Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1116

"But after all, the plan can't keep up with the change." Ye Fei is now talking about these, already can be relieved, also smile, "however, if it is not forced me to burn the boat, would rather not go to school also want to run to B city this determination, also can't go to today?"

"One of my goals as a child is to leave Yecheng and the other is to have a restaurant of my own. A higher goal is to make my food known to more and more people. " Ye Fei said with a smile.

"At that time, although I was forced to do nothing, it was a big step for me. I'm moving towards my goal now. Ordinary college courses don't work for me any more. It's not that it's useless to go to school, but it's not very helpful to what I'm going to do now. "

If she opens a restaurant, she can study finance and related majors.

Needless to say, there is Zhao Gushen, a professional tycoon at home.

Instead of going to university to learn those comprehensive and general courses, it's better to learn more appropriate courses directly.

"In fact, if I had been able to choose, regardless of other tuition conditions, just let me choose the school to test, I would prefer to test in Changping college." Ye Fei said, "now that I have this opportunity, I can realize my dream."

As for going to college.

If she is still young, 19 or 20 years old, she is willing to enter the campus again.

But now, her state of mind has changed, and she can't go to school as she did at the beginning.

Now she is 25 years old, and the school is full of 18 or 9-year-old children.

She's out of place in there.

Besides her family, the rest of her life is cooking. She really can't afford more time to go to school.

Although there will be some young boys and girls in Changping, Changping is different from the University.

There are also some people who have passed the Changping examination after graduating from the University.

Changping has no restrictions on the age of admission, and there are no requirements for the college entrance examination scores of that year.

So as long as you pass Changping's own exam, you can.

In addition, ye Fei has no worries about the integration of the environment.

To tell you the truth, even if you create your own brand and open a restaurant in the future.

She'd better be in charge of cooking.

As for the business of restaurants, it's up to professional people to take care of it.

Let Zhao Gushen decide.

For ye Fei to go to Changping this matter, Zhao Gushen and little guy are very happy, there is nothing not adapt.

Anyway, during the day, Zhao Gushen has to go to work and the kid has to go to kindergarten.

They were not at home.

When they get off work in the evening and after school, ye Fei will come back.

After ye Fei has cleaned up, she goes to cook for them.

It's really too hot now.

Even in the evening, it's a little cooler, but the temperature is here.

With the air conditioner on at home, I can't help feeling flustered.

Ye Fei thinks that it's better to be simple and make a cold noodle.

Take out the soft boiled noodles and dry them.

Then he took the mineral water and poured it into the bowl.

Beat the apples and pears into mud in a blender, melt them in water, add soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt and some Sprite.

Finally, put the cold noodles into the soup.

I took the ice from the refrigerator and put it into the cold noodles.

Finally, the apple, pear, onion, cucumber are cut into silk, along the bowl code on the surface, surrounded by a circle.

It's just down there, empty in the middle.

Put the pickle section in the middle of the empty position, then fold the tomato slices, beef slices on the pickle, and finally put the egg cut in half on it.

Take out the pickled cucumber from the refrigerator.

This pickled cucumber dish is to cut the skin part of the cucumber into shreds. The pulp in the middle is useless. It is beaten into Cucumber Juice by Ye Fei and added with some fruits to make vegetable juice. It's for Zhao Gushen and the little guy to drink.

Add salt, sugar and vinegar to the remaining cucumber shreds and marinate for about 30 minutes.

After squeezing the water from the pickled cucumber with salt, sugar and vinegar, use kitchen paper to suck up the remaining water, eliminating the steps of drying.

This can ensure that the cucumber can still keep crisp taste after pickling.

Slice the ginger and garlic, cut the spicy millet into shreds, and put them all into the dried cucumber shreds.

Add soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, zanthoxylum oil and fried chili oil, and stir well in Cucumber shreds.

Soak these in glass jars.

When you want to eat at any time, you can take out the shredded cucumber and eat it as a side dish, which is very convenient.

The shredded cucumber tastes crisp and relieve the heat.

The little guy wants to eat some all at once.Or Ye Fei is afraid of getting fed up with the father and son. The dishes are changing all the time, and they don't eat them every day.

It's just right to have cold noodles with pickled cucumber shreds today.

Ye Fei went to Changping today and came back to pack up again.

It's just that dinner is easier.

Little guy in the living room, smell the sweet and sour taste, saliva secretion out.

It's rare to have such a good appetite on such a hot day.

Zhao Gushen comes to the kitchen and sees that ye Fei has divided the noodles.

He came out with the bowl very consciously, and didn't ask Ye Fei to do it again.

Ye Fei simply went to wash her hands and called the little guy to have dinner.

The little guy climbed into his chair.

The bowls of the three people are generally large, but according to the amount of food the little guy eats, the weight is reduced.

Cold noodles or big bowls.

When the little guy sits here, the big bowl looks as big as the two faces of the little guy.

The little guy scooped up a spoonful of cold noodle soup first.

Because there has always been ice, cold noodle soup ice cold, particularly refreshing.

The entrance is cold and sweet and sour.

This sweet and sour, both sugar flavor, and the sweet Sprite, more apple aroma.

It's a relief.

"Have a good drink!" The little guy thumbed up, "thief cool!"

Zhao Gushen drank a mouthful of soup, but he couldn't help admiring it.

Another chopstick cold noodles, with apple and cucumber shreds, and a little onion shreds.

The cold noodles are smooth, soft and waxy, with crispness of cucumber, apple and onion.

The onion is slightly spicy and sweet, the cucumber is fresh, and the apple is sweet with slightly acid.

They were soaked in the sour soup, and the sweetness still had the acid of the soup.

Inexpressible complexity and a sense of hierarchy.

Ye Fei took a piece of beef and soaked it in the soup.

Beef leaf Fei is made of tendon bittern.

Tendon meat is not as loose as beef brisket. It has tendons in it. It is cut into thin pieces, tender and chewy. It is not as stuffed as beef brisket.