Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1186

Zhao theorem came in and put everything on the ground for the time being. Then he said, "last time I came here, I came as a friend of Xiaoyun. It doesn't count. This is the first time for me to come as Xiaoyun's boyfriend. Of course, I have to be more serious. "

Li's mother is very stressed when she looks at this pile of things.

"Do you always bring so much when you come here? That's not going to work Li said quickly.

"When I come here many times, I only bring some at a time, not so much." Zhao agreed.

It's impossible for him to take nothing.

But at least it was loose, Li mother reluctantly agreed.

"Come in and sit down." Li's mother arranged for Zhao to sit down, and Li's father just sat opposite Zhao.

This time I feel totally different from last time.

This time, Li's father looked at Zhao theorem with the mood of looking at his son-in-law. He felt very strange.

They came early, especially when father Li and mother Li had just finished lunch and were not in a hurry to prepare dinner.

Mother Li and father Li are sitting together.

Different from father Li, father Li's mood is that his daughter will be abducted by a man.

In the heart very not to give up, and worried about each other to Li Xiaoyun certainly not as good as his father.

Father Li thinks that no man can treat a woman better than her father.

But father Li thought of Ye tezhang again.

Forget it, ye tezhang is an accident, isn't there a heresy like Xu Huizhen?

There may be mothers who don't kiss their children, or even treat them badly.

But that's very rare.

But it's not that Xu Huizhen doesn't love her children. She just gives all her love to Ye Ning.

Li's father found that what he thought was off topic.

Anyway, he's not ye tuzhang.

Zhao's theorem to Li Xiaoyun must not be as good as he is to Li Xiaoyun.

Li's father's eyes at Zhao's theorem can't help but become picky.

Li's mother-in-law is more satisfied with her son-in-law.

If you don't know Zhao theorem 37 in advance, you can't see it if you just look at it like this.

In order to reassure Li's father and mother, Zhao theorem goes straight to the theme: "uncle, aunt, I associate with Xiaoyun on the premise of marriage. Please rest assured to give Xiaoyun to me."

Father Li

Mother Li

Even if Li's mother is a little satisfied, Zhao's theorem is still a little bit confusing.

Aren't they just beginning to fall in love?

How come To get married?

So fast?

Is Li Xiaoyun and Zhao Xiaoyun going to play flash marriage?

Although Li's mother is very satisfied with Zhao's marriage and wants Li Xiaoyun to get married early, she doesn't want to get married so soon.

They've just been together. Can't they get to know each other for a while?

Li's mother thought that if it goes well, if they don't break up, it's an ideal speed to talk about a year and a half of love and get married again.

Who knows that Zhao theorem is so fast? Is it a rocket?

Not only Li's father and mother were surprised, but Li Xiaoyun didn't have any psychological preparation.

Of course, if the object is Zhao theorem, she does not have any premarital phobia.

You can get the license at any time!

"I am 37 years old and have no love history. Xiaoyun is my first love." Zhao said.

Father Li

Mother Li

Both Li's father and Li's mother were shocked.

"Before that, I've been clean, and I don't have any women." Zhao's theorem is very clear.

Father Li

Mother Li

Is it really good to be so straightforward?

However, it's 37 years old and I don't have any experience yet.

It's amazing that there is no love experience or any experience!

"So, aunts and uncles, you don't have to worry about third parties, ex girlfriends and so on. Moreover, even in the future, these women will not make Xiaoyun unhappy. I haven't seen such a situation in the past 37 years, let alone with the presence of Xiaoyun. " Zhao said.

Li mother surprised thought, Zhao theorem is what ability or how?

What happened to worry about father Li?

"In the future, it depends on actual actions." Father Li said that he would not accept this.

Now that sounds good, who knows what will happen in the future?

When I say it, I swear that it's really tempting. If you're confused, you can control it at first. If you're confused, can you control it?

Zhao nodded: "yes, although this has to be proved by actual actions, it also needs time to test."You can't live without marriage, can you?

Don't we all have to gamble when we get married?

Bet the other side will be good to themselves.

Believe that the other party will be good to themselves.

"My father was built here because he was old and his legs were not very convenient. He usually used a wheelchair instead of walking. There were nurses and aunts taking care of him. But in addition, people are very spiritual. My mother has passed away Zhao said about his family.

"In addition, I am the president of Changlin company of Changping group." Zhao said that Changlin is responsible for the management of the restaurant, "among them, I own the brand and..."

Zhao also counted his own brands.

And his shares in Changping group.

"Uncle, aunt, you can rest assured that even if I leave office in the future, Xiaoyun will not suffer if he follows me." Zhao said.

Of course, Li's mother and Li's father believe it.

A thin camel is bigger than a horse.

What's more, the distance between Zhao and the dead camel is still 18000 miles.

"This is a general picture of me. My uncle and aunt may rest assured." Zhao said.

Father Li

Mother Li

They feel that if they don't feel at ease this time, will they bring them some household registration books and various property rights certificates next time?

Just thinking about this, Zhao's mobile phone rang.

After apologizing to Li's father and mother, Zhao took out his mobile phone and saw that it was the old lady.

Zhao said: "it's our old lady who called. It's Gu Shen's grandmother. I'll take it."

Father Li and mother Li certainly don't mind.

Zhao theorem can also guess why the old lady called.

But I got up and went to the door, and then said, "second aunt, I'm at Xiaoyun's parents' house now."

Now that I know the old lady's intention, I'll tell her directly. I don't need to ask her any more.

The old lady immediately said happily, "how about it? How's it going? "

"We've just arrived. I'm introducing myself to my uncle and aunt." Explanation of Zhao's theorem.

"Yes, it is necessary to introduce clearly." Said the old lady.