Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1128

"But I can't handle this kind of thing." Zhao Guxian said, "after all, it's between students. The school can make clear some rules and regulations, but it can't directly stipulate that you can't look down on the onlookers. "

"Yes, and even if there is such a rule, students can really abide by it?" The head teacher also said, "we can't keep an eye on what the students do in private, and we can't control it."

"Even though we know that this happens, we can't keep an eye on it all the time. In this case, such rules and regulations can only be put on the table, without any binding force. In the end, they can only become a joke. " The head teacher said.

Ye Fei nodded and understood the situation.

"But the good thing is that even if you are a spectator, they are not vegetarian. It's impossible to be bullied. What's more, at most, I don't like it. I really don't want to do anything to bully people. "

"If you don't want to be despised, try your best to subdue all those people. If you really have strength, even the onlookers will be respected. " The head teacher said.

"That's it." Zhao Guxian said, "to put it bluntly, Changping college is a place with constant competition and respect for strength. Although it is not natural selection, survival of the fittest so exaggerated, but want to live in Changping college, we must continue to progress

"If you don't say anything else, let's talk about our dormitory." Zhao gu Xian added.

Ye Fei blinked. What happened to the dormitory?

There's something else she doesn't know.

Ye Fei turns her puzzled eyes to Zhao Gushen.

Zhao Gushen remembers and gives Ye Fei a sorry look.

He didn't remember it before.

But the dormitory thing, in fact, has little to do with Ye Fei.

Sure enough, Zhao Guxian said: "in fact, the dormitory has no influence on you. But now that it's said, you may as well know. "

"The dormitories Changping came in the first year are all the same. The dormitory suite in the school is also divided into three, six and nine grades. Like you live in a single apartment. We don't need to be disturbed by outsiders. We have everything inside. It's the same as the apartment we usually rent out. "

Ye Fei nods.

Zhao gu Xian said: "but in fact, there are two people and four people."

Of course, four worlds is the limit.

"There are kitchenware for two and four people, but only one set. If you want to use it, you have to rotate two or four people. And the living conditions of four people are certainly not as good as double people, and double people are not as good as single people. "

"Because of the good family conditions, no one would choose a room for two or four people in order to save money. Anyway, there are a certain number of students in Changping every year, so single apartment is enough. "

"But in Changping's final exam every year, the last ten students not only have to repeat their grades, but also have to be forced to move to four people. No matter how much money you pay, you can't get a single room. It's not just the last ten, it's the last 20. They'll all be moved to the room. "

"There are 100 people in a grade in Changping." Zhao Guxian said, "from the 51st to the 80th, these students will move to the dormitory for two."

"Although the dorm has a companion, in the final analysis, they come to study, not to find playmates. In addition to the competition mechanism of Changping, although we are classmates, we are even more competitors. As for partners, they are very precious. We can't become partners by living together casually. "

"On the contrary, many people share a dormitory, although they can do cooking in the study room of the school during the day. But the study room is limited, as in ordinary universities, early to occupy a position. But in a single dormitory, it's different. "

"You don't have to worry about going to the study room, and you can't be at ease."

"But in a dorm with many people, where is enough for two or four people in a kitchen?" Zhao Guxian said, "this is just one of them. The most important thing is that it's the same as the last ten repeaters. I can't afford to lose this person."

"Of course, the next time the results are good, we can move back to the single apartment after leaving the team behind and reaching the top 50."

"Therefore, the internal competition of Changping college is not cruel. But for the sake of a face, people are also very fierce. " Zhao gu Xian said.

Ye Fei looks at zhao gu Xian and turns to ask Zhao Gu Shen: "these are all after Gu Xian comes."

Zhao Gushen nodded.

Then the couple looked at Zhao Guxian.

Zhao gu Xian

The dog couple looked at him as if they were looking at his skin.

What the hell!

"But the students' dormitories are fixed. No matter how bad their grades are, they don't need to move." Zhao gu Xian some reserved smile.

Ye Fei

What do you have in mind.

Did I say anything?Zhao Guxian said: "after all, the students who are attending pay so much tuition. Moreover, in the future, they will not be able to get Changping's diploma, and they will not be able to add an advantage to themselves with Changping's diploma. Even if you have the experience of studying in Changping, but you don't have a diploma. Who believes that? "

"Even if there is evidence to prove it, people say that you are a spectator. Don't put gold on your face." Zhao Guxian said, "it can be said that in addition to the excellent teaching staff and teaching environment, Changping has no more. I don't want people to live better. "

"The main thing is that the onlookers have spent a lot of money on sponsorship. It's better not to live for others. I'm sorry about the sponsorship fee, isn't it? " Ye Fei looks at Zhao Guxian with a smile, full of ridicule.

Ye Fei is really a bull's-eye, just talking about it.

Zhao gu Xian didn't hold back for a moment. He regarded Ye Fei as a confidant and said, "no, we can't get money for nothing..."

Before I finish, I see ye Fei's "sure" smiling face.

Zhao Guxian immediately swallowed the words behind and said: "it's not all, sister-in-law, you didn't spend a cent to come in."

Ye Fei

What does she think? Zhao gu Xian is asking her for money in disguise.

National Cultural Heritage Museum

Ye Huasong

Zhao family is usually such a painting style?

At first, they thought that ye Fei's temper was different from that of the Zhao family.

It turned out that they were wrong.

They just haven't seen her when she was with the Zhao family.

Now it seems that we have to say, is it really a family that does not enter a family!

The head teacher saw that it was all at the class gate.