Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1261

"So I can't get away." Ye Fei is sorry to smile with the little guy. She wants to lie in front of the little guy.

The little guy shook his head and walked with the chips.

Said that he is not in, did not hear, that leaf Fei may play at will.

"This So serious? " Ye tezhang knows that ye Ning is looking for someone to stop Ye Fei.

Because in the morning, ye Fei said she would go to the hospital to see him, but she didn't go.

Ye Ning keeps people staring at Ye Fei, and finds that ye Fei's car doesn't turn around. Looking at the direction, it means to go to Changping.

Can also prepare two sets of plans with Zhao GuQing.

Arrange the manpower ahead of time in the place where ye Fei is stopped.

If ye Fei didn't go there, but went to the hospital, naturally he would not meet those people.

But if ye Fei chooses to race, when the car arrives at that place, those people will immediately appear and stop Ye Fei.

What will happen depends on Ye Fei's choice.

Ye Ning is in front of Ye's face.

Ye tezhang really knows Ye Ning's plan.

But ye did not expect it to be so serious. He just thought it was setting up some obstacles to block the way.

Ye tezhang doesn't want to ruin Ye Fei's future.

But listen to Ye Ning, it's just a challenge, it's not important.

It's just acting.

All the countries come to play are strong, and all the attack teams are stronger than the defending teams.

The defending team is actually a decoration.

It's more like a form.

It's not good to give a badge directly. It's hard work.

Anyway, ye tuzhang thinks that since there is a gap between the strength of the defending team and the attacking team, he must lose his badge to others.

And even if ye Fei doesn't participate, there are her teammates.

Less than a game, ye Fei has a little loss, but it's not a serious loss.

Ye tezhang thinks so, so he agrees with Ye Ning.

Of course, even if he doesn't agree, it's useless. Ye Ning won't listen to him.

But he objected. Ye Ning didn't listen. It was another matter, but it couldn't be confused.

However, ye tezhang did not expect that the situation was as serious as ye Fei said.

Ye can't help but doubt that ye Fei doesn't exaggerate and deliberately cheat him, does he?

Ye Fei has never done such a thing.

Ye Fei said: "I will send you the video shot by the dash cam in a moment. You will know that the situation at that time will only be more frightening than what you see in the video."

"I can't leave now. Gu Shen also called and asked. The doctor said you are in good condition, so we don't have to worry. So I put off seeing you. Since you are OK now, and you speak so fluently on the phone, do you mind if I accompany Xiaomo first? The child was terrified

"This..." Ye tezhang is speechless now.

"By the way, I'll send you the video as soon as possible." Ye Fei said again.

Then he took the opportunity to hang up.

Ye Fei has long asked Qiu Xingwen to send a backup video to her mobile phone.

She expected that ye tezhang would find her sooner or later.

Even if you really don't look for it, you'll be well prepared to keep the video.

It's just that ye tezhang didn't come out of her expectation. She called to ask.

For his expected, the video is not wasted, but ye Fei is not happy at all.

Ye Fei stops and doesn't think about it any more. She just sends the video to ye tezhang and continues to deal with the ingredients.

Ye tezhang points to the video sent by Ye Fei, who is really shocked.

It's like those doomsday movies where people fight for each other's lives.

It's like being surrounded by zombies.

It looks scary anyway.

It's terrible just to watch videos. It's hard to imagine how terrible it would be for ye Fei and Xiaomo to be trapped in the morning and come to the scene in person.

No wonder Xiaomo is frightened and can't leave Ye Fei.

Even he was scared to watch the video, not to mention a child as small as Xiaomo.

Ye tezhang quickly calls Ye Fei again.

Ye Fei then listens to ye tezhang and says, "Ye Fei, I didn't expect that the situation was so serious at that time. How about Xiaomo? Are you better now? "

"Not yet." Ye Fei said, "I'm guarding him now."

"That's OK. It's still a little Momo. You should accompany the children first." Ye tezhang quickly said, "I have no problem here, you don't have to worry."

"Good." Ye Fei nods.

"Are you all right?" Ye also asked.

"I'm ok. I'm scared, but I don't have time to think about it because I have to take care of Xiaomo. It's better." Ye Fei said.

When ye tezhang heard this, he felt even worse.Ye Fei is also afraid, but she has to take care of Xiao Mo and can't be afraid.

She takes care of Xiaomo, but who can take care of her?

"You also need to have a good rest," ye said painfully

"Or..." Ye tezhang wants to let Xu Huizhen accompany Ye Fei, "forget it."

Ye also felt that his idea was too fanciful. 】

Xu Huizhen is willing to go to Ye Fei, but the purpose is definitely not to comfort ye Fei.

Ye Fei doesn't want Xu Huizhen to accompany her.

Let Xu Huizhen go, ye Fei will be more angry.

Ye Fei can't really guess what ye tuzhang thinks.

I didn't expect that ye tuzhang could be so fantastic.

However, when ye tezhang says "forget it", ye Fei doesn't bother to wonder what he was thinking before.

"By the way, these people What happened in the end? " Ye also asked.

"The police arrested them when they called the police, but they couldn't do anything about them. At most, they were detained for a few days." Ye Fei says, didn't say ye Ning, lest beat grass to frighten snake.

Ye tezhang is also afraid of the dew.

Although he felt that ye Ning had gone too far, he didn't want to give it up.

If ye Fei really finds out Ye Ning, it's better to be private.

One thing less, one thing less.

"That's too cheap for them!" Ye tezhang said angrily.

"Who said that? But there is no way Ye Fei said, "this kind of thing has never happened in a few, can only admit bad luck."

Ye tezhang is relieved to hear ye Fei say so.

It seems that ye Fei didn't think about it. She just thought it was a simple touch.

"Xiaomo called me again." Ye Fei said in a hurry, "I have to go."

"Oh, good." Ye tuzhang nodded.

After ye tezhang hung up, he called Ye Ning.

Ye Ning is not in the hospital now.

Ye Ning asked him to make the call, but ye also wanted to.

Ming knows that he is hospitalized and seriously injured. Although he deceives Ye Fei, ye Fei doesn't know.

Under such circumstances, ye Fei has not come to see him.

Ye tezhang couldn't get by in his heart.

So when ye Ning asks him to call ye Fei, ye tezhang agrees.