Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1184

Heart said that tension can take care to show off, worthy of you.

Zhao's theorem didn't wait at all. Many people have been back in seconds.

Everyone's comments are very familiar.

I like it first, and then I comment on it.

Zhao Gushen: "four uncles refuel, nervous is affirmative, but passed this time good."

Han Zhuoli: "I can't tell you my experience as a past person, because my mother-in-law was very satisfied with me from the beginning. She encouraged me to be with you. As for Han's mother-in-law, he likes wearing sunglasses.

Han Zhuoli's father-in-law, of course, is Wang juhuai.

No one would think of Lu man's father Lu Qiyuan.

With a sneer, Zhao turned to Li Xiaoyun and said, "I want to blackmail him."

Yanbei City: "I am more relaxed, I directly save the link to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Zhao's theorem

Qi Chenglin: "Wei Zhiqian, fourth uncle Zhao is going to see his father-in-law and mother-in-law. Do you envy him? When you go back, remember to learn from Uncle Zhao. "

Nan Jingheng: "brother QIANZI, you lack a lot of life experience."

Wei Zhiqian

Zhao theorem went to private chat with Wei Zhiqian: "QIANZI, look at my circle of friends."

Wei Zhiqian: "Why are you doing this?"

"I see it." After a long time, Wei Zhiqian said, "don't you want to see your father-in-law and mother-in-law? Look at the photo, it should be downstairs of Xiao Li's parents. You don't go upstairs even if you're dawdling like this, OK? I don't really have the sincerity to meet my future father-in-law and mother-in-law. "

“……” Zhao thinks that what Wei Zhiqian said is very reasonable. Li Xiaoyun should not be angry because of this.

Zhao Xiaoyun quickly turned to see Li Xiaoyun's reaction.

See she is still waiting patiently, not a little angry or impatient.

I was so moved.

Zhao theorem immediately ignored Wei Zhiqian. He turned to Li Xiaoyun and said, "I'm much better now. Let's go."

Li Xiaoyun saw Zhao Ding's circle of friends and Zhao Gushen's message.

I think it's good if it can make me relax.

"Good." Li Xiaoyun nodded and got out of the car.

It's no exaggeration to say that the things Zhao bought stuffed a whole trunk.

Therefore, even if Zhao theorem doesn't want to tired Li Xiaoyun, he really can't take it alone.

Can only promise to let Li Xiaoyun help to take some.

Zhao specially tried the weight, and gave Li Xiaoyun a little weight.

"You're not going back to your circle of friends?" Li Xiaoyun asked.

"It's OK. I'm not worried about the news from my circle of friends. I'll come back when we get home." Zhao theorem said, "I am mainly to ease the tension."

Li Xiaoyun added a sentence silently in his heart. In fact, the main thing is to show off.

It's a coincidence that they met Aunt Wang, who once wanted to introduce Li Xiaoyun to an unreliable person.

I don't know what kind of predestination it is. Zhao theorem came here twice in total, and met them all.

"Xiaoyun." When Aunt Wang saw them again, she was even more curious. "She came back to see your parents again."

"Yes." Li Xiaoyun nodded.

Last time I didn't have time to ask.

This time I saw Zhao, Aunt Wang had a look. Good guy, I brought a lot of things.

Aunt Wang took the opportunity to ask: "I saw you last time, but I haven't known you well. This is..."

Li Xiaoyun just opened his mouth, and before he had time to answer, Zhao theorem could not wait to step forward.

"Hello, I'm Xiaoyun's fiance." Zhao said.

Li Xiaoyun


When did it happen?

Zhao's heart is choked.

I met Aunt Wang last time.

It's just that he didn't have enough confidence last time.

Although carrying Li Xiaoyun on his back, people everywhere deliberately misunderstand Li Xiaoyun as his girlfriend.

But in front of Li Xiaoyun, Zhao did not dare to be so cheeky.

So last time, although Aunt Wang misunderstood it, Zhao himself did not admit it.

Now that the name is right, how can we miss such a good opportunity.

Aunt Wang's mouth twitched, and her smile became twitching.


Li Xiaoyun this blink of an eye, even fiance all have?

"Well, when did it happen? Congratulations Aunt Wang said with a quick smile.

Once again did not let Li Xiaoyun time to say, Zhao theorem said: "I chased Xiaoyun for a long time, this time is to see my future father-in-law and mother-in-law, a little nervous.""Ha ha!" Aunt Wang laughs twice and looks at the present in Zhao's hand.

It's different from the old house last time, so there is no outer packing.

This time it was bought by Zhao himself, all of which were packed with matching materials.

So Aunt Wang saw it at a glance, and said it was quite expensive.

"What do you do, young man?" Aunt Wang asked again.

Anyway, I'm old and I'm not afraid to be told.

You don't have to wait to gossip behind your back. Auntie Wang asked her face to face.

Zhao didn't bring his business card with him today. In fact, most of his business cards were prepared by Rui Changhuai.

At his level, face is a business card.

If you don't know him, it's just not good enough.

If you know him, you don't need a business card.

Zhao theorem is really very difficult. I'm sorry to say it myself.

However, Aunt Wang's "young man" really made Zhao very happy.

Zhao theorem very patiently said: "Changlin, do you know?"

Sure enough, Aunt Wang looked a little at a loss.

Zhao attended several restaurants.

We usually contact the restaurant directly, as for the company behind the restaurant, most of them are unfamiliar.

Unless the name of the company is the name of the restaurant.

But Changlin is obviously not the case.

On hearing the names of these restaurants, mother Wang immediately nodded: "I know. I've been to several other restaurants."

Changlin's restaurants are high-end, and the prices are acceptable to most people.

From about 200 per capita to four or five hundred per capita.

Although people do not often go to eat, but also not unable to afford to eat, or eat a heartache.

For example, restaurants with a per capita income of two or three hundred, people's birthdays, festivals and so on, all go to celebrate.

Restaurants with an average of four or five hundred people will also patronize young people on any anniversary.

The price is acceptable and the environment is good.

This is the case with Aunt Wang.

She and her wife's birthday, father's day, mother's day, children's filial piety, will take them to dinner.

"These restaurants belong to Changlin." Explanation of Zhao's theorem.

Li Xiaoyun watched, Zhao's patience with Aunt Wang is much more than those of the company's senior management.