Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1166

The student canteen, like the teacher canteen, is self-service.

It's like in a fancy cafeteria.

The containers were there one by one.

There are Chinese, western, Japanese and Korean dishes, as well as fruits, desserts and drinks.

Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen went to get some lunch first.

Two people just sat down, who knows Zhao Gushen next to suddenly sat down a person.

Ye Fei sees that it's zhao gu Xian.

Zhao Gushen turned to see that it was Zhao Guxian and said, "Why are you here?"

Zhao gu Xian "tut tut" two times, looking at this ungrateful elder brother in front of him, said: "the table you are sitting on is still the place reserved for me by the school. Now that I'm here, you don't like it. "

Ye Fei didn't try to be a good person.

The two brothers are just playing with each other.

Come out and be a good man. Isn't that destroying the atmosphere?

Fei Ye is just watching.

Zhao Gushen said: "Tut, how can you still use such a big malicious speculation about your brother? I'm just curious. At this time, haven't you had lunch yet? "

Zhao Guxian "ha ha" laughed twice and believed Zhao Gushen's ghost.

Zhao Gushen just that tone, bright full of dislike.

It can't be mended.

"No, I know you're all coming for lunch, so I'm waiting for you to have dinner with my family. How lively it is." Zhao Guxian said that there was a plate of food in front of him.

Zhao Gushen

No, he doesn't want to be busy with Zhao Guxian at all.

He just wants to come and have dinner with Ye Fei alone.

"By the way, sister-in-law." Zhao Guxian said, "the selection of players for the international cooking competition is about to begin. According to your usual performance, Guo Wenbo and ye Huasong suggest that when you finish the selection, you will be allowed to study in the second grade next year, instead of staying in the first grade to listen in

Ye Fei came at a bad time. It happened to be summer vacation.

At the end of summer vacation, the first year students will be promoted to the second year next semester.

But ye Fei didn't hear a few lessons in the first grade, so according to the normal situation, she would continue to stay in the first grade.

But ye Fei's level, Guo Wenbo and ye Huasong, including the current first grade teachers, all feel that she is not suitable to stay in the first grade.

"Xiao Fei didn't plan to go out with the team, but planned to stay to defend. Will that have an impact? " Zhao Gushen asked.

"There is no such thing." Zhao Guxian said, "I have also told guowenbo and ye Huasong about this. They are both sorry and happy that you can stay to defend the challenge."

"It's a pity that ye Fei didn't go out with the team. In this way, the team lost a very important fighting power." Zhao Guxian said, "but I'm glad that ye Fei has joined the defending team, so it's a little difficult for other teams to win the badge from our Chinese team."

Ye Fei said with great pressure: "how can I have such a key. Besides, it's not in China. Most of them are better than our domestic cuisine. Nowadays, all kinds of cuisines in different countries will compete with each other. It's not very likely that they will win if they compare with each other

"Don't worry, because there are teams in all countries, no matter what kind of food you choose, there will always be one side with an advantage, which can't be avoided." Zhao gu Xian said.

"But on the one hand, because every time it's a duel, the organizers will choose the third party instead of the food of the two countries. In this way, fairness can be guaranteed to the maximum extent. Of course, the cuisine of some countries has something in common, but because there are only two sides in the game, we can try to choose the one that is fair to both sides. " Zhao gu Xian said.

Ye Fei didn't expect that there was such a rule.

I think this international cooking competition looks very reliable.

"According to the meaning of guowenbo and ye Huasong, after you have been in school for two years or more, you may not be able to study for a few months, and you will be able to jump to the third grade directly." Zhao gu Xian added.

Ye Fei

"So fast?" Ye Fei is surprised, "I feel that I haven't learned much."

"In fact, there is not much to learn, so every grade has to go up, feel the progress, and then adjust up according to their own level." Zhao gu Xian said.

Zhao Gushen was very depressed.

I came to find Ye Fei for lunch.

Zhao gu Xian came to be an electric light bulb, but now he talks with Ye Fei. It's nothing to do with him.

Zhao Gushen firmly remembers that he won't have lunch at school next time.

***In the evening, Zhao GuQing and ye Ning are in the hotel room.

Ye Ning said tentatively: "we always meet in the hotel room. It's so strange."

"What's so strange about that?" Zhao GuQing casually looked at the mobile phone, "other places are not suitable."He put down his cell phone, twisted a wisp of Ye Ning's hair with his fingers, and joked: "do we have to go to your house when we do this? That one doesn't fit. Of course, it's not appropriate for you to go to my house. "

"Why not? Are you still living with your parents?" Ye Ning's hand touched Zhao GuQing's knee, "can't we go to the place where you live?"

Always in the hotel means he doesn't take her seriously.

She is not his girlfriend.

Two people, at most, are friends.

That's not going to work.

It's not guaranteed.

She can't be a person who is lost when Zhao GuQing uses it up.

Zhao GuQing is a veteran of Huacong. How can he not know ye Ning's careful thinking.

"I do have a place to live alone." Zhao GuQing is not shy, "but I live there by myself, understand? No matter which woman it is, no one has ever been there. "

"I haven't lived since I came out." Zhao GuQing said, "so, do you think you can go?"

"Why can't I?" Ye Ning bit her lip and asked, "am I not your girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" Zhao GuQing smiles and doesn't speak.

Ye Ning immediately asked nervously: "what do you mean? Am I not? "

Zhao GuQing did not care about the eyebrow, said: "of course you are not, my girlfriend is not so good when. It's too early to be my girlfriend. You're not yet

Ye Ning felt her blood suddenly cold: "I'm not? What am I to you? "

Zhao GuQing said impatiently, "do you want to talk about this with me now? Yes? Want to make me recognize you as my girlfriend? "

It's nothing. How long has it been?

If it wasn't for ye Fei, how could he like Ye Ning.

I really don't have any self-knowledge.