Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1164

"Which of you took off the bill?" Otherwise, it is impossible to mention Wei Zhiqian's sad story again.

Old lady Wei also knows that whenever someone takes off the bill, Wei Zhiqian will be dragged out.

This has become a tacit understanding among them.

However, she didn't care for Wei Zhiqian at all.

In this way, he was beaten every day at home and stimulated every day in the group. He didn't see Wei Zhiqian working hard to get rid of the bill earlier.

Therefore, old lady Wei should say that Wei Zhiqian deserves such treatment.

See old lady Wei this problem, Zhao theorem is very proud.

He is very confident back to old lady Wei: "it's me."

After sending it out, he replied, "I'm waiting for my girlfriend downstairs at her company, ready to have lunch with her."

When Mrs. Wei saw Zhao's reply, she was envious.

However, he was envious and especially angry with Wei Zhiqian.

I almost dropped my cell phone.

Mrs. Wei raised her head and said to Mr. Wei, who was playing tricks on him: "look at the theorem of the Zhao family. I have found a girlfriend at this age!"

If someone else, Mr. Wei would not be surprised.

The key is Zhao's theorem.

The famous bachelor nail family.

Other people like Han Zhuoli, Yanbei city they, although at the beginning because of single also let the family anxious.

But in the end, it's also stuck with the 30 line.

In terms of Zhao's theorem, after breaking through this line of defense, it will be out of control and run further and further.

Maybe it's because I'm getting older.

Girls of the right age are already married.

If you're not married, it's probably celibacy.

Not to mention Zhao's theorem, isn't it delicious to find little fresh meat?

As for the younger ones, the elders of the Zhao family are really embarrassed.

Why let a girl match an old bacon.

It is estimated that for this reason, the elders of the Zhao family are hesitating on the edge of giving up or not.

It's not as positive as urging Zhao Gushen, but it's still a little unwilling and still hasn't given up the struggle.

But I didn't expect that they even took off the order and successfully entered the high-end team with objects.

If the development is good, we will soon enter the higher-end married and child-bearing team.

This is the envy of old lady Wei.

I didn't expect that Zhao was so old that he still had this kind of luck.

Mrs. Wei's heart is full of lemon juice now, and she is not in the mood to reply to Zhao's theorem.

Before she could quit her circle of friends, she got a call from Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Wei sighed and knew that Mrs. Zhao would call.

Moreover, you don't need to ask what Mrs. Zhao is calling for.

Don't you just want to show off Zhao's theorem?

Mrs. Zhao is waiting for Mrs. Wei to answer the phone. She says to Mr. Zhao: "well, it's very difficult for the third brother. I can see that he wants to show off. But it's not decent for a big man to show off. "

"To show off to your masters, you can't feel it at all. How can you show off to old ladies with a sense of achievement?" The old lady sighed.

It's not a sense of accomplishment to show off to these old men.

"But the third brother, an old man, can't be like us. He calls the old ladies one by one." Said the old lady.

"So you all know that." The old man thought that these old ladies didn't show off because they didn't consciously.

I didn't expect the old lady to understand.

But in this case, why hurt each other.

"You don't understand." The old lady shook her head. "It's addictive to show off. Especially to see each other's envy and jealousy, that's not to mention how happy it is. "

"Otherwise, how could there be so many people showing off their wealth? It's all about the same The old lady doesn't look down on the rich.

Anyway, although she doesn't show off her wealth, she doesn't show off anything else, does she?

The essence is the same.

The old man shook his head and thought that it was impossible for him to wait.

Mrs. Wei finally picked up the phone.

Before Mrs. Zhao could speak, Mrs. Wei said, "needless to say, I know I've found a girlfriend."

Mrs. Zhao: "I'm not sure."

Old lady Wei doesn't play according to the routine. What can she say next?

However, Mrs. Wei was still a little curious: "when did he find his girlfriend? How old is the other party? "

It's hard to find at this age!

What kind of luck do you have to take to find someone of the same age?

Who knows, I heard Mrs. Zhao say: "I'm sorry, my girlfriend is only 27."Old lady Wei

What a shame!

How nice of him!

"Well, we're embarrassed to find a little girl when we're so old. We're also sorry to be wronged." Mrs. Zhao had a guilty tone.

But the next words, let old lady Wei envy bad.

"However, they don't dislike the fact that they are very old. They are only 10 years old apart." Said Mrs. Zhao.

"Oh, where did you know that?" Let Wei Zhiqian go too!

When she mentioned it, Mrs. Zhao was even happier: "thanks to our little Fei."

"As you know, Xiaofei took Xiaomo alone before meeting Gu Shen again. At that time, thanks to his daughter-in-law. " Said Mrs. Zhao.

I'm not married. I'm not even engaged.

But Mrs. Zhao felt that it was not a matter of certainty?

Sooner or later.

So, don't care whether we can call this kind of detail now.

"Oh, it's Xiaoyun. My daughter-in-law, her name is Xiaoyun, Li Xiaoyun. " The old lady said, "Xiaoyun is Xiaofei's best friend. She has a very good relationship. Or the godmother of Xiaomo. "

"At that time, Xiaofei was alone with Xiaomo, thanks to Xiaoyun and Xiaoyun's parents' help." Mrs. Zhao said, "it's not because of Xiao Fei. Do we also know Xiao Yun?"

"Xiaofei took part in the Changping competition. Xiaoyun, Xiaofei's best friend, can't go to see it? It's a constant support. Just in the final game, our family went, and so did the theorem, so we got to know each other Introduce to the old lady.

"Xiaoyun is such a good boy. He is good everywhere. He has a good personality and a strong sense of justice. So our family's theorem is right at a glance. Don't people look at this theorem, too? "

"The good thing is that the theorem strives for strength, takes out that shameless strength, and is dogged." Mrs. Zhao said with a smile.

Mr. Zhao took a look at Mrs. Zhao.