Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1230

Li Xiaoyun's face is very hot because of Zhao Xiaoyun's kiss. He can only be soft in his arms and can't make any effort.

In a trance, I can vaguely feel that she is being held by Zhao Zhen and retreating quickly.

Li Xiaoyun thought silently with her only remaining sober consciousness that what Zhao theorem had just done was to reduce her defense and tension, right?

She really thinks that living with Zhao theorem is too much to highlight her lack of intelligence.

I always look like a fool.

This is Li Xiaoyun's last thought.

After that, she couldn't think of anything.

People are put on the bed and pressed in their arms.

As ye Fei said, Li Xiaoyun doesn't have time to think about whether he looks good or not, and whether he wears the right clothes.

He was dizzy by Zhao's theorem before he could react.

The only thing li Xiaoyun can remember is that Zhao's physical strength is quite good.

She didn't know how long she had been tossed. Anyway, she was very tired, but Zhao theorem seemed to be OK.

There was a gasping voice in my ear, which was so provocative.

His breath spilled on her ears, neck and shoulders.

Li Xiaoyun never knew how wonderful it was to feel so close to a man.

It's as if it's fused with him, regardless of each other.

I have a part of him in my body.

Two people like that fit, Li Xiaoyun even can't help, tightly holding Zhao theorem cried out.

I haven't experienced Zhao theorem.

Seeing that Li Xiaoyun was crying, he was also flustered.

Busy holding her coax, but also to wipe her tears: "what's the matter? Why are you crying? "

"Where can I not do it?" Zhao asked in a hurry.

Li Xiaoyun shakes his head.

She looks so fragile in Zhao's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Zhao theorem began to work hard to find the reason in himself, "is I didn't tell you to You think I'm too impatient? "

"It's my fault. I shouldn't be." Zhao said.

"No Li Xiaoyun heard that the more he said, the more he misunderstood himself. He made a sound quickly.

"I don't know what to say." She did not have this feeling, did not know how to describe, "not wronged, if you have to say, it may be similar to moving it?"

Li Xiaoyun sniffs. At this time, she doesn't want to talk much.

One is no strength.

The other is because of something that she can't say but can only understand.

"Just feel, it's great to be with you." Li Xiaoyun was in Zhao's arms, and his cheek was still rubbing against his sweating chest.

Zhao was relieved.

As long as he didn't do something wrong, or let Li Xiaoyun where uncomfortable, hate.

"Then..." Zhao Xiaoyun's fingers in Li Xiaoyun's shoulder unconsciously gently sliding, "you are not angry?"

Li Xiaoyun is lazy. He even wants Zhao to stop talking and just move.

"What are you angry with?" She thought about it, but couldn't find the point where she could be angry.

So what is Zhao theorem worried about?

"Nothing." Zhao was relieved.

It seems that Li Xiaoyun is not dissatisfied with his routine tonight.

It can continue tomorrow.

He looked down at the man in his arms.

Li Xiaoyun's cheeks were rosy, and even the tip of his nose was a little red.

She half squinted tired, her eyelashes wet with tears.

She couldn't help but bow her head and kiss her half closed eyes.

Can also taste slightly salty moist tears.

Then he gave her a kiss on the tip of her red nose.

"Tired?" He's ok if he's not tired.

Li Xiaoyun quickly said: "tired! I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow. "

I wish I could take a leave for Li Xiaoyun and let her have a rest tomorrow.

Still, he didn't say.

If Li Xiaoyun wants to, he will.

If she doesn't mention it, she just doesn't want to.

Zhao Xiaoyun hugged Li Xiaoyun: "OK, sleep."

At night, because it was too sudden, Li Xiaoyun was carried into his bedroom before he could react.

So everything in Li Xiaoyun's bedroom is still confiscated.

That's it for the time being.

Anyway, as long as Li Xiaoyun is here, it's enough.

Zhao is satisfied with holding her, side cheek, in Li Xiaoyun hairy top rub a few: "good night."

"Good night." Li Xiaoyun's voice is getting weaker and weaker.At the end of the day, there was no sound.

Even after drinking coffee, it didn't stop the tiredness after being tossed by Zhao theorem.

I went straight to sleep.

Zhao Xiaoyun looked down at Li Xiaoyun with a light moonlight.

I closed my eyes.

However, his sleepiness is not so strong.

Just take this opportunity to feel the satisfaction of holding Li Xiaoyun to sleep.

At this moment, in the dead of night, there is only the long and light breathing sound of Li Xiaoyun in his deep sleep.

Zhao's mouth has been hooked, how can't fall down.

He regretted for the first time that he got married late.

I wish I could get married earlier when I was young.

The physical strength at the moment is not two years earlier.

Zhao's regret.

If only he had known Li Xiaoyun two years earlier.

Now I know Li Xiaoyun through Ye Fei.

But if he knew Li Xiaoyun two years earlier, he would not delay Zhao Gushen's meeting with Ye Fei.

It can even make Zhao Gushen and ye Fei meet two years earlier.

Zhao looked down at the sleeping Li Xiaoyun with regret.

She has been working in Ruishi for so long. Why didn't she want to go to Changlin to develop her business?

If he had gone to Changlin to develop business earlier, he would have known her earlier.

In this way, Zhao fell asleep with regret.


in the morning, Li Xiaoyun was awakened by the alarm ring of his mobile phone.

She is used to putting her mobile phone beside her pillow. She can touch it every day without opening her eyes.

So at this moment, she also habitually reached out to touch the mobile phone.

Who knows the hand raised for a while, didn't lift up, was what tightly tied to hold, and was iron like pressure, chest are stuffy breathing is not so smooth.

Li Xiaoyun is still asleep and doesn't want to open his eyes.

But now, I have to wake up.

When Li Xiaoyun opened his eyes, his eyelids were still heavy and he even wanted to rub them.

But his arm couldn't move, so he could only force himself to adapt for a while, and then he opened his eyes completely.

Who knows, once in the eye is a chest.

Li Xiaoyun took a breath and felt the breath on her forehead.

Gradually, memories of yesterday really and thoroughly pour into my mind.

She got married and got a license.

It was written in the same household register with Zhao.

And I talked to Zhao last night