Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1275

The little guy received the news and was told that Zhao Gushen and ye Fei had entered the door.

The little guy immediately rushed out.

"Slow down, don't fall!" the old lady called at the back

The little guy jumped high and said, "no way!"

The old lady had no choice but to smile. She arranged her clothes again, smoothed the wrinkles that did not exist on the clothes, and then sat back in her position.

Zhao Dinghuan and Chi Jingsi also sat down.

It's rare for all four of them to show their nervousness.

Ye Fei is already their daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law.

But it's the first wedding.

Want to drink daughter-in-law tea or something, Chi Jingsi is nervous.

At the beginning, she was the one who worshipped the old lady, but now she is the one who is worshipped for tea.

Rao Shi Chi Jingsi is usually careless and has only the old lady's affection.

At this time also nervous.

She reached over and took Zhao Dinghuan's hand: "this is the first time for me. I'm very nervous."

Zhao Dinghuan held her hand, patted it, and said earnestly, "after drinking the tea from your daughter-in-law, you will be an adult in the future."

Chi Jingsi

What the hell?

So she's grown in vain these years?

Although Zhao Huan always knew that she was a little girl.

Chi Jingsi is also self-conscious, and knows that his temperament is indeed so.

But listen to Zhao Dinghuan say so, this mood is very complicated.

I didn't expect to hear the old lady exclaim and agree: "yes, you will be an adult in the future."

Don't always ask me who I like best.

It's really hard to answer.

Chi Jingsi

It's not the case.

But Chi Jingsi hasn't had time to be depressed for a long time. Zhao Gushen helps Ye Fei come in.

The little guy has been around them all the time. It's really easy to trip people.

But Zhao Gushen did not dislike it.

Let the little guy excitedly circle around them.

After entering the house, the little guy didn't go to the elder to join in the fun and stayed aside obediently.

See ye Fei and Zhao Gushen offer tea to the elders.

The little guy was arranged to be a flower boy today.

Although pick up the bride, afraid of too many people, too chaotic, the little guy went inconvenient.

But ye Fei and Zhao Gushen's wedding must involve the little guy.

It is because there is a flower boy this job when the bottom, so in the proposed not to let small Mo follow to pick up the bride, small Mo also did not have too big opinion.

Because he knew that he would definitely be able to participate in the activities of his parents, so he didn't worry.

After Zhao Gushen and ye Fei finished their tea, they set out again to the direction of the hotel.

I wanted to go around a place to shoot location on the way to Shengyue.

The location is the usual place for the wedding team.

It doesn't look impressive on the spot, but it's very good-looking.

After all, in such a crowded place as B city, if you really want to find a place with wide and beautiful scenery, there is no other place suitable except to go to scenic spots.

But the wedding team found that no place was as beautiful as the old house.

The scenery in the old house is ready-made.

The garden is exquisite, the corridor is graceful, and the courtyard is simple.

In addition, ye Fei is wearing a Chinese style wedding dress.

It's perfect for the scene.

The photographer asked Zhao Gushen if he could shoot directly here.

They will restrain the staff and make sure they don't run around.

However, Zhao Gushen is not afraid of people running around.

There are guards in every corner of the old house.

If someone really runs around, they will be stopped.

But what the photographer said is really good. It's really suitable to live here.

"Yes." Just like this, he didn't have to deal with Ye Fei.

So the photographer showed the scene again.

After all, it's at home. It's not easy to run around, and you can't take pictures everywhere.

I'll take the time to find a suitable place.

So I shot it here.

Ye Fei looks at the little guy and stares at him.

Although this is the wedding of Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen, she thinks that the little guy is indispensable.

"Can we arrange a picture that is suitable for Xiaomo to enter the mirror?" Ye Fei asked the photographer, "let's shoot together. How do you like it?"

"All right." The photographer agreed and began to shoot again, figuring out how to shoot.

The little guy ran away in surprise.

But afraid of wrinkling Ye Fei's skirt, he wanted to hold Ye Fei, but Shengsheng held back.He stopped in front of Ye Fei: "Xiao Fei, shall I take pictures with you?"

"Of course." Ye Fei said with a smile, "we have you first, then we have our wedding. How can we do without you? It's all incomplete. "

"I also want to see you when my father and I get old. See little you by our side. At that time, if you could watch this video with us, I would feel very happy. "

"I just hope that at that time, you can also be around us. You have grown up and see what you are now." Ye Fei said with a smile, "what's more important is to be able to see you as a child, accompanying us, participating in every stage and every important moment of our life."

"At that time, you may have forgotten what we looked like when we were young." Ye Fei's words are not casual.

Now let her talk about what ye tuzhang and Xu Huizhen looked like when they were young. She really can't remember.

It has nothing to do with the depth of family affection, but the memory becomes blurred with the time.

But if we love each other, we love our parents deeply.

When I was older, I suddenly found that I couldn't remember my parents when they were young.

Just as I can't remember when I was a child.

This kind of feeling makes people feel powerless and sad.

Especially when I see my parents are gray headed and no longer beautiful, I feel more and more powerless to remember the energetic and healthy appearance of my parents when they were young.

Ye Fei doesn't want to see the day when Xiaomo will come, and suddenly can't remember what they looked like when they were young.

Or, even if you look at photos and videos, you can see them.

But found that they in the past memory, the picture is not the existence of small mo.

Ye Fei feels sad when she thinks about it.

"So every moment we spend together, we record it with our heart. In the future, none of us will forget. " Ye Fei said to Xiao mo.

"Good!" Little mo nodded heavily.

So under the arrangement of the photographer, the three took a video together in the garden of the old house.

Then, he took a bus to Shengyue.

This time, the little guy is in the same car with Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen.

They sat in the back row together, and the little guy sat between them.

Even to the hotel, Zhao Gushen first to entertain guests.