Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1123

The position of the water outlet is fixed.

When the little guy gets older and the size is not enough, just change it.

It's only seven or eight years. By then, kids should be able to use adult sized bathtubs without worrying about accidents.

It's time to think about it.

It seems to pass in the blink of an eye.

Ye Fei sighs.

At that time, Zhao Gushen was also a 40 year old man.

Looking at Ye Fei's expression, Zhao Gushen says that he doesn't know what she's trying to figure out.

The more you know, Zhao Gushen finds that ye Fei's thinking is very free.

I don't know what to think.

If you don't pay attention, you will not know where you are going.

The little guy has been following Ye Fei, and now he's like a puppy.

Where a man goes, he follows him.

I wish I could step on the heel of my foot and become more and more sticky.

With Ye Fei came, so ye Fei side to the little guy adjusted the water temperature in the water.

Just sit and wait, watching the little guy sitting next to the bathtub.

Ye Fei sighs silently.

Originally thought, boys with the future growth of age, with the mother. Not so close.

One day, we will let go.

Ye Fei is also ready, maybe when he graduated from primary school, maybe when he was in junior high school.

Ye Fei thought, probably when he was going to junior high school.

It's adolescence. It's time to rebel.

I'm afraid how good I am now, how disgusted I will be at that time.

But there will always be seven or eight years. Ye Fei thought that she could still enjoy the little guy's seven or eight years of stickiness.

Who knows, let go of the day unexpectedly come so fast, call a person off guard.

Little guy's bathtub is small.

After a short wait, the water was full.

Ye Fei throws another bath ball into the water.

The blue bath ball soon melted in the bathtub, turning the water into Tiffany blue.

there is a bubble on the water.

After all this, ye Fei goes out first.

Two people waited for not long, the little guy came to the fragrant.

After a bath, xiaodouding is extraordinarily white and tender, and the meat on the body is still soft.

It's very comfortable to hold.

The little guy also has the milk smell of the bath ball.

It smells like orange milk.

Ye Fei put the little guy in his arms and sniffed in his neck for several times.

The skin of the little guy scratched by breathing is very itchy.

Let him can't help shrinking his neck in Ye Fei's arms.

I want to roll.

The little guy rolled in Ye Fei's arms and then turned to Zhao Gushen's arms.

Now I'm really in the arms of my parents.

"Little fool." Ye Fei said, "it's not that if you go, you won't come back. You stick to it for a month, and then it's like going to a cram school. We'll still be around by then. "

"You work hard in Lanshan compound. When you come back, I'll make a lot of delicious food for you." Ye Fei promised.

"The uncles in Lanshan courtyard are all our friends, so you don't have to be afraid. In addition to training, you can tell them anything Zhao Gushen said.

"When training, we should work hard, but don't let ourselves get hurt." Ye Fei said softly.

She couldn't go on.

I'm afraid I'm going to cry.

Especially looking at the young guy's face, she is more and more uncomfortable.

But just now I comforted the little guy. It's not that I can't come back.

Now she has to bear it.

The little guy nodded and said, "Xiao Fei, you have to go to school tomorrow. Let's go to bed early."

Little guy clever and intimate let Ye Fei heart sour and warm.

He said "yes" and went to sleep together.

Kids don't have to go to kindergarten for summer vacation.

In the morning, ye Fei wakes up, so does he.

"Get some sleep." Ye Fei said softly.

On the other side of the little guy, Zhao Gushen also woke up.

Because today I'm going to send Ye Fei to Changping college, so I don't have to get up early to go to work, so Zhao Gu has a good sleep.

It's just that the little guy doesn't sleep very well.

I'm used to sleeping alone.

It's a hot day again. I sleep on all fours every day without even a quilt.

Last night, I suddenly met a big change in my life. I want to sleep with Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen.

I have to sleep in the middle of the C, said he is loved by his parents golden pimple.

It was quite comfortable when I just lay down.But it's too hot to sleep in the middle of the night.

The one that doesn't work with the air conditioner on.

Rolling to the left is Zhao Gushen's hotter chest than the hot summer.

Zhao Gushen is a big man. He is very angry and his body is always warm.

Little guy can't stand it.

And quickly right roll a circle, ye Fei is not as hot as Zhao Gushen, but for a long time also uncomfortable.

Moreover, there are people on both sides, so that he can't sleep.

It's hard for the little guy.

Even Zhao Gushen was awakened by him in the middle of the night.

After a long sleep, I don't know that.

It's early in the morning.

A short leg is still on Zhao Gushen's waist.

Zhao Gushen opened his eyes and saw that although the little guy woke up, his short leg had not been put down.

"I'll take you to school with Dad, too." Send Ye Fei to school, this feeling is strange and fresh.

Anyway, the little guy has a holiday. It's really nothing.

Ye Fei thinks it's OK, but she just asks Zhao Gushen, "do you want to talk to Xiao Qiu? When he gets to Changping college, let him send Xiao Mo to his old house."

Now during the day, she and Zhao Gushen are not at home, so they can't leave the little guy alone at home.

But don't want to, the little guy turned around and said to Zhao Gushen: "Dad, you take me to the company."

Zhao Gushen doesn't need to ask, but he can also understand the little guy's ideas.

Stick to them now, stay with them.

I'm going to seize every opportunity to get along with them.

Zhao Gushen knew that things were not as scary as the little guy thought.

But still said: "if you obediently do not make trouble, I can take you to."

"I'm sure I'll be good and not make trouble!" Said the little fellow at once.

"Besides, I have to work, but no one to play with. You may be bored by yourself Zhao Gushen gave him a preventive injection in advance.

"It doesn't matter. I can bring a tablet." The kids are all set.

Seeing that he had a good idea, Zhao Gushen nodded: "well, as long as you are not naughty, I will take you. If you are bored, you are not allowed to cry for someone to send you back. We all have jobs. We can't take up our working time for you. "

"I promise." Said the little fellow quickly.

It's not that he hasn't been to Changping.

So, Zhao Gushen agreed.

If you dare to be willful today, you won't want to go to the company with him in the future.