Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1118

This kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling is hard to understand.

Ye Fei has no idea. She can only look at Zhao Gushen.

Zhao Gushen thinks more than ye Fei.

"It could be the ability of the owner." Zhao Gushen said.

"The ability of the owner?" Ye Fei is surprised.

Ye Fei naturally knows the master's ability.

Zhao Gushen once explained to her in detail.

But to tell the truth, ye Fei has never been ready, and thinks that Xiaomo will wake up.

Although my husband has the ability to be a housekeeper.

But this thing is still a little illusory to her. She can't see and grasp it.

Ye Fei never thought that she would appear in Xiaomo.

Ye Fei also knows that this is contradictory.

I know this possibility, but I never thought it would appear in Xiaomo.

I always feel that this kind of thing is far away from Xiaomo.

Even if we wake up in the future, it's not so early now.

All of a sudden, ye Fei is caught off guard.

There's a sudden feeling.

"Are you sure?" Ye Fei asked.

Zhao Gushen chuckled: "it's really bad now. I'm so sure."

"After all, the awakening of the master's ability will not suddenly give you a hint, so that you can understand that your body is different. It won't be like those super powers in the movies. They will suddenly fly, run fast, jump high, and put lasers in their hands. "

"We have to wait and see if this will happen again and again in the future." Zhao Gushen explained, "and in the presence of this feeling, to verify."

"For example, my ability was triggered by accident for the first time, but at first I didn't know the key of triggering. Then every time I tried, I couldn't do it. As a result, my ability couldn't be triggered all the time. I thought it was just a coincidence or a psychological effect. " Zhao Gushen said.

"It's also after years of attention, little by little attempts, that we gradually find the key to trigger." Zhao Gushen said, "at that time, it was not that I was obsessed with the ability of the owner. On the one hand, I doubt whether I have awakened the master's ability. On the other hand, I want to see whether it is a coincidence or a real thing. I'll take care of it anyway, and it won't delay me

"Xiaomo, it's supposed to be dealt with like this. After all, there is no specific reaction for this kind of induction, so it is difficult to determine it at one time. " Zhao Gushen said.

"So is Zhuozi. He can tell the truth of each other's words." Zhao Gushen said, "but it's much easier to verify his ability than us. Just find more people, tell more lies, and verify them several times. "

"In the case of me and Xiaomo, we can only try our best to verify it through the results." Zhao Gushen said.

The little guy looked at Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen: "Dad, do you mean I have the ability to be a housekeeper?"

The little guy blinked: "I am going to be the master of my family in the future?"

Zhao Gu Shen gently knocked his forehead: "don't think so much, it's not sure yet. We need to verify it again. "

"Come on, let's go to the old house." Zhao Gushen looked at the time. It was only 7:30. It was still very early. It was getting dark.

"In this respect, er Lao is more experienced than us. Go to them and discuss it." Zhao Gushen said.

There's something about the little guy now.

No matter whether it is or not, I have to talk to the second elder.

And Zhao Gushen is more inclined to the little guy, which is about to wake up.

The little guy is not a free talker.

If he didn't really feel strong, he wouldn't say it casually.

Before, the little guy never said that.

Zhao Gushen thought about it and asked, "did you have this feeling before?"

"The little guy shook his head:" No

However, no one wanted to hurt him before.

Even fighting with Wang zishuai in kindergarten.

It was also out of the malice of Wang zishuai's family.

But that bit of malice, that is, the usual secret gossip, say some gossip.

If you want to say the degree of harm, there is really no harm.

Maybe that's why the little guy didn't feel it.

No one can say when he woke up.

Maybe I woke up long ago, but only this time, because the malice was too strong, I was felt by the little guy.

Maybe, it's just awakening, the first time.

There are many possibilities, all of which are not good.

Because before, it was Ye Fei with a little stranger.

The life and personnel they come into contact with are very simple.

No matter how intriguing, it is not too much.

Most of all, like Wang zishuai's family, they talk about ye Fei, or even say something unpleasant and slander.

Talk about it, or suppress it through kindergarten.But I don't really hurt my life.


What a big thing it is. It's not so easy to hurt one's life.

But now that I'm in the Zhao family, it's different.

It's not just a little bit of malice.

Outside people do not say that there is a Zhao Dingye and his son at home.

Therefore, it is difficult for Zhao Gushen to judge when the little guy woke up.

Zhao Gushen said to go to the old house, ye Fei action is also very fast.

I packed up immediately and went out quickly.

In order to avoid going late, er Lao has already gone to bed early.

The elderly generally sleep less.

But also because the physical strength is no longer younger than when it will be easy to lack.

So lie down early, but not necessarily sleep.

Sleep quality is not very good, some shallow sleep or even neurasthenia.

Lie down early, vaguely say sleep is not mature, say wake up and no spirit.

Then it didn't light and woke up at four or five o'clock.

But the two elders of the Zhao family are OK.

Two old people have more abundant economic conditions than ordinary old people.

Ordinary old people can't be willing to take care of their bodies from a young age, just like the second elder.

There is also nutrition, which is specially adjusted with their daily intake and supplement, and doctors regularly check them.

Apart from these two points, ordinary elderly people may not be willing to maintain their daily diet.

I'm used to saving money. The usual thinking is that it's better to save money for the elderly, or to subsidize children, or just to save money.

Even the daily fruits and vegetables such as food, are eager to pick up cheap to buy.

Not to mention to buy some tonic.

This is the way of thinking of many elderly people. They pay too much for their children, but they wronged themselves.

But Er Lao has always been well maintained.

It can also keep up with the rhythm of young people.

According to Ye Fei's experience of living in the old house, even if she sleeps earlier than the young people, she usually falls asleep after 10 o'clock.

It's just not like many young people nowadays, drinking coke and soaking wolfberry, staying up till dawn.

Three people to the old house, it's only 8:30, the time is quite appropriate.