Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1146

I used to be shy. It was a normal reaction.

But this morning, I was too shy to look at him.

Zhao Xiaoyun is beautiful in his heart. He didn't expect that Li Xiaoyun didn't dare to look at him. It was because he was partly embarrassed.

But it's more of a shame.

Shame in their own mind, feel very sorry for the trust of Zhao theorem.

He made her a friend, but she wanted to He.

Li Xiaoyun's guilty heart is automatically silenced in his heart.

And because he had decided to move home, he didn't tell Zhao.

More guilty.

Naturally, I dare not look at Zhao's eyes.

After breakfast, as usual, Li Xiaoyun went to the company in Zhao's car.

Just because of the customer, Zhao had to accompany the party last night, but also at noon today.

So Li Xiaoyun doesn't have to go to Zhao Xiaoyun.

You can come back at noon to pack up.

Li Xiaoyun sighed. He felt guilty and left without saying goodbye. Knowing that it was not good would definitely hurt Zhao's heart.

But it was because she knew that if she put forward Zhao theorem, Zhao theorem would not agree, so she would go secretly.

But I feel very sorry in my heart and feel that I have ruined Zhao's good intentions.

Because of this, Li Xiaoyun was absent-minded and inefficient in his work this morning.

At work, every now and then the thoughts fly away.

He flew to Zhao theorem and thought about Zhao theorem.

Finally at noon, Li Xiaoyun called a car to go back to Zhao's home.

On the road, she even wanted to drive slower.

But Li Xiaoyun knows that his idea is just a delay.

In the end, she's going to move.

The car stopped downstairs.

Because the security guards knew Li Xiaoyun, they just let the car go when they were at the door.

Li Xiaoyun got off and went upstairs. After entering the door.

Naturally, there is no one at home.

She's the only one here, not Zhao.

The house suddenly seemed very empty.

When passing the kitchen, Li Xiaoyun can't help but turn his head and look at it. Unconsciously, he recalled that she was preparing breakfast in the kitchen in the morning, and then dining with Zhao at the bar.

She has been living here for a long time. She is familiar with every corner.

Even every corner has her stay, stay traces.

She curled up in the wide sofa to watch the play.

I've seen it on the iPad, and I've seen it on the projector.

I had a drink of red wine in the wine cabinet.

Back in the bedroom, the dresser, the small round table, the carpet and everything except the original wardrobe and bed were bought for her.

Li Xiaoyun feels more and more like a white eyed wolf.

She breathed out a deep breath, to go, but the heart is not heavy.

It's heavier than ever.

It was as if a big stone had settled on her heart, making her chest stuffy and breathless.

Li Xiaoyun's eyes ache and he puts everything in his suitcase.

Drag the suitcase back to the living room.

Along the way, the corners are full of fragmentary ornaments she bought back.

Including the ornaments in her room and all kinds of pillows, dolls.

Pillow dolls piled on the bay window.

Li Xiaoyun won't take these away.

One is that there are too many, scattered.

It's very difficult just to pack her luggage.

These ornaments can't hold any more.

On the other hand, Li Xiaoyun also felt that he was very stingy when he took all these things clean.

I've lived here for so long, but I didn't leave anything. It's too stingy.

If you don't think it's in line with his style and don't like it, just throw it away.

Therefore, Li Xiaoyun simply did not take it.

Li Xiaoyun dragged his luggage to the door and looked back at it for the last time.

I'm afraid this is her last time.

"Thank you." Li Xiaoyun said to the empty room.

Thank you for helping me and taking me in when I was most helpless.

Thank you for everything.

Thank you for being so nice.

Li Xiaoyun's eyes were wet and hot, and the tears irritated his eyes.

With the breath, they all tremble.

Li Xiaoyun dragged the box out.

He called another car and moved back to his home.

I haven't been back for a while.

Back at home, Li Xiaoyun had a strange feeling.Her house is not big, so to speak, very small.

But because no one has lived in the house for a long time, there is no popularity in the house.

The air is full of the smell of model houses, only the smell of furniture, cold.

Unlike before, when she lived here, she would put some essential oils and turn on the aromatherapy machine at night.

plus perfume will be used before going out, so there will be some perfume left on her body at home.

Every time I go home, there is a fragrant smell she likes.

But now it's all gone, strange like no one lived.

Moreover, after not living for a long time, everything at home became strange to her and she was not used to it.

Li Xiaoyun shakes his head. No matter how much it is, it's his own home. It's only his own.

As long as she comes back to live for a few days, the family will soon be as warm and popular as before.

But this time, there is not much lunch break left.

She was worried that her lunch break would not be enough, so she took an hour off.

But even so, it's not enough for her to pack.

Up to now, Li Xiaoyun hasn't even had time to eat lunch.

Therefore, Li Xiaoyun just left his suitcase at home and went to the company.

After leaving the community, I just went to the convenience store opposite and bought a sandwich. I ate it on the way to the company.

In the afternoon, Li Xiaoyun was still a little tangled. He didn't know how to tell Zhao Xiaoyun.

In the morning, I didn't concentrate on my work because I had to move.

As a result, now I think about how to tell Zhao theorem, and I don't concentrate on my work.

Li Xiaoyun is also very helpless.

But she had to say it, otherwise she would come to pick her up this afternoon, not for nothing?

However, when Li Xiaoyun was entangled, Zhao Xiaoyun sent wechat first.

Zhao theorem: "I still have a party tonight. I can't pick you up. I'll let Liu Minghao pick you up."

"No, I'll just go back myself." Li Xiaoyun thought, since Zhao theorem has a dinner party in the evening, it's better to wait for the evening, guess that he's finished his dinner party, and then tell him about it.

"Let Liu Minghao follow you. Are you going to have another drink in the evening? " Li Xiaoyun said.

Zhao also doesn't plan to trouble Li Xiaoyun to pick her up.

"Good." Zhao nodded, "but I won't be drunk tonight."

I'm afraid it's time to leave a bad impression on her.

"Well." It took Li Xiaoyun a long time to see this line of words before he lost the word "Er".