Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1173

"Zhao GuQing has a bad relationship with Zhao Gushen, Zhao Guxian and Zhao Guxian. On the contrary, Zhao Gu Shen, zhao gu Xian and zhao gu Xian are in a group. " Ye Ning explained.

Xu Huizhen frowned: "at such a glance, Zhao GuQing doesn't seem to be very smart."

In this case, everyone knows that they should form a group with Zhao Gushen and those who have rights.

One on three, that's ok?

Ye Ning curls her lips.

Look, even middle-aged women like Xu Huizhen know this, but Zhao GuQing can't understand it.

"Even if I really married Zhao GuQing, so I entered the Zhao family." Ye Ning said, "in terms of Zhao GuQing's discord with others, ye Fei and I can't be tied together."

"Zhao GuQing is at odds with them, and their attitude towards me must be better. Besides, I can't leave Zhao GuQing alone and make friends with them, can I? We have to follow Zhao GuQing's attitude. " Ye Ning said.

"In this case, how can ye Fei and I support each other?" Ye Ning asked.

"What about that?" Xu Huizhen can't give up Zhao GuQing.

Zhao GuQing's conditions are really good.

Ye Ning can be with Zhao GuQing, Xu Huizhen really dare not dream.

Without Zhao GuQing, Xu Huizhen actually knows that she can't find such a good one.

"Do you want to go to Zhao No matter how beautiful she is, Xu Huizhen knows that it is impossible.

"We don't know Zhao theorem. Besides, he is with Li Xiaoyun." Xu Huizhen didn't feel that she couldn't be a third party or anything, "it's more troublesome to grab."

It's not as convenient as being single, is it?

"Mom, you forget that besides Zhao GuQing, Zhao Guxian is Zhao Gushen's younger brother." Ye Ning said.

"Single?" Xu Huizhen and ye Ning really have a tacit understanding.

Ye Ning said, Xu Huizhen knew her plan immediately.

"As far as I know, yes." Ye Ning said, "what's more, he has a very good relationship with Zhao Gushen and Zhao theorem. What's the advantage? The first thing he thinks about is him. Zhao GuQing has to go to the back row. "

"Oh, that's much better than Zhao GuQing." Xu Huizhen said.

No matter how rich you are, you have to have a good relationship with others.

Otherwise, how can we get on in the Zhao family?

In the future, can't you be excluded?

Xu Huizhen did not know that ye Ning was with Zhao GuQing and was in awe of Zhao GuQing.

Now I can look down on Zhao GuQing.

Moreover, ye Ning has said that Zhao GuQing is just a spare tire for her!

Now that they're all spare tires, what's that?

Xu Huizhen has begun to take Zhao GuQing for granted.

"But we don't know Zhao Guxian either." Xu Huizhen is worried again.

She is confident that as long as zhao gu Xian and ye Ning know each other, she will like Ye Ning.

Who doesn't like Ye Ning?

Those who don't like Ye Ning are all women.

The so-called same sex repels each other.

Ye Ning is better than them. It's normal to be envied.

"But ye Fei is very familiar with zhao gu Xian. That's the relationship between uncle and sister-in-law." Ye Ning is even more jealous.

Other people contact can not find the way, but ye Fei can easily contact.

"Before she introduced Zhao theorem to Li Xiaoyun, she didn't introduce it to me. According to Dad, if you think there is a gap in age, it's not appropriate. Then I have no age gap with Zhao Guxian, right

"We are just the right age." Ye Ning said, "let Ye Fei introduce Zhao Guxian to me."

"Moreover, zhao gu Xian and Zhao Gu Shen have a good relationship. Married into the Zhao family, ye Fei and I are both sisters in law and sisters. We can help each other and have a better life in the future. "

"Don't you think so, dad?" Ye Ning turned to ye tezhang again.

"You have a point." Ye tuzhang nodded.

After all, it's the sisters, and it's only temporary.

Blood is cut continuously.

"It's just that Zhao GuQing is over there..." Ye tezhang thinks that this is not very authentic.

"They said he was just a spare tire. Besides, what a normal thing it is to break up in love now. I'm not married to him, and I don't know Zhao Guxian. Even if we know each other, can he manage to be a friend? I didn't do anything wrong to him. "

Besides, no one can control her relationship with Zhao GuQing.

It's just a friend.

There is no interference in making friends with each other.

If Zhao GuQing has a serious girlfriend now, she can't say anything.

Similarly, if she is with Zhao Guxian, Zhao GuQing has no reason or qualification to blame her.

"Ye Fei won't listen to us." Xu Huizhen put the idea on ye tuzhang."You're her father. You've loved her since you were a child." Xu Huizhen said, "we three, ye Fei's only one who can have a better attitude is you."

"She can still talk to you, and she can listen to what you say. At least be patient to hear you out. " Xu Huizhen said, "if I go with Ning Ning, I will be bombed away by her as soon as I see her. Don't listen to us. Oh no, I'm afraid we can't get in touch with her. "

Xu Huizhen sneers. She gets angry when she thinks about it.

Ye Fei was born in October.

Ye Fei thinks that she is not good to her, but ye Fei is also born from her hard work.

Ye Fei's life is given by her.

If it wasn't for her, how could ye Fei be in the world?

She is Ye Fei's mother, who has given her life, which is already a great kindness.

Ye Fei can't repay all her life.

What face does Ye Fei have to hate her?

No matter how she treats Ye Fei, ye Fei, as a daughter, has to suffer.

Otherwise, I'll give her my life!

However, ye Fei just recorded his hatred.

She didn't even remember one of them.

If I had known, she shouldn't have given birth to Ye Fei.

If we fight as early as possible, we still have many years' rations left.

Ye tezhang hesitated, and ye Ning said, "Dad, I've been with Zhao GuQing for some time. I always think he's not reliable enough."

"You wish me well, too? Ye Fei has married such a good family. Am I worse than her? Do you want me to be worse than her? "

"You've loved her more since you were a child. Save some private money and give it to her secretly. " Ye Ning said.

Ye tezhang looks at Ye Ning in surprise.

Ye Ning said with a smile: "you think it's good for you to hide it. In fact, I know it. I know it in my heart. I know you love ye Fei more. In your heart, I can never compare with her. "

"No, I don't think so..." "I just think You. Mom loves you more. Ye Fei just... "

"She's pathetic, isn't she?" Xu Huizhen arms crossed, "or my eyes accurate, you know she is a white eyed wolf."