Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1269

What does Ye Ning mean?

Look down on him?

"Do you really expect me to spare no effort to run around for you?" Zhao GuQing impatiently said, "you should not forget that we are now the relationship of mutual cooperation."

"Cooperation is cooperation only when both parties are able to accomplish the task. Otherwise, if only one party can do something, and the other party can't do anything well and still lags behind, it's not cooperation, it's support. " Zhao GuQing sneered.

"You can't do such a simple thing this time. Now you still have the face to let me help you?" Zhao GuQing cold voice said, "let me help you, you have to have the value of let me help."

"But now, I don't see any value in you that I can help. Apart from using my contacts and wasting my resources and time, you have no positive effect at all. " Zhao GuQing sneered coldly.

"If you want my help, show some value." Zhao GuQing fingertips on the table a few times, "with practical action to show me. If you can help me, I can help you. "

Zhao GuQing fingertip pen: "when you do it, I will help you to solve the problem of your restaurant at any time."

"I don't have to look into it. It must be my elder brother. You send someone to stop Ye Fei. It's impossible for my elder brother not to check those people. It's found out that they are the people you sent. Of course, I'll settle with you. " Zhao GuQing sneered.

Ye Ning said indignantly, "it's clearly you who asked me to do it!"

"We work together. Do you know what cooperation is?" Zhao GuQing said, "this part is for you, and the rest is for me. Just because you are such a waste, you can't even do this thing well. As a result, I can't do the following things at all. All my preparations are in vain

"I haven't asked you for all these losses. Do you still have the face to blame me? " Zhao GuQing said.

"I asked you to do it, but who made you dirty! If you are smart and clean, zhao gu can't find out. Even if he doubts you, he can't do anything with you without evidence. "

"Now you don't have to come to me to solve the problem, do you?" Zhao GuQing threw the pen aside casually, "if you can do things well, I can follow up immediately. I don't have to sit here and listen to you complain! "

"Since it's my elder brother, you should know that it can't be solved easily. Even if you solve all the requirements in the restaurant, even if it is perfect, it can still find out the places that do not meet the requirements for you. Let you toss over and over again

"Here it is. Look elsewhere. If it's done elsewhere, there's another moth here. Unless you can keep every corner of the restaurant, every minute, every second. " Zhao GuQing said, "if not, you just wait for the restaurant to continue to close."

Ye Ning doesn't speak. In fact, she is flustered.

She absolutely listened to Zhao GuQing.

Ye Ning thinks that Zhao GuQing is stupid, but at least she knows him well enough.

So what Zhao GuQing said about Zhao Gushen, in addition to those complaints and jealousy, ye Ning still believed it.

Zhao GuQing stood up: "so, if you fail this time, you'll try to make it up for me. I can give you another chance. "

"When you're done, I'll settle the restaurant for you. If you can't do it well, you can go to the restaurant by yourself. " Zhao GuQing said.

"Then you don't care about the time in between?" Ye Ning finally understood.

"Of course." Zhao GuQing said, "are you going out by yourself, or do I ask people to pull you out?"

Ye Ning takes a deep breath and turns to leave.

Zhao GuQing is really capable of finding someone to drag her out.

As soon as ye Ning left, Zhao GuQing sat down with a cold face, grabbed the pen on the desk and threw it on the wall.


Ye Ning thinks that since Zhao Gushen has found her.

She didn't dare move so lightly recently.

At least I don't dare to find Ye Fei's trouble for the time being.

Now, instead of trying to get Ye Fei into trouble, we should try to find a way to reopen the restaurant.

Just as ye Ning is trying to find a way, ye Fei's wedding with Zhao Gushen is finally held as scheduled.

Ye Fei couldn't sleep the night before the wedding.

Zhao Gushen has made an appointment with Shi Xiaoya to bring her team to make up for ye Fei.

Weddings in the north are held at noon.

According to custom, the bridegroom will pick up the bride early in the morning.

If it goes well, it's about 7 o'clock.

The bride needs to change her wedding dress, make up and get ready early.

Start preparing at least three or four hours in advance.

That is to say, it will be up at three in the middle of the night.

The bride wants to leave from her mother's home. As ye Fei's godfather and godmother, ye Fei naturally goes directly to Li's father and mother.Li's father and mother did not expect that one day they would be able to marry two daughters in the same month, only half a month apart.

Before ye Fei appeared, they had only one daughter, Li Xiaoyun.

Never thought that there was such a fate.

With Zhao's help, Li's father and mother have already decorated the house.

Because ye Fei and Li Xiaoyun are going to marry from the Li family.

So we need to get the decoration taste of the house clean before this.

Zhao Zhen specially found a professional team to deal with it.

In time to rush in before the wedding, the smell of the room are clean.

Ye Fei also came to Li's house the night before the wedding.

Li Xiaoyun came with her.

Li Xiaoyun has already proved Zhao theorem, so he is not suitable to be a bridesmaid.

But as ye Fei's mother's family came with her.

We're going to block the door tomorrow morning.

The bridesmaid, ye Fei finds Hua ciyue, Shang Heyue, Huo Jiarong and MI Ruoyun.

The best man is Zhao Gushen's several singles, including Wei Zhiqian.

Xiaomo wants to come with Ye Fei.

But tomorrow to pick up the bride, here is a mess, adults do not care about the small mo.

If something goes wrong, it's not good if there's something wrong with Xiaomo.

That's why the little guy agreed and didn't follow.

As a result, he couldn't even come to pick up the bride.

For the same reason.

This makes the little guy very sad.

He wanted to see his father pick up Xiao Fei with his own eyes.

Zhao gu Xian agreed to live for the little guy, and finally persuaded the little guy.

Zhao Guxian led the team's kicking match has ended, and came back before the wedding.

Even if it's not over, Zhao Guxian will come back to attend the wedding.

How can he miss such an important thing.

So, the day before the wedding, Zhao Gushen sent the little guy to the old house.