tezhang?

Xu Huizhen's deep greed makes her more curious about money than her fear of not knowing what will happen in the future.

Ye Ning can't see the amount of money on Zhao Gushen's mobile phone any more.

But she could see the shock on Yeh's face.

Either very little or very much.

Very few, certainly not.

If there are too few, ye will not be obedient.

But it takes a lot of words.

Ye tezhang is not what he used to be.

He's rich, too. He's seen money.

It's not easy for ye to be so shocked.

I don't know how many.

"How's it going?" Zhao gu deep mouth slightly hook hook, "agree?"

He is very confident, and ye tuzhang will certainly agree.

Sure enough, although ye tezhang hesitated for a while, he nodded hesitantly: "OK, I promise."

Xu Huizhen opened her eyes wide.

Ye tezhang actually agreed!

Besides, don't look at his hesitation.

But after all, Xu Huizhen and he have been husband and wife for decades, and they know ye tezhang very well.

His hesitation was nothing more than an act of deception.

It makes people think he's a good man.

But after living with ye tuzhang for decades, Xu Huizhen thinks that she knows ye tuzhang best in the world.

She knows Ye Tui Chang very well.

Knowing that ye tezhang was only hesitant on the surface, he had already agreed to it in his heart.

Just like this, Xu Huizhen was more and more cold hearted.

In a couple's fight, ye tezhang knows that Zhao Gushen is here to keep her. She has no good fruit to eat.

But when he saw that Zhao Gushen had given enough money, he could immediately leave her behind.

It's a real disaster.

Even if they were exchanged, Xu Huizhen would probably do the same.

But she felt that if it was her, she would be hesitant and struggling. She was not as happy as ye tezhang.

Xu Huizhen is a little cold.

After decades of husband and wife, ye tezhang said that if you abandon them, you will abandon them.

Isn't that abandonment?

Zhao Gushen sends ye Tuizhang away, but he pulls Xu Huizhen and ye Ning down.

They're staying in city B now. It's not that they're not going.

But Zhao Gushen held them back and refused to let them go.

If you don't walk on your own, it's totally different from if you can't walk on your own.Xu Huizhen can't believe looking at ye tuzhang.

Ye does not dare to see Xu Huizhen.

But he said to himself in his heart that he was just helping Xu Huizhen and ye Ning.

He had long wanted to go back to Yecheng.

But Xu Huizhen and ye Ning do not want to go, insist on leaving B city.

Now even if they are allowed to go, they are still reluctant.

There is no problem that he chooses to leave by himself.

He didn't force Xu Huizhen to go with Ye Ning. He thought about them already, didn't he?

Zhao Gushen didn't speak, just looked at him coldly.

Leave the time for the show to the selfish members of the family.

Zhao Gushen's eyes are full of irony.

When ye tezhang didn't come to B city with Xu Huizhen and ye Ning, ye Fei also told him.

The only person in the family who is good to her is ye tuzhang.

Ye Fei also thought about going back to see ye tezhang.

At that time, she didn't know ye was coming to B city.

But even if she knew, she was welcome.

It's a pity that ye's actions made her feel cold.

Originally, Zhao Gushen and ye Fei were the same, but they just felt that ye tezhang was soft.

I want to be good to everyone, but what I do makes everyone dissatisfied.

He thinks it's reasonable for anyone to say it. He doesn't have his own backbone.

But now it seems that ye tuzhang is a man with great ideas.

He didn't mean to be soft hearted. He just took this opportunity to put the blame on others.

The ideas are made by others, by Xu Huizhen and ye Ning.

He just has a soft ear and listens.

But now it seems that the soft root of the ear is just a protective color of the leaves.

Cover up his original selfishness and indifference.

Zhao Gushen sneered.

Ye tezhang is really a talent.

"That's settled. You can go." When Zhao Gushen finished, someone came forward to untie ye tuzhang.

Ye tezhang got up a little at a loss.

Tied for a long time, the blood circulation on the wrist and arm is not so good.

The place where they were tied was very cold, and there was some numbness.

He stood up and looked at Xu Huizhen and ye Ning helplessly: "that What about them? "

"I have something else to say to them." Zhao Gushen said.

"My people will take you to the airport." Zhao Gushen said.

Ye tezhang was stunned for a moment, and immediately shocked: "airport? You Do you want me to go now? "

Even Xu Huizhen and ye Ning were shocked.