Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1181

Ye Ning is angry and signs her name.

She can't be angry with Zhao GuQing, can't she be angry with others?

After signing, he threw the pen on the table impolitely.

The pen made a loud noise on the table, and it played very high.

The younger sister of the front desk is startled and looks at Ye Ning in surprise.

Ye Ning snorts coldly and goes in.

She went to Zhao GuQing's office and changed into a different face.

After knocking on the door, hearing Zhao GuQing let her in, Li Xiaoyun pushed the door in with a flattering smile.

Who knows just closed the door, a turn around, was Ye Ning to throw a slap.

Ye Ning is stunned.

Even because of the strength of Zhao GuQing's slap, his head hit the door directly.

A bang.

The assistant outside and the staff passing by were startled.

I don't know what happened inside. It made such a loud noise.

Ye Ning's head is buzzing. The place where her head is hit is very painful. She feels concussion.

Zhao GuQing hit the face where the pain is hot.

Where he hit, from the cheek to the corner of the eye, was hit.

Ye Ning's canthus are so painful that they seem to crack.

There are even flakes of snow in front of us.

"What are you doing?" Ye Ning covers his face, shocked and puzzled.

Who knows, Zhao GuQing directly pulled her hair and dragged her to the sofa.

Hand force of a throw, ye Ning fell on the sofa.

"How about Changping college?" Zhao GuQing asked coldly.

Ye Ning suddenly froze, also can't care to hurt, shocked looking at Zhao GuQing.

How did he know that?

"You have a crush on my brother?" Zhao GuQing said coldly, "think I'm useless, think I can't compare with my brother?"

Ye Ning doesn't care to ask Zhao GuQing how to know.

And if she asks, isn't that an admission?

So ye Ning had to say: "you misunderstood. I went to see ye Fei. My parents are here. How can I even bring my parents with me if it's really for your brother? "

Where would Zhao GuQing listen to her.

Ye Fei and zhao gu Xian are so clear, especially zhao gu Xian's dislike is so obvious, from the heart.

He can tell the play from the truth.

"Ye Ning, I tell you, you are the only one who is stupid. Don't think others are stupid. You can play with them." Zhao GuQing pulled her hair and pulled her head over.

Suddenly let go, let Ye Ning fall back: "even if you look down on me again, I'm much smarter than you. How dare you look down on me, you fool

"If you don't say anything else, the Zhao family doesn't have people you can play with. Do you understand?" Zhao GuQing said coldly.

"You really misunderstood. I didn't." Ye Ning flatly denied, "I don't know who told you and chewed the tongue, but I really didn't have it."

"No? Who do you think told me that? Of course, zhao gu Xian told me in person. " Zhao GuQing didn't Tell ye Fei.

It's not that he is so generous to Ye Fei that he deliberately helps Ye Fei hide.

But now he thinks Ye Ning doesn't need to know.

Otherwise, if he wants to say this, doesn't he look like a clown?

What he said seemed to be the same as what Zhao Guxian told him personally. It also seemed that he was close to Zhao Guxian brothers.

Ye Ning is not able to jump freely between their brothers.

If ye Ning still has any thoughts about Zhao Guxian, there is no secret between them. He can know it at the first time.

Ye Ning face a change, zhao gu Xian how to know?

"Zhao Guxian is the headmaster of Changping. If you wait for him at the door, will he not know? What you said at the door has already been reported to him. " Zhao GuQing said.

"Do you know what he said about you? You're a stupid woman. " Zhao GuQing didn't want her, so he's not a fool.

"What do you think you are in men's eyes? Do you really think that you are a fan of thousands of people? Do you choose the man of Zhao family? Who do you want? Who do you want? I don't like you. Do you think others can like you? You're stupid, aren't you? "

"How did you give birth to boss Liu for money before. Do you think other people can ask for a woman who's had a pig

Zhao GuQing said too straightforward, ye Ning hook. Those men who have taken, although they all show no respect for ye Ning's attitude, but no one really said this to Ye Ning.

It's not that they are afraid of hitting Ye Ning. They just don't think it's necessary to talk to Ye Ning.

Anyway, it's just playing. After playing, it's gone.

Why talk to her again and waste your breath.Ye Ning is really hit, but she doesn't believe it.

She was just surprised that Zhao GuQing even knew these things.

"So you fool, you think I'm stupid? When I'm looking for you, don't I even know what you're doing? " Zhao GuQing said, "when I look at you pretending to be pure in front of me, I just feel ridiculous and disgusted. But you're not good at acting, and you don't know yourself

Ye Ning listen to Zhao GuQing put her flat worthless, finally taut not live.

Even if you want to please Zhao GuQing and bear the humiliation, you can't help asking: "then why are you still with me?"

"Why do you touch me when I make you sick? You still have me? Why do you help me? " Ye Ning asked.

She thought about it roughly in her heart. She thought that Zhao GuQing might be mad and could not choose his words.

After all, it's about giving her a green hat.

"It's Ye Fei, of course. Do you think I would have looked at you if it hadn't been for your sister? " Zhao GuQing sneered.

Ye Ning was shocked and said, "do you like Ye Fei?"

Zhao GuQing

What a fool this is!

"Why should I like a woman who is married and has children and can't do me any good?" Zhao GuQing looks at Ye Ning inconceivably.

How on earth does this stupid woman's brain grow?

"Ye Fei is very important to Zhao Gushen. I want to deal with Zhao Gushen. It's easier to start with Ye Fei. To deal with Ye Fei, it's easier to ask for your help. You're just my way to deal with Ye Fei. Do you understand? "

"Are you not afraid that I will tell Ye Fei or Zhao Gushen about this?" Ye Ning asked.

Is Zhao GuQing not stupid?

See Zhao GuQing sneer: "you think you go to say, they can give you what good?"? You still don't understand? No matter what you do, do something good or bad, ye Fei will not give you any benefit. "

"As long as ye Fei doesn't like it, Zhao Gushen won't do you any good. You go and tell them that it's totally thankless and that it will offend me, do you understand? " Zhao GuQing said coldly.