Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1176

Ye Fei laughs.

Ye tezhang really dares to think about it.

Ye tezhang is an honest man. He never dares to think about things that he can't reach and that are too far away from him.

Ye tezhang thinks that it's impractical to be down-to-earth.

But I don't know when ye tezhang was influenced by Xu Huizhen and ye Ning, and he also changed.

"Dad, I don't know where you heard it. It caused a misunderstanding." Ye Fei explained, "I didn't introduce Xiaoyun to my fourth uncle. If you think about it, Xiaoyun is my best friend. She is with my fourth uncle. I have to call her fourth aunt in the future. Isn't it a disorder of seniority? She is the godmother of Xiaomo. Can't she call her fourth grandmother instead

"My fourth uncle met Xiaoyun and fell in love with him. As a younger generation, I have no right to interfere in my fourth uncle's feelings, right? So, the cause and effect before and after this has to be changed. It's not that I introduce them to each other, but that after they know each other, my fourth uncle likes them, but I can't object to them. "

"This..." Ye tezhang thought of Xu Huizhen's words and said, "even so, at least give Ning Ning a chance to get to know your fourth uncle. Your fourth uncle has never seen her. With Ning Ning's excellence, if your fourth uncle meets her, maybe he also... "

"Would you like it, too?" Ye Fei says it directly for ye tezhang.

"Dad, you can see that your daughter is good everywhere. But what did my fourth uncle do wrong? If he had to be pressed, he would like Ye Ning? " Ye Fei sneers.

"What is wrong? How do you say that? " Ye tezhang is not happy.

"My fourth uncle is a good man. He has never been in love, not only because of his high vision, but also because he is clean. He insists on his pursuit. Up to now, he doesn't want to find an old man to sleep with for money. When he is a third party, he gives birth to a son and abandons his own flesh and blood. And then they hook up everywhere. Take the rich second generation and try to cling to the women who are not powerful? "

"I don't mean to look down on women with rich emotional experience, but ye Ning doesn't call her rich emotional experience, she calls her rich accompany and sleep experience. And active and passive are not the same. Being forced makes people feel sorry, but what she does on her own initiative doesn't attract any sympathy. "

"So I said, what did my fourth uncle do wrong? I want to find Ye Ning to be a dish collector?" Ye Fei said impolitely, "you think she is excellent, but I, and the whole Zhao family, no one thinks she is excellent."

"How can you say that about your sister?" Ye tuzhang's face turned red.

She thinks Ye Ning is excellent.

But after ye Fei said that, ye Ning's brilliant achievements in the past are summed up again. Ye tezhang is very hot skinned.

"I'm just summing up the facts." Ye Fei said calmly.

Ye tezhang opens his mouth and wants to refute.

"You just said that the Zhao family didn't like her. That's not right." Ye can't help saying.

Ye Ning Mingming is with Zhao GuQing.

Zhao GuQing is the Zhao family. He likes Ye Ning very much.

For ye Ning and Zhao GuQing, ye Fei knows very well.

Ye Fei took the initiative to say, "do you want to say that Zhao GuQing likes Ye Ning?"

"You know?" Ye was surprised.

"Zhao GuQing likes Ye Ning so much that he still claims to be single and refuses to admit the identity of Ye Ning's girlfriend." Ye Fei said, "don't admit it, and ye Ning is still with him. To put it bluntly, ye Ning is just a love. Woman for her."

In the end is with his father, ye Fei embarrassed to say too straightforward.

But the two words "love and woman" have had a great impact on ye tezhang.

"No way!" Ye tezhang did not want to refute.

It is clear that Zhao GuQing is not good enough, and ye Ning doesn't like him.

"Then you might as well go back and ask if ye Ning can have been to Zhao GuQing's house. No, his parents' house is Zhao GuQing's residence alone. Has Ye Ning been there? Is Zhao GuQing going to visit you? Li Xiaoyun and I went to the Zhao family's old house to see our elders, and my fourth uncle went to Li Xiaoyun's house to see his parents early. "

"But ye Ning and Zhao GuQing have been together for some time, and it seems that there is no indication of this." Ye Fei said.

Ye tezhang finally asked cleverly: "how can you know their affairs so well?"

"In order to prevent Ye Ning from pestering me again, I naturally need to pay more attention." Ye Fei said, "I'm different from ye Ning. Zhao GuQing is at Zhao's home, so I know better."

"You must have misinformed or misunderstood something." Ye tezhang insisted, "Ning Ning and Zhao GuQing can't be this kind of relationship."

"Good." Ye Fei is not obstinate with him, "just think it's not this kind of relationship, just think ye Ning is in love with Zhao GuQing."

"Zhao GuQing is my fourth uncle's nephew. He introduced his girlfriend to my fourth uncle. What's the past? Is it a shame to say that? "

"My fourth uncle is not a professional dish setter. Boss Liu doesn't want it. His nephew doesn't want it. He'll pick it up again." Ye Fei is not polite to ridicule, "the good thing son can't all call ye Ning to occupy.""She doesn't have self-esteem and self love. She can sell anything for money. She turns around and wants to be good with anyone. No matter whether other people like her or not, she has to be forced to pass by?"

"Don't say she doesn't have the charm, I don't have the ability to force my fourth uncle to like her." Ye Fei said impolitely.

"If you think she's really good and has the ability, let her find it by herself. I don't have to put my heart on my fourth uncle. My fourth uncle has a girlfriend and loves each other very much. Let her stop trying. "

"Anyway, now that she is so good with Zhao GuQing, let her continue to work hard at Zhao GuQing." Ye Fei said with a smile, "if you can marry Zhao GuQing, it's a good thing."

Let two evils do harm to each other.

Ye tezhang, listening to what ye Fei said, actually feels that there is some truth.

He was just about to leave when he received a wechat from Xu Huizhen.

Remind him to Tell ye Fei about Zhao Guxian.

Ye tezhang remembers that his purpose is not to let Ye Fei introduce Ye Ning to Zhao, but to Zhao Guxian.

He has just been surrounded by Ye Fei.

As he was about to leave, ye tezhang sat down again and said, "I'm not asking you to introduce Ning Ning to Zhao. It doesn't mean that he has anything to do with his nephew's ex girlfriend. "

Ye Feixin said that their faces were really big.

Ye Ning is not Zhao GuQing's ex girlfriend. Secondly, it's impossible for Zhao to want Ye Ning.

Where do they get their confidence.

"Moreover, Zhao's theorem is a little older for Ning Ning." Ye said.