Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1249

"I wake up!" The little guy immediately crawled out of Ye Fei's arms and didn't stay in bed any more.

Even without any delay, he climbed out of bed, went to the bathroom and stepped on his small steps to wash.

In order to keep in good shape, the breakfast is also prepared by my aunt, and ye Fei is not allowed to do it.

When she came out of Xiaomo's bedroom, Zhao Gushen came out.

"Why did you get up so early?" Changping is so far away that it takes a lot of time on the road.

Arriving at school at 9 o'clock, ye Fei gets up at 6 o'clock, cleans up with Xiao Mo, finishes breakfast as soon as possible, and plans to leave at 6:30.

Better be early than late.

She has to play today and make sure of the time.

But Zhao Gushen doesn't have to get up so early.

"I can't go to the scene to see you play, but at least I have to take you out." Zhao Gushen said.

With that, he looked into the little guy's room and found that he was not there.

But for the sake of safety, ye Fei was pulled back to their bedroom and closed the door.

Just as ye Fei was about to ask, Zhao Gushen's kiss came over directly.

But he did not kiss for long, only holding Ye Fei's face and kissing for a while.

"This is my cheering." Zhao Gushen said holding Ye Fei's face.

"Got it." Ye Fei smiles and nods seriously.

"Xiao Fei!" Outside came the voice of the little guy again, "I've packed up!"

Zhao Gushen looked at Ye Fei helplessly and said, "now that Xiaomo can run and jump, it will disturb us. If you give birth to a younger sister, when she can't run and jump, will your time be taken up by the youngest

"I don't want to cheat you." Ye Fei nodded, "definitely."

Zhao Gushen

"Let's not worry. We are both young. We can have a younger sister a few years later." Zhao Gushen immediately put aside yesterday that ye Fei was not pregnant.

Ye Fei thought, are you still young?

I'm not young anymore.

It is true that she is still young.

But Zhao Gushen is not young.

"The fourth uncle is only getting married now. It will take nearly a year or two to have a baby at the earliest. He can do it. I'm sure he can." Zhao Gushen said.

Ye Fei

Never thought that Zhao could lie down like this.

Ye Fei has a little sympathy for him.

"Little mo called." Ye Fei reminds Zhao Gushen.

Zhao Gushen just let go of Ye Fei, and they go out of the bedroom together.

At the door, I ran into the little guy who was looking for her everywhere.

The little guy looked up at Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen and asked, "Xiao Fei, why did you suddenly go back to the bedroom?"

And came out with dad.

Ye Fei is very guilty explanation: "I just went to wake up my father."

"Oh." The little guy seemed to believe, "go to dinner, or you'll be late."

With that, he went to the living room.

Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen also hurry to the past.

Because the three people are in a hurry to go out, their aunt knows that ye Fei is going to compete today, which is particularly important, so the breakfast preparation is simple and fast, so that they can eat well soon.

Then they set out together. Qiu Xingwen takes Ye Fei and Xiaomo away.

Zhao Gushen drove himself to Changping.

Just separated, Zhao Gushen felt lonely.

Even if you don't want to hold a meeting, go to Ye Fei directly.

Zhao Gushen has been trying his best to restrain this idea. He finally got to the company, entered the company, and was ready for a meeting. If he wanted to go back, he couldn't.

On Ye Fei's side, she is sitting in the back seat with the little guy.

Suddenly, the little guy turned around and flapped his short arm: "Xiao Fei!"

Ye Fei grasped the little guy's hand: "what's the matter?"

"I'm flustered." The little guy clung to Ye Fei, "uncomfortable."

Ye Fei is surprised: "is it the same as before?"

The little guy nodded: "just more flustered."

Ye Fei can't help thinking.

If the ability of little guys is to predict danger, then what danger is waiting for them?

Now we can't say what the danger is and when it will come.

Even if there is a general time, at least we can have a clear idea and take precautions.

But I don't know when this kind of illusory thing will come. I'm on guard day and night, and I'm worried every day.

It's very likely that before the danger comes, my mind has collapsed first.

Because the little guy has no experience in this ability, it has not been verified.

How to trigger, how long in advance to predict the danger, are still unknown.

I don't know where to start.

Ye Fei is thinking, the mobile phone rings suddenly.Ye Fei picked up the phone and saw that it was ye tezhang's number.

Ye Fei hesitates for a moment. From the last time ye tezhang came to her, ye Fei knows that it must have something to do with Xu Huizhen and ye Ning.

Ye Fei really doesn't want to answer ye tuzhang's phone call.

She watched the phone ring for a long time, and finally decided to pick it up first to see the situation.

If it's still because of Xu Huizhen and ye Ning, she will hang up directly.

Unexpectedly, she answers the phone and hears Ye Ning's voice.

"Ye Fei." Ye Ning called, "don't hang up. Don't you worry about Dad's health?"

Ye Ning has no choice.

She just used her own number to call ye Fei. Unexpectedly, ye Fei has blacked her number.

She called again with Xu Huizhen's number.

No accident, but also by Ye Fei black.

I can't help it. Ye Ningcai calls ye Zezhang.

"Ye Fei, how did you blackout my mobile phone number and my mother's?" Ye asked.

"You told Dad that if you use his mobile phone to make a call next time, I'll have to black out his mobile phone number." Ye Fei said coldly.

Ye tezhang is the only way to connect Ye family and ye Fei.

If ye Fei really pulls ye tuzhang's mobile phone number black, this can really threaten Ye Ning.

See ye Fei is to hang up the meaning of the phone, ye Ning quickly said: "you wait! You don't care about our dad? "

"What do you mean?" Ye Fei asked with a frown.

Ye Ning took the opportunity to say: "Ye Fei, you have to set an example for Xiaomo no matter how. Small Mo on the side looking at you, looking at your parents are not filial, and even pull black their number, afraid we contact you. You let the small Mo all see, have a kind of learn a model, don't be afraid that he hereafter also so to you? "

"I hung up." Ye Fei said coldly.

She has taken away her mobile phone. When she wants to hang up, she can hear ye Ning's sharp voice: "Dad is in hospital!"

Ye Fei quickly put the phone back to her ear: "what do you say?"

"Dad is in hospital. You dislike him so much that you don't want to see him, so Dad misses you, but we won't let him come to you. Save the hot face close to the cold fart. Stock, you don't look up to, come to you also be despised by you

"That's why dad went to you secretly without telling us. Who knows, there was an accident and I was hit by a car. " Ye Ning said.