Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1194

"Of course, of course." Li Xiaoyun nodded.

I'm really drunk when I see Zhao's theorem, and I'm very honest, even a little silly.

Li Xiaoyun's courage suddenly grew up.

Today's Zhao theorem is like a 1:1 human doll.

Li Xiaoyun thinks that no matter what she does, she will not resist.

Of course, Li Xiaoyun can't do anything too much.

She has no heart or courage.

It's like Zhao is such a good baby. I really want to bully her.

Although he was drunk last time, he was still conscious.

Even taking a bath can take care of itself.

It's not like now. I'm too drunk to talk about hygiene.

Li Xiaoyun holds Zhao's face and kisses him on the cheek with courage: "you see, I've already kissed you. I don't dislike it."

This tone is like coaxing a child.

Zhao also nodded obediently.

Xu's previous antidote sugar played a role, but now it's much more comfortable.

Although the brain is still muddled, extremely slow response, but at least the headache.

It's just that she gives her a kiss on her cheek. It feels soft and comfortable.

I want her to kiss more.

When Li Xiaoyun withdraws, Zhao Xiaoyun still wants to stop him.

However, the action of being stimulated by alcohol is slow, and the brain can't turn around.

So when he wanted to pull Li Xiaoyun, Li Xiaoyun had already left.

After a while, Li Xiaoyun brought another cup of honey: "come on, drink more, and then go to bed."

Zhao theorem obediently finished drinking honey water, said: "now do not want to sleep, afraid to lie down uncomfortable, will want to vomit."

"Then sit here for a while?" Li Xiaoyun asked.

In fact, it's not too late.

It's just after nine.

It's just that father Li is more likely to get drunk because he drinks too much.

In fact, I came back very early.

Li Xiaoyun didn't drink, so he was not sleepy.

She didn't feel at ease to leave Zhao alone here.

"Well." Zhao nodded.

The head is really not painful, so dare to nod.

Li Xiaoyun is now bold, also boasted: "how can you be so good after you get drunk?"

Last time he got drunk, Li Xiaoyun thought his wine was very good.

If he doesn't talk about it, he can't see that he's drunk. He has good self-control.

But he didn't drink much on purpose that time, so Li Xiaoyun's feeling is not very deep.

Tonight, she really saw how father Li fed him.

I saw with my own eyes how drunk he was.

As a result, the more drunk, the better.

Originally, Li Xiaoyun didn't want to get married. He was even a little afraid of marriage because he was used to living alone.

She can't imagine living with others. They have different living habits since childhood.

Everyone has shortcomings, so does she.

It doesn't matter if she has any small faults, but if she really can't accommodate and tolerate, she can't imagine how to force herself and have to change herself to accommodate each other.

So much so that I feel uncomfortable psychologically.

Since it can't be changed, don't fall in love and get married at all.

In order to avoid other people suffering, they also suffer.

But after knowing Zhao theorem, she found that it was different.

It turns out that the feeling of two people together is so good, even living together doesn't feel that there is anything wrong.

Even better.

Maybe, is really fall in love with each other, each other's what they like.

Even if it is shortcomings, but also willing to sincerely inclusive.

Before, she didn't have this idea, even fear, because she never fell in love with anyone.

I can't even imagine.

But after knowing Zhao's theorem, Li Xiaoyun realized that they were getting along like this.

Even if she didn't know that Zhao theorem could be so good when she was drunk, she would not dislike Zhao theorem even if she was drunk.

Zhao was so confused that he didn't talk much.

Li Xiaoyun didn't talk much, so he stayed with him quietly.

Zhao took his cell phone and continued to look through the circle of friends.

Although he is drunk, he still remembers that he used to show off in his circle of friends.

Who knows, there are still some duplications in reading.

Li Xiaoyun saw Zhao holding his mobile phone far away, squinting at it, like a presbyopia.

Immediately after that, he saw Zhao theorem shaking his head a few times. He was very distressed and said with a bit of panic: "do I have to get old? How to read the double image of words? "Li Xiaoyun

This man is drunk and stupid.

Li Xiaoyun did not explain to him.

It's hard to explain to a drunk.

Li Xiaoyun kept quiet.

See Zhao theorem to take the mobile phone further some, really keep up with the age of the boss like.

"It's over." Zhao said suddenly.

Interest Oh, cloud, turn to see Zhao theorem.

Listen to him say: "I am presbyopia, show me old, smile cloud, you won't despise me?"

Li Xiaoyun

Just now I thought Zhao was drunk and very good.

It turned out to be a playwright.

"No, I won't give up what you become." Li Xiaoyun said.

The drunkard said, "and you didn't explain it to me."

"I don't have any old flowers. Why do I have double images when I read?" I don't believe it.

Li Xiaoyun must have comforted him.

"You drink too much, your eyes don't focus, and you're sure to see double images. It's not just words. Look at our furniture. Look at me. Are they all ghosting? " Li Xiaoyun coaxed the explanation like a child.

Zhao theorem also really carefully looked up at Li Xiaoyun.

Li Xiaoyun thinks that Zhao's theorem will finally understand.

Who knows, see Zhao theorem suddenly grin.

The smile is also silly, like the landlord's silly son.

"It's very nice of you to say we are here." Zhao nodded, "yes, this is our family!"

Li Xiaoyun has taken this place as his home.

It's my home.

It's not his family anymore, it's theirs.

Li Xiaoyun didn't expect that after seeing her seriously for such a long time, her thinking jumped directly to it.

Li Xiaoyun is not touched at all now, because he sees Zhao holding his mobile phone and clicking on the 8864 group.

Li Xiaoyun

When you are so drunk, can you still chat in the group?

It turns out that Zhao theorem did not go to chat in the group, but directly found Wei Zhiqian in the group.

It's also the misfortune of Wei Zhiqian, who is still in the water group this evening.

Zhao theorem does not need to search the column of group members. As soon as he goes in, he sees Wei Zhiqian chatting.

Zhao Zhiqian immediately clicks on Wei Zhiqian's picture and sends a voice call.

After a long time, Li Xiaoyun suspected that Wei Zhiqian didn't want to accept it, so he was struggling with contradictions.

But in the end, Wei Zhiqian picked up the phone.