Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1267

Zhao calmed himself and took a bunch of baked tomatoes to restore his appetite before he could continue to eat normally.

Zhao Xiaoyun and Li Xiaoyun are both from their own family. Ye Fei trusts them.

There's nothing you can't say in front of them.

Ye Fei said to Zhao Gushen, "remember what I told you in the morning? It's the wrong feeling of Xiaomo. Just like last time, he felt flustered and uncomfortable. He always felt that something bad was going to happen. "

"Little Mo has awakened?" Zhao responded immediately.

Zhao Gushen nodded: "this is our guess. Before small Mo has a flustered feeling. But after that, nothing happened. It's hard for us to judge why he was flustered and how long it will take for something to happen after he has a sense. And what is his perception about? "

Zhao nodded: "what about this time?"

Ye Fei is at the scene, so it's up to Ye Fei to tell Zhao the whole story.

"That should be for sure." Zhao said.

"It's just not very sure whether this perception is aimed at Xiaomo himself or can be sensed with the people around him. After all, it involves me and Xiaomo Ye Fei said, "but I don't want any danger in the future. Not even for a lifetime. "

It's better than letting Momo run into danger.

"In any case, the ability of Xiaomo is the perception of danger, which can be determined." Zhao theorem said, "we don't have to care whether the object of his perception is himself or the people around him. Whatever it is, it's good for us. There's no need to worry too much about it. It's still a long time to come. There's always a chance to verify it. "

"I know you don't want to be in danger. He doesn't have to be in danger. Like this time, it's Ye Ning's idea to beat Ye Fei. Ye Ning will not be reconciled. No matter Ye Ning or Zhao GuQing, I'm afraid they will take the next step. " Zhao said.

"They may continue to do something with Ye Fei. At that time, we can see if Xiaomo has any feelings, and we can know whether his perception is aimed at himself or even the people around him. " Zhao said.

Zhao Gushen nodded: "the fourth uncle is right."

Ye Fei patted her forehead: "I didn't turn the corner."

"If you care, it's a mess." Zhao said.

Just then, ye Fei sees Li Xiaoyun's adoring look at Zhao.

Ye Fei

What's going on?

"Why are you so powerful." Li Xiaoyun looks at Zhao Xiaoyun with stars in his eyes.

"Not bad." Although Zhao's mouth said so, his face couldn't help laughing, even his back was more straight.

Ye Fei

Zhao Gushen

just make complaints about them.

Where is it?

They are eating and chatting here. Zhao Gushen has nothing to do, so he calls Laozhai and tells them what happened during the day, so that they can count.

Xiaomo's ability has been verified.

In fact, since the last time, the two elders knew it well. So this time, Zhao Gushen said that the two elders were not surprised or pleased.

Very calm and accepted.

Moreover, er Lao's attention is not on this at all.

Just listen to the old man said in a deep voice: "I think the goal this time is for Xiao Fei."

Zhao Gushen nodded: "I think so, too."

It's just because Xiaomo is also involved in it. Although the target is Ye Fei, Xiaomo will also encounter danger.

That's why it's hard to judge.

"Do you have a suspect?" Asked the old man.

Zhao Gushen was silent for a while and said, "now those who are besieging have not been released. I'm going to check on them when they're released. "

"Don't tell me that." The old man can know Zhao Gushen too well, "check is sure to check, but you boy can't have no doubt object."

"Xiao Fei's sister is one." Said the old man.

Ye Ning is the first thing that the old man thought of.

"If you don't answer me directly, it's definitely not just Ye Ning." The old man said, "the other one has something to do with us?"

That's a good guess.

There is no need for Zhao Gushen to say that the old man sneered and said, "you doubt Zhao GuQing."

"Grandfather..." The reason why Zhao Gushen hesitated and didn't say it immediately was that he was afraid that the old man would misunderstand him.

"Nothing." The old man said, "you boy, you don't believe us old bones? Even if you doubt him, what's wrong with saying it? Can we still doubt you? "

"He doesn't have any threat to you. You are the next owner of our family. No matter how much he tosses, it's useless." The old man said, "so, what's your reason for setting him up?"

"To put it bluntly, it's a waste of your strength and time to frame him. It won't do you any good. Are you such a fool who does harm to others but not to himself? " The old man rolled his eyes.Although he wanted to laugh at him.

But being trusted by the old man, Zhao Gushen was still very moved.

Er Lao still knows him.

"Of course I'm not." Zhao Gushen said with a smile.

"So it's not for personal reasons that you suspect him, it's that he's really questionable." The old man said very firmly.

However, this is also because Zhao GuQing's normal life is too failure.

So when Zhao Gushen suspected Zhao GuQing, the two elders did not hesitate to believe it.

If it was Zhao Guxian, let alone Zhao Gushen, he would not be doubted at all.

Even if you really doubt it, the two elders have to help zhao gu Xian say a few words.

"But why do you suspect Zhao GuQing?" Asked the old man.

"In fact, since Ye Ning appeared, he has been very close to Ye Ning. Before two people It's not really a relationship between a man and a woman, but it's a relationship between a man and a woman. It's still on and off, but on the surface it's a cooperative relationship. Ye Ning always wants to deal with Xiao Fei, and Zhao GuQing wants to deal with me. "

"The two men came together to deal with us." There's no suspense.

The two elders were shocked.

I've never seen such a fool.

Stupid and bad.

There's no need for Zhao Gushen to explain any more. The elder two want to understand.

No wonder Zhao GuQing hasn't done anything for so many years.

At first, they thought it might be because of Zhao Dingye's suppression.

But now it seems that Zhao GuQing is stupid.

No wonder Zhao Dingye.

For the sake of his stupid son, Zhao Dingye has carried the black pot for many years.

Not to mention Zhao GuQing's insidious mind.

Even if he really wants to deal with Zhao Gushen by means of invisible light, don't go to find Ye Ning.