Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1206

The third old man didn't expect that mother Li would take the initiative to mention it.

There is such a good thing. There is no reason not to agree!

For fear that the promise will be slow, mother Li will go back.

The third master quickly wiped his tears and said, "thank you very much for your family! I know that we are forced to get married so early, which makes you unprepared. "

"Not only are theorems blessed, but I am also blessed! You have such a good in laws. " The third old man said with emotion.

"Don't say that." Father Li said quickly.

Three old man this good words with don't want money to protrude.

It's faster than a machine gun.

Straight Li father and Li mother suddenly completely blind.

Li's father is very resourceful now. He promised to let Li Xiaoyun and Zhao Xiaoyun get the certificate as soon as possible, without any reluctance.

If Li Xiaoyun wants to marry later, his father will criticize him.

However, I don't have to go to work on Monday to get the license immediately.

The wedding of Zhao Gushen and ye Fei is scheduled for October 13.

The old lady checked the almanac on the spot with her mobile phone and said, "October 25 is a good day to get married. And the temperature is right, it's a good time for autumn

"How's it going?" The old lady asked Li's father and mother, and then looked at Li Xiaoyun.

Li Xiaoyun himself is also ignorant force, did not expect that today even directly on the wedding are ordered.

She didn't think much about her future with Zhao.

After all, she has just been with Zhao theorem, patronizing to adapt to their new relationship, and has not had time to think about more things.

Even the worry of whether they can get married has not come out yet.

Naturally, I never imagined being proposed.

It can be said that up to now, Li Xiaoyun has not had a specific feeling.

Now when it comes to getting married, Li Xiaoyun finds that he has no fear.

So gladly accepted.

Maybe it's because I've been living with Zhao all the time, and I've formed a habit for a long time.

For living with him, there is no unknowns, so we will not worry about it.

Moreover, Zhao theorem really reassures her, and she really loves him.

So instead of being afraid, they are looking forward to it.

Now that he has talked about the wedding, Li Xiaoyun can't help thinking about the proposal.

But today, after such a discussion, the two families naturally avoided the procedure of marriage proposal.

But let Li Xiaoyun think, she really can't think of the appearance of Zhao Xiaoyun's proposal.

I think it's good for the two families to discuss this.

Proposal or something, unless it's natural, the man really gives a special surprise, so Li Xiaoyun thinks it's very good.

But now, most of the proposals have changed.

Both parties have been engaged, and the man has come up with another proposal.

It's to propose for the sake of marriage, and to propose for the sake of form. It's unnecessary.

Li Xiaoyun doesn't think it's necessary.

Therefore, in today's situation, there must be no proposal procedure, but Li Xiaoyun doesn't feel uncomfortable.

"Dad, mom, what do you say?" Li Xiaoyun asked.

Both Li's father and Li's mother agreed.

In the last two months, it seems that time is in a hurry.

But actually, they don't need to prepare anything.

The Zhao family is all round, and it's up to the people at the bottom to do it.

Li father and Li mother, including Li Xiaoyun, do not have to work hard.

For example, before marriage, most new couples have to run wedding companies and hotels.

Also order wedding dress, Chinese dress, toast dress.

But also busy wedding, wedding candy and other miscellaneous, all kinds of trivial things.

Even if there is a wedding company, but the wedding company is only responsible for the wedding part.

For example, many trivial things need to be done by new people themselves.

Not only the new couple is busy, but also the parents of both sides of the new couple are busy to the point where they are bald or even angry.

But when Li Xiaoyun came here, the Zhao family naturally could not let Li's father and Li's mother suffer from this kind of fatigue.

Zhao theorem can't make Li Xiaoyun so busy.

In addition to work, Li Xiaoyun spent all his time with him.

About the wedding, no matter how trivial work, there are others to do.

Even the Zhao family don't need to prepare anything themselves.

Just ask about the progress and see the effect of the finished product. If it's not good, call back and redo it.

Party A of Tuoer.

Or have Zhao Gushen and ye Fei never been worried about the wedding?Ye Fei has a little idea of the progress. She doesn't ask for follow-up, but she takes the initiative to report to her where the progress is.

Now when it comes to the wedding, ye Fei also remembers that she and Zhao Gushen haven't had a wedding yet.

Seeing that the wedding was going to be held in October, the time passed so fast that she forgot it.

In fact, ye Fei said that it doesn't matter whether the wedding is held or not.

She doesn't care about the form.

The mother-in-law's family is warm and treats her as her own daughter.

She and Zhao Gushen are happy and happy. She doesn't care about the external appearance of the wedding.

Happiness is the real thing.

However, the elders want to let everyone know that she and the little guy.

Now it's just within their normal communication scope, knowing that she's with Xiaomo.

But there are still many people who don't know.

The elders of the Zhao family want to take the opportunity of holding a century wedding to let more people know ye Fei and Xiaomo.

Ye Fei is grateful for the intentions of her elders, and naturally she is very cooperative.

But if it's not for this, ye Fei doesn't really care about the wedding.

As ye Fei's best friend, Li Xiaoyun agrees with Ye Fei's three outlooks, and thinks the same way.

People say that women are like princesses when they marry and queens when they are pregnant.

But Li Xiaoyun didn't want to be a princess at all.

The elders of the two sides discussed the wedding.

Just before the wedding and when they are free, you can get the license.

So such a wedding banquet, in the case of both elders are satisfied with the end.

Li's mother knows that Zhao Xiaoyun and Li Xiaoyun have already lived together.

So when she left, she went directly with Li's father instead of calling Li Xiaoyun.

Seeing off the elders, Zhao Gushen said, "it's a rare pleasure today. How about going to our house?"

During the dinner, the elders were chatting, and they had no chance to speak.

Zhao theorem has not agreed, zhao gu Xian can't wait to nod: "good, good, good."

Zhao Gushen looked at him with disgust: "it's not that you want to get married. What are you happy about?"

Zhao gu Xian

Zhao theorem also said: "that is, to stimulate you to open brother stimulation is very good, how did not think that he has now become our family bottom layer?"