Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1216

"So early? Who is it? " Father Li heard the sound outside the door and muttered as he walked.

Then, hearing the sound of "diddidi" when the fingerprint lock was opened, it was confirmed that the visitor must be Li Xiaoyun.

Because only three of them can directly open the fingerprint lock at home.

"Xiaoyun?" When father Li walked to the door, he just passed the kitchen.

By the way, he took a look at mother Li and said to her, "why did Xiaoyun come here early in the morning?"

Li's mother was cooking in the kitchen. There was the roar of a range hood smoking, so she didn't hear the sound of opening the door.

Hearing Li's father's words, Li's mother came out to see: "is Xiaoyun coming?"

"It's not a fight with the theorem, is it?" Mother Li asked anxiously.

Otherwise, can you come early in the morning?

When the two families had dinner together at noon yesterday, they were fine?

Two kids fight when they go back at night?

This is what Li's mother and father are worried about.

Once they quarrel, they don't even have the ability to support their daughter.

As far as the Zhao family is concerned, if they want to tear their faces apart, how can they resist?

But now it should be just a little fight, not to tear the face.

But I can't help worrying in advance.

Li father and Li mother nervously looking at the door.

I saw the door open.

"Dad, mom." Li Xiaoyun came in and cried.

When they saw Li Xiaoyun's reaction, it didn't look like a fight, even And happy events?

Another look, Li Xiaoyun is still following Zhao theorem.

If you look at them, it's not a fight.

Li's father and mother immediately put their hearts in their stomachs.

"I'm still cooking noodles. Come in first." Mother Li said, "have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." Li Xiaoyun said with a smile.

Father Li immediately reproached: "we didn't have a meal. Why didn't we say it in advance? Let's do more. What if you come and we're finished? "

"We thought that if we happen to meet you for dinner, we'll eat together. If you're late, we'll go out to the breakfast shop and have some." Li Xiaoyun said.

It's so convenient now. I'm not afraid I don't have breakfast.

"We haven't eaten yet. You're all here. I'll cook more noodles. It's no trouble." Li said.

"Come in and sit down." Father Li found slippers for them.

Li Xiaoyun and Zhao Xiaoyun changed their shoes. Li Xiaoyun threw his bag on the sofa and went to the kitchen.

"Mom, I'll help you." Li Xiaoyun said.

"It's so easy to help." Mother Li said, "just cook the noodles. The bittern is ready-made. I used to eat beef with soy sauce. I'll keep all the beef soup. I'll cut down the water and add some beef soup to it

Sauce beef in order to be able to taste, soup is generally salty, spicy flavor is also heavy.

So it's not suitable to use it as the base of soup directly. It's more suitable to dilute it with water.

"Cut a few more slices of beef and you'll have beef noodles." Li mother said with a smile, simple and delicious.

As soon as Li's mother said it, Li Xiaoyun immediately missed the beef noodles made by Li's mother.

"By the way, why did you suddenly come here this morning?" Li asked.

This time, under normal circumstances should not be on the way to work?

Why do you still have time to come here?

Li Xiaoyun said sheepishly: "I follow the theorem I decided to get the certificate today, so I came back to get the Hukou book. "

Mother Li is fishing for cooked noodles.

When I heard this, I let go.

The noodles didn't come out, and even the chopsticks fell into the pot.

"Lead How can I get a license? " Mother Li can't take care of both ends now.

If the noodles are fished out later, they should be boiled.

But what Li Xiaoyun just said, Li's mother still has to ask clearly.

"Mom, calm down." Li Xiaoyun took out a pair of chopsticks and took the big soup bowl with noodles from his mother.

Mother Li can't do it now.

Li Xiaoyun simply took it over and first took out the chopsticks that fell into the pot.

Then I fished out the noodles again, and passed the cold water again, so that the noodles would not stick together, it was not easy to lump, and it was smoother.

Then put the noodles into four bowls.

Add in the diluted beef soup and put all the beef slices that mother Li had cut on the noodles.

Li mother also hot a few rape, Li Xiaoyun also put up.

It's easy to cook beef noodles.

Everything else is ready-made.

But with such a swing, I have a special appetite, which is no worse than that in the hotel.

Li Xiaoyun saw that Li's mother was still shocked, so he gave her time to digest.I just went out with beef noodles.

Seeing that it was Li Xiaoyun who came out, Zhao Xiaogan got up quickly.

When he comes to Li Xiaoyun, he will pick him up.

Li Xiaoyun then said: "there is something else in it. You can take it from the kitchen."

Zhao went to the kitchen.

See Li mother is standing in the kitchen in a daze.

"Mom?" Zhao shouts strangely.

Li's mother was called by Zhao's mother, and the whole person was excited.

But I finally came back.

Li's mother said nothing else and went out with beef noodles.

Li Xiaoyun and Li's mother are both carrying a bowl.

The beef noodle bowl is big and the soup is hot.

A bowl is really heavy.

Two people can't hold two bowls at a time.

Zhao's theorem immediately brought out two bowls.

It's like I can't feel the heat.

Li Xiaoyun just put down the bowl in her hand. As soon as she saw Zhao theorem, she came quickly and took the bowl in his hand.

When the four sat down, mother Li asked, "Xiaoyun, you just said you are going to get the license today?"


Li dad just picked up the chopsticks to eat, this changed into Li dad surprised to drop the chopsticks on the table.

Li Xiaoyun then explained: "we are thinking about the wedding in October anyway. Don't you agree to get the certificate before the wedding? Then there's no need to delay. Yesterday, on our way back, we just talked about this and thought that we would get the certificate today. Just wait for the wedding. "

Li's father never thought that Li's mother was worried that Li Xiaoyun didn't fall in love and didn't want to get married.

Who knows, Li Xiaoyun wants a more fashionable one.

As soon as you fall in love, you get married.

Mother Li doesn't have to worry any more!

Li's mother is also responding now.

Also, Li Xiaoyun lives with Zhao theorem.

In fact, getting the license early is a guarantee for Li Xiaoyun.

What Li Xiaoyun said also reminded her.

Now that it's all decided to have a wedding in October.

In fact, it doesn't make much difference whether you get a license before the wedding, sooner or later.

"When we come back today, one is to talk to you, the other is to get the Hukou book." Li Xiaoyun said.

Li mother a listen, directly put down the chopsticks.