Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1263

"What kind of guests are they?" Zhao Gushen murmured with great opinions.

He wants to celebrate with Ye Fei alone.

More than a small Mo is the limit of his patience.

After all, it's my son. Can't you bear it?

But with Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun, Zhao Gushen felt that it was unnecessary.

These two people, although Zhao Gushen is standing at the door now, have not seen.

But Zhao Gushen can already think of it. Naturally, Li Xiaoyun and Zhao Xiaoyun come here to celebrate.

But more importantly, I want to taste the food Ye Fei won.

Zhao Gushen sighed. Ever since Li Xiaoyun and Zhao Zhenzi realized that they were married, a good young man of the motherland has been infected by Zhao Zhenzi. He has become cheeky.

At this time, Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun heard Zhao Gushen's voice coming back and came out.

The little guy is busy building his island and working in the living room.

Just took the time to call out: "Dad!"

Zhao Gushen

He felt that his position was declining.

"How long have you been here?" Zhao Gushen asked as he walked.

It's not necessary to be so polite if you are all from your own family.

"It's not long since I arrived." Zhao said.

There's an aunt helping in the kitchen.

In the afternoon, ye Fei had already made preparations.

So they don't use Li Xiaoyun.

Li Xiaoyun is playing with Xiaomo in the living room.

When Xiaomo built the island, Li Xiaoyun put forward some suggestions.

One big and one small discussed how to build the island, and the discussion was in full swing.

Zhao Gushen went to change his comfortable home clothes.

At the same time, I think it's comfortable to change clothes at home.

Like Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun.

Hey, envy them!

When Zhao Gushen came out to meet them in the living room, he found that Zhao and Li Xiaoyun were also wearing casual clothes.

When he just met them, Zhao Gushen didn't look at them carefully, so he didn't pay much attention.

Only now.

"That's what you wear to work?" It's too casual.

Li Xiaoyun may not care.

In fact, the workplace is not as formal as in movies and TV plays.

Men's suits and shoes.

Women wear suits, high heels, delicate make-up and hairstyle.

Big wave, lazy bun.

But in fact, we are busy catching the bus in the morning and dare to take the subway.

Can't be late, and want to sleep a little more, how can you have time to dress up so well?

Like Li Xiaoyun, he didn't even have time to eat at home in the morning.

I went to the convenience store on the way to buy some sandwiches, rice balls and so on.

There's no time to dress up like that.

Clothing is also based on comfort, even if you wear sports shoes to work, no one will say anything.

On the contrary, as the president, Mr. Zhao really has to consider his own image.

It's more formal to wear.

So it's no surprise to Zhao Gushen that Li Xiaoyun wears casual clothes.

But is that how Zhao went today?

"How can we? We went home first and changed our clothes." Zhao said, "otherwise, it would be uncomfortable to come to dinner with such restraint. I don't feel at home having dinner with my family, do I? "

Zhao Gushen

You can enjoy it.

"You're going to go around the house and come back earlier than me." Zhao Gushen said, "what time do you get off work?"

"Cough!" Zhao theorem guilty of clear throat, "just a little early off work a little bit."

"It doesn't matter if you're the boss." Zhao Gushen said, "but Li..."

But aunt Zhao didn't get her eyes? And asked for leave? "

Li Xiaoyun was embarrassed by Zhao Gushen's "four aunts".

Especially Zhao Gushen is older than her.

I always feel like I'm taking advantage of Zhao Gushen.

"It doesn't matter if you take such a leave once or twice once in a while." Zhao said, "it's more important to celebrate Ye Fei."

Zhao Gushen

I think you want to come to dinner early.

At this time, Zhao Gushen listened to Ye Fei's cry: "Gushen, dinner is ready. Please ask fourth uncle and Xiaoyun to go to the restaurant."

So Zhao Gushen called Zhao and Li Xiaoyun to the restaurant.

He reminded Xiaomo: "go wash your hands and get ready for dinner. Haven't you been clamoring for chicken meatball soup? "After the little guy cut down a tree, he immediately put down the game console, went to wash his hands and sat down in his position.

Zhao Gushen asked him again, "what would you like to drink?"

The little guy thought about it and said, "I want to drink grapefruit juice."

So Zhao Gushen went to fetch the grapefruit juice, opened it for the little guy and poured him a cup.

Then asked Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun: "let's drink sake?"

"Have a clear drink." Ye Fei came out, just heard, "in order to match with the soup, my dinner is more Japanese, just match with sake."

"There are some good sake at home." Zhao Gushen said.

Although Zhao is driving here, it's very convenient to go back and find a substitute driver or ask the driver to pick him up.

"Yes." Zhao agreed and asked Li Xiaoyun, "can you drink it?"

"I have no problem." Li Xiaoyun said with a smile.

She used to go to Ye Fei's house for a drink.

She often talks with Ye Fei. Ye Fei prepares two or three drinks.

They don't drink together, just drink, eat and drink slowly.

If it wasn't for the late hours, they could even talk all night.

A pot of wine, a confidant, that's about it.

"How about you, too?" Zhao Gushen asks Ye Fei.

"Of course." Ye Fei said, "since it's for me to celebrate, how can I not drink this protagonist?"

Zhao Gushen smiles and comes out with a bottle of sake.

This sake is a 750ml bottle with edible gold foil in it.

Zhao Gushen specially brought the sake cup.

One for each.

The hand-made sake cup with glass hammer pattern doesn't look as smooth and regular as the machine mass production.

The mouth of the cup is not so smooth, with irregular shallow waves.

The lines on the glass are like ripples blown by the wind, the quiet lake disturbed by stones, and the shimmering light illuminated by the setting sun.

Because the glass is very thick, not as transparent as the ordinary glass.

It's more like the effect of a glass chiseled out with ice. It's translucent.

When the sake is poured into the glass, you can still see the clear liquor through the glass.

And inside the thin gold foil, is also set off the obvious.

Li Xiaoyun picked up the quilt and sniffed it at the mouth of the cup.

The faint fragrance of rice slowly flows into the nose with the unique tenderness of sake.