Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1133

Anyone can hear that Liu Zhengjin's words are full of regret, and they all quickly turn into tangible.

Ye Fei laughs. Unexpectedly, the teacher looks serious and unsmiling.

Actually, it's lovely.

Because ye Fei made a good start in the first battle with Gao Jie.

The scene showed its own strength.

So even if it's the identity of the auditor, it even means that Zhao Gushen comes in through the back door.

But because of their strength, other students can't treat Ye Fei as they do other students.


Ye Fei is going well here.

And Zhao Gushen took Xiaomo to Changping.

The little guy is not old enough to take the co pilot. According to the regulations, he must sit in the back.

Now I'm sitting in the child safety seat in the back seat. My legs can't fall to the ground. I can only swing and swing.

Without Ye Fei, the car suddenly became empty.

The little guy is gnawing at the cheese and milk bar that ye Fei made for him.

The cheese and milk sticks are made by Ye Fei. They are very solid and hard.

It takes a long time to nibble off a little bit by the mouth of the baby tooth.

Gnawing for a long time will be tired, you have to slowly bang.

Just can let small Mo eat pass the time, mouth not idle.

Not boring and not eating too fast.

Otherwise, Zhao Xiaomo is so greedy. It won't be long before he becomes a little fat.

It will take a lot of effort to lose weight.

Now this milk bar, although not enough to supplement from the daily intake of milk nutrition, but also better than nothing.

Looking at the scenery outside the car, the little guy said, "Dad, this is the first time I've been to your company since you married Xiao Fei."

I've been there before, but before Zhao Gushen and ye Fei got married.

At that time, he did not know that he was Zhao Gushen's son!

Zhao Gushen also thinks that today, Xiaomo is the first time to come to the company as Zhao Jiafu's N-generation identity.

They arrived at the company.

Zhao Gushen and other small Mo a pair of short legs slightly difficult to climb down from the car, just took his hand into the company.

As just said in the car, although Xiaomo has been here before.

But at that time, everyone didn't know Xiaomo. When someone saw such a handsome and lovely child, they looked at him more.

But in the end, not many people have seen Xiaomo.

At that time, Xiaomo didn't attract so much attention.

But today is different.

Zhao Gushen big hand in hand with a small Mo came in, although not the peak of work, but the company between the various departments or a lot of people.

I saw it all.

"Good president, good young master."

All the people I saw said hello like this.

Small Mo also big square said: "Uncle good, aunt good, grandfather good."

The little guy is young.

The elder brother, who is 40 or 50 years old and has not retired, can really call his grandfather.

But Grandma didn't.

My grandfather is in his forties.

But the elder sister, who is in her forties, has a sweet mouth, but she never calls it that.

Also called Auntie together.

If it's tender or light, no matter whether it's more than 20 or more than 30, as long as it's small, it's called sister.

Can coax the sisters happy bad, one by one smile.

If it's not for worrying that the little guy is the young master of the Zhao family, I really want to pick up the little guy and kiss him.

Zhao Gushen saw that the boy had coaxed a lot of people by saying hello all the way.

This group of people will spread to each other through their own work groups.

We all know that the young master of the Zhao family came to the company with the president of the dog today.

I also know that the little boy has no inherited dog nature. Ke is polite, has a good character and is adorable.

In this way, all the way was led by Zhao Gushen into the elevator.

Zhao Gushen didn't say it, but he also wanted to let everyone in the company know Xiaomo.

So I didn't take him to the elevator.

Therefore, almost every floor of the elevator has people in and out.

As soon as manager Yang of the publicity and planning department enters the elevator, he sees Zhao Gushen and the little guy.

He is too busy to attend to the work group.

But with Zhao Gushen and Xiaomo's similar face, manager Yang also recognized it: "president, this is a little childe."

See Zhao Gushen nodded, manager Yang said: "with your long can really like."

Zhao Gushen also introduced to Xiaomo, "this is manager Yang of the publicity and planning department."

Looking at manager Yang's age, Xiaomo called: "good grandfather."

Manager Yang touched his face and felt sad.He's only in his forties, not old enough to be a grandfather.

It's baldness that makes you look a little older, but the actual age is not so old.

But I can't help it. What can he do?

However, manager Yang was still unwilling and said, "in fact, I'm only 42."

The little guy blinked, not surprised at all, and said, "my fourth grandfather is 37."

He called Zhao the fourth grandfather and manager Yang the grandfather. Manager Yang didn't suffer.

Manager Yang

Well, he has the same treatment as Zhao. What's more to be picky about?

"The president brought the young man to work today?" Manager Yang asked.

Zhao Gushen nodded: "Xiaofei went to Changping college to study. It's just that he has nothing to do today. He just brought him to the company to study."

Manager Yang Xin said, what can a kid learn at his age?

Rich people are different. They study so early!

"Young master is really smart." Manager Yang flattered him by the way.

Everyone knows it's polite.

A five-year-old bean curd, even if smart, can't learn anything in the company, can't he?

But the little guy thinks that manager Yang's praise is very sincere.

Little chest straightened up, also patted, said: "grandfather, you really have eyes!"

Manager Yang

He is such a careless boast.

He didn't even know where he got his eye.

Zhao Gushen's cub is really confident, ha ha!

At this moment, manager Yang suddenly realized that although the little guy looks cute, he still inherited Zhao Gushen's powerful gene.

It's worthy of being father and son!

Along the way, Zhao Gushen introduced the little guy, but he was not as proud and boastful as he was when he talked about ye Fei.

It's not that he didn't want to, it's that the kid didn't give him the chance.

Because the little guy himself is very proud and shows off.

Although Zhao Gushen was a dog, he still kept some conscience.

I think little guys are all like this. If he is proud and shows off again, I'm afraid Changping's employees can't bear it.

They are already very tired from their work. At this point, it's better not to put too much pressure on the employees.

People in Changping don't know that President Gou seldom has such a conscience, but it's because of Xiaomo.

Two people come to the top, Zhao Gushen with small Mo came to the office.

Xiao ruofeng had known through the working group that Xiaomo had also come.

Although Xiaomo doesn't come back to the company, Xiao ruofeng often helps Zhao Gushen and ye Fei, so Xiaomo is not rare.