Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1235

It's very stressful to stop there.

Especially when he is commenting, if he doesn't speak, you will feel that it's not delicious?

I'm afraid he's not satisfied with what he's done.

Can be such two people, still can be zhao gu Xian pressure momentum.

Zhao gu Xian was young and stood between them, but he didn't seem to be abrupt at all.

Gu Huasong and Zhao Huaguo, who are headed by Gu Huaxian, are a little weak.

Let a person see, unexpectedly also don't think zhao gu Xian such have what not worthy of the name.

"No problem." Zhao gu Xian very happily agreed, "in this way, I make some rules."

"As judges, even if each of us only takes a small bite, we can't give each of the remaining 23 people a taste of a dish." Zhao gu Xian said.

"During the evaluation, if any contestant on the scene doubts the evaluation of the judges and thinks that the dish is not worthy of such high evaluation, he can completely question it and taste it himself."

"Who has doubts, who opens his mouth, who tastes." Zhao gu Xian said, "so, do you feel satisfied?"

"You don't have to worry. This is the mechanism of Changping. " Zhao Guwei said with a smile, "our college has always been a competitive mechanism. We will update the ranking of students' strength every month, and welcome the students behind to challenge at any time. If the challenge is successful, we will readjust the ranking."

"Therefore, the students in our school are never afraid of any challenge, nor are they afraid to express their own opinions and raise their own doubts." Zhao Guxian said that his words and expressions are all proud of his school students.

Even Tian Pengpo, Qiu Mingshan and others showed a proud expression.

Zhao Guxian is right. They are never afraid of this.

Like Wu Qingling, he was very arrogant before, but he really told him that he could ask him to question. On the contrary, he still counseled and asked the judges for their opinions first.

Wu Qingling also heard that Zhao Guxian was speaking for their Changping students.

"Now, all the contestants who want to take part in the competition are ready after they go to the cooking table." Zhao gu Xian said.

All the people were busy choosing the cooking table and standing well.

"According to the rules of the international culinary competition, the cuisine that two pairs of contestants compete in must be the cuisine of a third country, so as not to be beneficial to one of them." Zhao gu Xian explained.

For example, if China competes with Gaul, Chinese cuisine or French cuisine will be chosen.

It must be good for one of them and unfair for the other.

Therefore, the direct choice of third-party cuisine, as fair as possible.

"In order to make everyone adapt to this rule as soon as possible, from today on, what we are practicing is cooking in other countries." Zhao Guxian said, "because during the competition, you will not have the opportunity to do Chinese cuisine."

"Then in the next competition, there is no limit to the title of the competition. At least in this competition, besides Chinese cuisine, you can choose the cuisine you are good at." Zhao Guxian said, "only one is required, hot dishes and main course."

"The 15 contestants have just been familiar with the surrounding environment on their way here. The ingredients room is next door. I think you know it. Next, you have 15 minutes to go to the ingredients room and pick whatever you want

"It's 15:13." Zhao gu Xian looked at his watch and said, "at 15:30, you all have to go back to the cooking table. The late players can't come back, they can only watch the game. You will not be eliminated, but the score in this game will be 0

"Well, now let's go to the ingredients room to choose." Zhao gu Xian said.

We didn't dare to delay and went in a hurry.

Especially outside the school players, because this is not their home, the heart is always bottomless.

So it's very fast.

They rushed to the front, while ye Fei and others were in no hurry.

Because I usually come from the study room to study food.

As for the area where the ingredients are placed in the next room, what ingredients are in what area and where, it's very clear, so we don't have to worry.

Ye Fei went to choose ox tongue and some seasoning.

This dish, or she saw from a Japanese drama "Tokyo Hotel".

Naturally, the production process and formula will not be detailed in the play.

But ye Fei tried to recreate the dish through the study of the play frame by frame.

She gave Zhao Gushen and Xiaomo a taste, and the feedback was very good.

Ye Fei and others have a clear recipe in their hearts, so they have a clear goal.

Although I went in late, I chose very quickly. I came back to the restaurant early, waiting for the competition to start.

On the contrary, it's the off campus players, though not like headless flies.

But the ingredients room is really big, with all kinds of ingredients, which is richer than the restaurants they work in.

As soon as I went in, I wanted to take a little of everything, but I didn't want to come out.It's obvious that they went in first, but they came out slower than ye Fei.

But fortunately, they all came back before 15:30.

"Now, start!" Zhao gu Xian said.

People immediately started to work.

When Zhao Gu saw that they were doing it, he said: "the cooking time is one hour."

There are a few hands on the action pause, looked up at Zhao Guxian: "you did not say ah?"

"Didn't you say that you didn't set a time limit for yourself? Since it's a competition, it won't give you too much time. You should know that Zhao Guxian said, "don't you really think you can cook for three or four hours here if I don't tell you?"

"During the competition, there will be all kinds of unexpected emergencies. So today's game is not only to give you an initial ranking, but also to test your adaptability

Guowenbo then said: "don't look down on the students of Changping University. If you think they are young, they have less experience and strength than you."

"Don't you see that? For the president just request, Changping college students have no objection, and still in an orderly way to do their own preparation. Because they have already set up a suitable match for themselves and have enough time to prepare. Instead of trying to be as sophisticated as possible. "

"This competition is about winning, not just showing off your skills." Guowenbo said coldly.

A few people listen, subconsciously look at the past four times.

Sure enough, the students of Changping university are preparing for it. A generation of people are not surprised.

And they don't have too many ingredients on the table, which shows that their cooking won't be too complicated.

Wu Qingling didn't agree. It's just that this is the home of these students, so they have been used to it for a long time.