Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1265

Without knowing it, they ate very well.

"But after the selection, one of the judges, shaluk, did ask me what was in it." Ye Fei shrugged, "I'll tell you the truth. His face is really Not so good. "

"So in this respect, it really shocked him." Ye Fei said with a smile.

She didn't know that the other side didn't eat and deliberately put it, just to increase the taste.

They drank a few more mouthfuls of soup and a mouthful of sake.

It's so delicious.

It's a pity the little guy can't drink it.

Seeing that adults are satisfied with their drinking, Li Xiaoyun likes to squint.

The little guy is on the side. He's in a hurry.

He raised his face and asked Zhao Gushen: "Dad, can I have a taste? Just take a bite, a small one. "

The little guy also stretched out his hand and index finger to draw a "1".

Zhao Gushen looked at Ye Fei and asked, "give him a taste?"

With such a move, Li Xiaoyun immediately understood who said it in the family.

Ye Fei tasted sake, which was mild in taste, without any pungency and momentum.

Just say, "that's just a sip."

Ye Fei also stressed: "this time, there is no next time."

The little guy quickly nodded, "just take a sip."

See ye Fei nodded, Zhao Gushen this just gave his cup to small Mo: "taste it."

Glass, drink how much can be directly seen.

Little guy dare not play smart, honest little sip.

Then the old ha out a long breath: "good to drink ah!"

The little guy obediently returned the wine cup to Zhao Gushen and said, "I really want to grow up quickly, so that I can protect Xiaofei and drink."

In the morning, he was helpless in Ye Fei's arms, and the little guy kept it in his heart.

However, ye Fei didn't want him to grow up so fast.

Not physically, but psychologically.

All children who grow up early have a reason to grow up early.

And these reasons are usually not so pleasant.

Let small Mo grow up early, premature maturity, is their dereliction of duty when parents.

Ye Fei didn't say it directly, but said sadly: "but if you grow up, it proves that we are old. Every year you grow up, we'll be one year older. When you grow up, you can protect me. "

Ye Fei made an effort: "for example, when I was 20 years old. You are five now. When you are 20, I will be 42. Dad is even worse. He's almost fifty. In a few years, it's time to retire. "

"Then gradually, we become too old to walk, and our teeth gradually lose more and more." Ye Fei said, "when you are old, your height will shrink, and your back will not be so straight."

"White hair, walking on crutches, shaking. I don't know how to use my eyes, and I don't have the strength to cook for you. " Ye Fei tilted her head, thinking about the future picture and saying.

Not to mention, she already had pictures in her head.

"At that time, I really need you to protect me." Ye Fei said.

Who knows, the little guy's eyes are red.

"I I don't want to grow up! " The little guy hugged Ye Fei's arm. "I don't want to grow up. I don't want you to grow old. I want to eat the food you made for me."

The little guy has a hard choice between protecting Ye Fei and eating the food Ye Fei makes.

It's too hard to choose.

He wants to be able to protect Ye Fei, but he doesn't want his parents to get old.

Ye Fei gently stroked the back of the little guy's head and said, "so, you don't have to worry about growing up. In fact, I want time to pass more slowly and more slowly. Have more time to get along with you. "

"Don't push yourself to grow up, just grow up normally. You are growing slowly, and we are getting old. We all have more time. "

"Besides, I have my father to protect me now." Ye Fei soft voice way, "have him to protect us two.". You see, he is not old now, he is alone, enough to protect us both. So you don't have to worry. "

The little guy turned to look at Zhao Gushen.

It's hard for him to imagine Zhao Gushen getting old now.

In his heart, Zhao Gushen seems not to be old. He will be like this all his life.

Of course, ye Fei is also.

Ye Fei rubbed the head melon of the little guy and brought him a bunch of baked tomatoes: "don't you always want to eat string roast? Eat and wear this first, and then eat meat. It will taste different. "

The little guy immediately picked up the sadness and took the little tomato from ye Fei.

A string with three on it.

The little guy learned a lesson this time. Holding a bamboo stick, he touched the tomato with his lips.The heat dissipation of vegetables and fruits is slower. The little guy feels hot, so he blows carefully for a long time, and tries again and again in the middle.

Finally, he felt that the temperature was acceptable, and he stuttered again.

In this way, I was still scalded by the heart of the little tomato.

Again open mouth ha eat ha Chi exhale, ease the hot meaning.

There's also a little crushed perilla on the tomato.

The skin was a little wrinkled, but still bright red tomato, sprinkled with dark perilla.

Especially attractive.

The small tomato is sour and sweet. After being roasted, the sour taste is heavier than the sweet taste, plus the aroma of Perilla.

It's very appetizing.

After eating this string, the little guy's appetite started.

There is also the bottom of the soup just now. The stomach has been moistened and can be eaten open.

He immediately took another string of chicken liver.

Zhao theorem also took a string.

Zhao theorem and Zhao Gushen are both picky eaters.

It's just because of the occupation, I usually check the new dishes of the chef and try everything.

It's a job, so they can't be picky.

It has to be done as a job.

But in fact, Zhao doesn't like chicken liver very much.

He didn't like the smell of chicken liver.

Just tonight, Zhao is really curious about ye Fei's cooking.

I wonder if she can cook the chicken liver he doesn't like.

Zhao picked it up and smelled it at the tip of his nose. Except for the smell of charcoal, he didn't smell the smell of chicken liver.

Maybe the smell of chicken liver was covered up by carbon fire?

"Do you still have charcoal?" Li Xiaoyun asks Ye Fei in surprise.

Ye Fei has never been bothered with cooking.

She nodded: "I bought a household charcoal stove, the round one. I increased the range hood to the maximum gear and discharged all the smoke."

Li Xiaoyun knows that Zhao theorem doesn't like chicken liver. Now he takes the initiative and doesn't care to eat. First observe Zhao Theorem's reaction.

Looking at the chicken liver, it seems that it is much more tender than what I have seen before.

He shakes the bamboo stick a little. He can see that the chicken liver is tender and has the soft elasticity of Duang Duang.