Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1258

The players from India and the three countries also heard it.

And they just, really want to secretly deliver a message to the judges.

"Well, if you have any objection, you can choose a new team and not compete with us." Ye Huasong said.

The Indian Three Kingdoms player

Isn't this a rogue?

How can they change teams now!

Ye Huasong pointed to the big screen in front of him with a smile: "now the supervisors of the association are also watching. If they don't meet the requirements, they will raise their objection."

Ye Huasong directly asked the supervisor of the association whether the competition rules proposed by Changping violated the rules.

"No violation." "You can choose not to play," said the association's supervisor. "It's a losing game."

The players of India and three countries

They can't be angry. It's too oppressive!

"Give you three minutes to think about it. If you don't have any objection in three minutes, then the game will officially start." The supervisors are not very happy with the repeated questions raised by the players from India and the three countries.

In the absence of the tutor, the players from India and the three countries can only negotiate on their own.

After their discussion, the captain said sadly, "we have no opinion."

"Well, let me explain the rules and the title of today's competition." Ye Huasong said again.

After talking about the rules and topics, ye Huasong looked at the time: "the cooking time is one hour. Before that, you have 15 minutes to go to the ingredients room next door to select ingredients."

"I can't get to tens of seconds." Ye Huasong began to count down, "10 3、2、1!”

People in the three countries of India first started to rush out.

Ye Fei's three people have no sense of humility towards the people of the Three Kingdoms. They are just familiar with the layout and know what they want. They don't need to rush out in such a noisy way.

As soon as the players from India and the three countries went out, the captain began to make up his mind again.

I want to find a chance to talk to my tutor.

But did not expect, Changping has been well prepared, the door stood a row of Changping staff, to make a human wall.

Not only to supervise them, but also to let the players only access to the other side of the ingredients room.

Changping's staff only left the road in that direction.

When the captain of the three countries of India looked to the other side, the staff of Changping pretended not to see what he intended to look like and said, "the ingredients room is over there."


He doesn't dare to delay, after all, the game is more important.

If this time loses, the performance is not good, then he still has the possibility which enters the stage, does not know.

The team leader took in his mind and went to the ingredients room to select the ingredients.

Changping's students have also arrived at the ingredients room, directly to the area where they need the ingredients, and quickly choose them.

The players of India and the three countries saw it and felt even more aggrieved.

They have known the subject for a long time.

It's an unfair game!

But there's no way. That's what the rules are.

Changping did not violate the rules.

In fact, this is the purpose of being involved.

Both sides have their own advantages.

Make full use of your chips to hold the badge or fight for it.

The players of India and the three countries only see the advantage of Changping in this competition, but forget that their teams are also defending in India and the three countries, and they create more advantages for themselves.

The so-called "defending the challenge" naturally means that we should try our best to keep the badge.

Ye Fei and others will go back when they have finished their work.

The people of India and the three countries seize every opportunity and are unwilling to go back even one minute earlier.

Finally, he stuck and went back to the kitchen.

Ye Huasong time again: "the game begins!"

Ye Fei first removed the bone of the chicken leg, added the bone of the firewood fish, wrapped it with gauze, and stewed it in water.

She added only a little salt to the soup.

For the rest, the ingredients are enough.

In Japanese cuisine, the emphasis is on returning to the taste of the ingredients themselves.

The soup is simmering on the side.

Mince the pork until it's thicker and thicker, and don't stop.

Then blanch the chicken skin to remove the excess fat, and then rinse it repeatedly with cold water.

The grease on the skin of the chicken is completely washed off, and it becomes extra elastic.

Chop the chicken skin into fine particles and add them to the mashed chicken.

Add chopped chives, starch, miso, eggs and flavoring to the meat.

Stir well and then save into meatballs.

After that, put the meatballs aside. Ye Fei peels the radish and cuts it into three pieces about seven or eight centimeters thick.

Put three pieces of white radish into the stewing soup.

In the soup, we added Tricholoma matsutake and Hongxi mushroom.Matsutake and hongxigu, as the unique flavor of mushroom, are slowly stewed into the soup.

The chicken bone and firewood fish bone stew together, and feed back into the mushroom.

And slowly into the radish.

White radish is easy to stew to soft rotten, like a sponge to absorb the taste of soup into itself.

Finally, ye Fei takes out the bag with chicken bone and fish bone and puts the chicken balls into the pot.

While stewing, while the floating foam thin skim.

And the white radish was also dyed light light brown by the soup.

One advantage of soup is that it can be stewed all the time. The more stewed, the more delicious.

Don't worry about cooking for too long. It tastes bad.

It's done ahead of time, and it's lost the best time to eat.

Ye Fei let the soup stew, pinching the last three minutes, put the soup into the bowl.

Three judges, three bowls of soup.

Each bowl contains two chicken balls, a radish, two pieces of Tricholoma matsutake and a bunch of Hongxi mushrooms.

"Time is up!" With Ye Huasong's words, all the players stopped.

Ye Fei is also arranging the ingredients in the soup.

At the same time, the large screen on the wall is transformed into a picture in picture mode.

The supervisor's screen narrows to the upper right corner.

The main screen is switched to the judges' room next door.

Changping's staff brought all the dishes to the judges.

In front of each judge, there are two bowls of white and black.

"The judges select, in pairs of groups, do not score, only cast black bowl or white bowl." Guowenbo said.

Shaluk starts with the white bowl in front of him, and points to the bottom of the bowl that he thinks is hidden.

Guo Wenbo said with a smile: "the reason why we use color to distinguish this time is that there is no label on the bottom of the bowl, so as to avoid several people accidentally touching the label and seeing the names of the players."

Shaluk: --

Chinese, how so cunning!

He felt that the bottom of the bowl was smooth and there was no label, so he had to give up.

Three rounds of tasting, and the results will be given immediately after each round.

Finally, the three judges voted six for the white bowl and three for the black bowl, and the white bowl won.

Shaluk three people look at the national cultural museum with anxiety in their hearts.

So, which side did they choose?

"Don't look at me. I don't know. I'm in this room with you." Guo Wenbo shrugged.