Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1220

"Drainage?" Li Xiaoyun said with a smile, "I don't have many fans."

"We'll both tweet soon, and your fans will have to jump up." Zhao theorem explained, "when the time comes, netizens will see, yo, you also pay attention to these, which is estimated to be very interesting, then I also pay attention to it? Isn't that the right way to channel those marketing numbers? "

Listening to Zhao's imitation of netizens' psychological changes is just like listening to crosstalk. Li Xiaoyun can't stop laughing.

Zhao said, just took a good picture, and then sent a micro blog, and circle Li Xiaoyun.

Zhao theorem: "Hello, everyone. I'm Mr. Zhao theorem, who doesn't know where the cloud is."

Next, of course, he also brought his marriage certificate with Li Xiaoyun.

Even the group photo of the two inside was shown.

It's just a mosaic covering the privacy part.

"I'm done." Zhao said.

Li Xiaoyun followed, forwarded Zhao's microblog, and checked the comment at the same time.

"Hello, everyone. I'm the wife of this @ Zhao theorem, Li Xiaoyun." Zhao theorem because it is with red V certification, and is known as the president of Changlin.

Therefore, the microblog uses his real name.

Li Xiaoyun just takes Weibo as a place to eat melons, and does not apply for any personal authentication, nor does he use his real name.

After Zhao Ding finished his haircut, he immediately went to the 8864 group and urged them to forward it.

As a result, there is such a picture on Weibo.

Zhao Gushen: "this is my fourth aunt."

Ye Fei: "this is my fourth aunt."

Wei Zhiqian: "fourth uncle Zhao got married at the age of 37. As long as he has a dream, everyone is great!"

Zhao Gushen took a look at Wei Zhiqian's words and said, "tut".

Wei Zhikai doesn't have a long memory.

Every time, I have to tease. But after every time, I have to be deeply hurt.

A heart has been tied into a sieve, was tied when crying.

As a result, every time he was stabbed, he continued to swish.

Well, the scar forgot the pain, that is to say, he is like this.

Oh no, Zhao Gushen thinks that with the speed of Wei Zhiqian's heart being pricked, he belongs to a person whose scar is not good and who has to continue to tease with pain.

I have to say it is very strong.

Sure enough, because of Wei Zhiqian's words, the enthusiasm of netizens was aroused.

"What? Is it all 37? "

"How was such a handsome uncle left behind?"

"It's not too much to say that it's a drop in the ocean!"

"Single now? Too much! "

Maybe it's because netizens have known in the previous official announcements of the eight families that they are different from the plutocrats recognized by the general public.

It's not that kind of playboy.

Therefore, no one thinks that Zhao's marriage is due to the fact that he was in the game world before and didn't want to get married.

They all think that he just didn't find a girlfriend, and now he finally got married.

Therefore, many netizens were even more shocked.

Looking so handsome, still can't find a girlfriend?

Too much!

"You said 27 I believe it!"

"From then on, the fourth uncle of the Zhao family is the top stream of the uncle circle."

"The bride is 10 years younger than the fourth uncle of the Zhao family."

"But looking at it, it doesn't look like an old cow eating tender grass. It's really that fourth uncle Zhao is too young."

"If such a handsome old cow is willing to eat me, I'd like to!"

There are netizens on the reaction is very fast, especially sensitive to ask Wei Zhiqian: "37 year old uncle Zhao are married, then you?"

"Wei Dashao, if you don't have a girlfriend, consider me."

"I can, too." This netizen seems to be serious, and even attached with the comments his self photos after beautification.

Like Wei Zhiqian's account, although he doesn't usually tweet, he has a lot of fans.

Even if it only appears occasionally, sending some propaganda microblogs to our group can attract a large number of fans to forward their messages.

The posture is not inferior to the popular traffic star.

This time Wei Zhiqian forwarded Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun's microblog, too.

The comments soon broke ten thousand.

This kind of comment area is full of people, eyes and dragons and snakes. It can be said that there are all kinds of people.

Even if it's just a simple message, it can lead to the pursuit and interception of keyboard men.

Not to mention the issue of photos, but also by all kinds of comments.

There are women with sour language.

There are people who speak foul language seriously.

It has to be said that in such an environment, this netizen has the courage to send out photos, which is really very courageous.This netizen's Lou Zhong Lou will not be mentioned.

There are also a large number of people who volunteered to be Wei Zhiqian's girlfriend for him to consider.

More confident net red, also to send photos, really thin and good-looking.

Zhao wanwan did not expect that things should be this way.

When he got married, the official announced that, as a result, netizens all went to Wei Zhiqian's comments to ask for communication?

Who can bear it!

Zhao theorem went straight to the group to make complaints about Wei Wei.

Zhao Gushen: "fourth uncle, don't worry about it. Just wait and see his ability to open the eyes of heaven and learn from the green."

Wei Zhiqian hasn't seen the crowd yet, so he doesn't know Zhao Gushen's prediction.

It's a coincidence that when Zhao Gushen made this remark.

Wei Zhiqian also sent a sentence: "they all want me to look good and have money!"

Zhao Gushen: "look, what did I say?"

Li Xiaoyun

"What else? Isn't the picture so ugly that you don't take a bath? " Li make complaints about Zhao's theorem.

"So he's still alone." Zhao theorem gloated and said, "I'd like to see when he will be enlightened."

"It's hard for me to see. Everyone has tea. How can I open it?" Li Xiaoyun's tongue.

"Don't talk about him." Don't waste your time on Wei Zhiqian, a single dog.

"Let's go back to mom and dad's?" Zhao said.

Although they left early in the morning, they went to Li's father and mother to get the Hukou book, and then went around to the third old man to get the Hukou book.

Come back to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

So the whole morning passed.

It's just noon.

Listening to Zhao theorem, Li Xiaoyun knows that Zhao theorem refers to Li's father and Li's mother.

Li Xiaoyun said: "don't get old..."

Li Xiaoyun just said an old word, thinking that now she and Zhao theorem are the people who get the certificate, it's time to change the name.

So Li Xiaoyun quickly changed his words: "go to Dad. He's alone. We've got the license. He's the happiest. "

"It's too soon to go there now." Zhao theorem said, "after all, Dad's place is quite far away from here. In the past alone, it took more than an hour. I'm afraid the time of traffic jam is longer."