Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1140

Actually, he has a lot of cars. Zhao remembers vaguely that he has a Tesla.

I didn't recognize it for a moment.

Moreover, the light is not bright enough at night, and it's really hard to identify.

License plate number or something

He had forgotten.

At this time, general manager Wu said, "president, did you ask Liu Minghao to pick you up? Or would you like a taxi back? "

At this time, the door of the Tesla parked on the side of the road opened.

Zhao Xiaoyun saw Li Xiaoyun get out of the car.

Zhao's expressionless face immediately smiles and looks at Li Xiaoyun.

General manager Wu has met Li Xiaoyun, but only once.

In addition, it's night, so I can't see it clearly.

But general manager Wu is quick to respond.

It's a girl who can make Zhao smile.

That can only be Li Xiaoyun.

General manager Wu said immediately, "Miss Li has come to meet you. Miss Li is so considerate. "

Zhao theorem a face moved: "yes, I don't let her come, this big night, she went out alone, I don't trust. But she's worried about me and has to come. "

General manager Wu

Ha ha!

I believe you, ghost!

Who in the company doesn't know you are still alone?

It's just that we haven't got anyone.

Otherwise, with Zhao's temper, it would have been widely publicized in the company.

Can you wait until this time to say?

If you have the ability, wait for Li Xiaoyun to come and say it to your face!

You just don't dare!

General manager Wu said that he had seen through Zhao theorem for a long time!

Li Xiaoyun just wanted to wait by the side of the road.

I'm sorry to come here. What if they're talking business.

However, Zhao theorem and general manager Wu have seen it. It's not good if Li Xiaoyun doesn't go there.

She smiles, then goes forward, walks two steps, and feels a look.

It's the woman next to Zhao.

Although like Zhao theorem and general manager Wu, they all look at it.

But Li Xiaoyun is very keen to find the difference in her eyes.

Zhao theorem and general manager Wu's eyes are very kind, so that she did not feel uncomfortable.

But the woman's eyes, with a very severe examination.

As if still some don't look up to her, is in the heart for her score.

Li Xiaoyun is very sensitive to business and customers.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the other party's perception of themselves, good intentions or bad intentions, so as to decide how to deal with them later.

This has almost become Li Xiaoyun's instinct.

She doesn't need to go out of her way to study. She can always feel it and make a judgment at the first time.

And, really, there has never been a mistake.

Not to mention, Fang Jiaying's eyes are too obvious now.

Even the resentment in the heart are clearly and frankly exposed in the eyes.

Li Xiaoyun came to Zhao theorem, who said, "when did you arrive? I've just been looking at my mobile phone. I'm afraid you sent me a message. I didn't see it. I haven't heard from you. "

Li Xiaoyun nodded to general manager Wu first, but did not take charge of Fang Jiaying. He first answered Zhao's question: "I'm afraid to disturb your social intercourse, so I waited in the car. You come out anyway, and I'll see it. "

See Zhao theorem does not agree with the appearance.

Because I have been with Zhao theorem for a long time.

Now Li Xiaoyun has been able to do, Zhao theorem does not need to speak, she can judge Zhao Theorem's general idea from Zhao Theorem's expression.

So, without waiting for Zhao to open his mouth, Li Xiaoyun said, "anyway, I'm sitting in the car with the air conditioner on. I'm not tired or hungry. I'll send you a message. Can you just interrupt and leave before you finish talking about it? "

"Of course." Zhao Ding ideal also don't want to say, he is really will do so.

Li Xiaoyun was stunned to see that his answer was so firm and without hesitation.

But looking at the expression of Zhao theorem, Li Xiaoyun knows that Zhao theorem is serious.

Li Xiaoyun

Fortunately, she did not give Zhao Ding haircut information.

Otherwise, Zhao theorem will directly interrupt the social intercourse, which will disturb Zhao Theorem's social intercourse. If it is more serious, it will lead to business failure.

How can Li Xiaoyun live in his heart?

"I'll go first." Zhao said.

"Take your time." General manager Wu said quickly, and then told Li Xiaoyun, "Miss Li, please drive safely."

This all uses "you", Li Xiaoyun scalp numb.

Li Xiaoyun said: "I will. Let's go first."After that, Li Xiaoyun still didn't talk to Fang Jiaying.

Li Xiaoyun suddenly felt strange when he turned around and walked with Zhao theorem.

Just because Fang Jiaying attracted attention, so did not expect.

When I think about it, Zhao's speech is clear and his steps are steady. He doesn't look drunk at all.

Who knows, Li Xiaoyun just thought so, listen to the side Zhao theorem said: "Xiaoyun, help me quickly."

"Ah?" Li Xiaoyun turns his head and looks at Zhao Xiaoyun strangely.

On the surface, he could not see anything, but suddenly he came close to her and clung to her arm.

Li Xiaoyun subconsciously held his arm: "what's the matter with you?"

Zhao said with a wry smile: "when I just called you, didn't I tell you I was drunk? Now I'm a little unsteady. I'm afraid I'll walk awkwardly and make a fool of myself. "

"Ah? Just now I saw that you were standing steadily. It didn't look like you were drunk at all. " Li Xiaoyun said in surprise.

Zhao Xin said that thanks to his thoughtfulness.

Li Xiaoyun doubted.

However, can be seen by Li Xiaoyun, that can be Zhao theorem?

Listen to Zhao theorem said: "this is not the president Wu they in it? I always have to maintain my image in front of them. So I've been trying to bear it. Actually, I can't stand any longer. Just a little longer, and I'll show off. "

Li Xiaoyun a listen, quickly more solemnly hold Zhao.

"You are..." Li Xiaoyun said with admiration, "I just cheated you. I thought you had no problem at all."

"You take my arm." Zhao theorem said, "let them look at this, they think that you are holding me, not that I am drunk, you are holding me."

Li Xiaoyun can't think of anything else now.

When he heard that, he did it immediately.

It's not easy to hold him by the arm.

Li Xiaoyun simply and directly hugged Zhao's arm.

Zhao can clearly feel the force that she holds his arm and exerts on his arm.

Zhao Xiaoyun thought with a smile that Li Xiaoyun was really a sincere man.

Now, Zhao has everything in his heart, but he doesn't cheat Li Xiaoyun.

Standing behind, general manager Wu, who has been looking at the back of Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun, sighs silently in his heart.